Palin for Veep Choice

I have to admit, as distracted as I’ve been lately (and as distasteful as a Juan Mexicain candidacy is for me), this one came in on me out of the sun.

Looking at Sarah Palin’s record and public statements thus far on the issues, all but two areas seem pretty strong. Environment? She’s been hoodwinked by the Church of Anthropogenic Global Warming to a degree, although, unlike Juan Mexicain, she strongly supports ANWR drilling.

On what may be the critical issue of the next four (to twenty) years, illegal aliens, she’s almost mute. I say “almost” only because I’ve run across references to her having commented, but I cannot find the actual comments.

Still, from what I’ve seen so far, if Palin and Juan Mexicain were to be elected, I’d not be excessively uncomfortable were Juan to have a stroke on or about January 21, 2009 (God forbid).

UPDATE: She was a flute player in high school/college. For those of y’all who’ve directed instrumental groups that included woodwinds, that brings up a whole buncha stereotypes (that are generally true to life; after all, that’s how stereotypes come about: they are decent shorthand for real things).

UPDATE II: I was waiting for this one:

“Today, John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency,” Obama spokesman Bill Burton said in a statement.

Now, that’s one dumbass spkesman. All that does is highlight the fact that if The Obamassiah were elected, we’d have someone with no foreign policy experience as President and a plagiarist who can’t even parrot others’ ideas w/o getting caught “a heartbeat away from the presidency”. This is an improvement? An empty suit with another empty suit waiting in the wings? Nice one, Burton. What a maroon.


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Tuesday Titter

I want this t-shirt! (thanks, hugh)

(Yeh, yeh, I know it’s not accurate and perhaps even slanderous to equate Osama bin Laden’s honest, open, above-board declaration of intent to destroy America with The Obamassiah’s disingenuous, sneaky, underhanded campaign to do the same thing via other means. My apologies to Osama bin Laden.)

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A Moving Experience ;-)

Small moving day. Lovely Daughter is bringing some small furniture items; mucho boxes and other furniture going out to storage (a store room and a storage shed); painting and cleaning and groaning, oh my! So, hit me with your best shoits while I’m sweating away today (in the mid-70s, high humidity weather. Nice temps, lousy humidity).

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Surprise! Surprise!


So, sometimes, at least when it comes to entertainment, the Great Unthinking Masses (GUMmies) can get it right. What am I talking about? Well, last night on “So You Think You Can Dance” the right person was selected by watchers of the show as “America’s Favorite Dancer” (for the 2008 SYTYCD season, that is :-)). Joshua Allen was definitely the right choice.

Now *sigh*, if only America would pay attention as closely to its politicians as it does to budding talent, we might, just might, mind you, have a bare chance of pulling the Republic out of the toilet.

Well, a guy can dream, can’t he?

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Paris Hilton for President?

For a bobbleheaded bimbo who thinks she’s lampooning Juan Mexicain’s energy policy, Paris Hilton actually makes sense in her “campaign ad” (linked above–h.t. to my Wonder Woman :-)).

Of course, “thinks she’s lampooning” is the operative phrase. While she simplifies Barack Hussein Obamassiah’s energy policy fairly well enough (“de-negativeizing” it by omitting, of course, the punitive energy taxes he wants to impose on John and Jane Doe), she oversimplifies Juan Mexicain’s policy suggestions the other direction, mentioning only the offshore drilling position he’s recently taken and omitting his seriously sensible suggestion of prize money for the development of new energy storage technologies.

Hmmm, “the old guy’s” energy policy sounds remarkably like Paris Hilton’s. I don’t know whether that’s an encouraging sign or not.

At least Juan Mexicain’s people jumped right on it and noted how much more sensible a blonde bobbleheaded bimbo’s energy policy is than a brunette bobbleheaded bimbo’s energy policy.

Come to think of it, maybe Paris Hilton as president might not be so bad considering the alternatives. What’s her position with urm, on *dang!* about illegal immigrants? If she’d come out for strict enforcement of laws already on the books on that issue, I might not even mind it when she painted the White House pink.

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The Dhimmicrappic Energy Plan

[Insert pic of “fav” Dhimmicrappic politician *spit* here]




(At least there’s an inexhaustible supply of gasbag pronouncements from ’em. Now, if only I could run my car on their reverse peristalsis flatus… )

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What Argument? I Have a Race Card…

(Slipping this one in the side door… Wait for it… Wait for it… )

melancholy: mournful; depressed; a gloomy state of mind, esp. when habitual or prolonged; depression.

Warning: this is an off-beat, hard left turn in response to an unrelated situation that reminded me that I once knew a guy (I won’t call him a pastor, although he called himself that) objected to the following song as “melancholy,” sad, depressing.

All That Thrills My Soul Is Jesus

Ah, as a “pastor,” he probably was referring to the lyrics, though, since they don’t imply but strongly and unequivocally state a joyous, thrilling response to the presence of a loving God… Melancholy, depressing thought indeed.


Just so, whenever people just plain flat ignore commonsense reasoning and facts about anything, I’m somehow reminded of this “pastor” whose objection to the above song was based on absolutely nothing inherent in the piece itself. His objections, IMO, were entirely based on his own desires to avoid the clear, unequivocal meaning and intent of the piece. So it is with darned near anyone who has more active brain cells than a head of cabbage and who at the same time utters plain nonsense, ignoring all known (to them) facts as an “argument” against something they refuse to… argue against.

Contemporary example that strangely spurred the memory above? Juan Mexicain’s handlers put out an add (correctly, IMO) suggesting The Obamassiah is an empty suit whose proposals for our current energy situation make no sense whatsoever. In reaction, instead of arguing his “proposals” (higher energy taxes, mandating lower fuel consumption, pie-in-the-sky “new energy sources” w/o oil–HOW are these things better in relieving the price at the pump? [Answer: Not at all.] Forceful assertion and boring repetition is not an argument, Obamassiah), The Obamassiah and his ‘botheads chime in with essentially, “Nanny, nanny, boo, boo, RACE CARD, nanny, nanny, boo, boo.”


No substance whatsoever. Nada, zero, zip, zilch.

I’m no fan of Juan Mexicain, as anyone who’s read more than one post @twc recently can probably tell, but The Obamassiah’s objections to the recent Juan Mexicain ad are as nonsensical–and revealing of character–as the above (unnamed) “pastor’s” objection to the song embedded in this post was. Neither have any relationship with reality, and both arrogantly assume that any listener is too stupid or cowed or in their pocket to throw a bullshit flag on their play.

Consider the bullshit flag thrown on the Obamassiah’s race card play.

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I don’t mean to be disparaging, but…

…then again, yes I do.

The latte-drinking, Prius- driving, Birkenstock-wearing, pseudo-hippy, tie-dyed, tree-hugging, clove-smoking vegetarian/vegan/macrobiotic, effete faux-intellectual, crybaby surrender monkey, “gimme, gimme,” anarcho-tyrannist, multi-culti dumbasses that make up the voters willing to support The Obamassiahs, Reids, and Pelosis of our country have convinced me that they are so stupid and ignorant that they couldn’t find their own @$$3$ with a mirror on a stick after having the location clearly defined with GPS and approach radar, while being talked through a “landing” by someone competent to find their own with no problem at all.

And that’s on their good day. (No, not “good days) Assuming any of them ever have one.

But those idiots are not the ones that bring me almost to despair. No, that honor is reserved for the folks on the other side of the Uniparty invisible aisle who believe that Juan (“I wanna be a lapdog to a Mexican president too!”) Mexicain and his ilk are in any way, shape, fashion or form “conservatives”. *sigh*

Time to play Taps for America? Not quite yet; the Uniparty (fully enabled on by the vast mass of stupid and ignorant American voters) just hasn’t gotten around to finally pulling the plug yet.

(Please, don’t even mention the Libertarian Party as an alternative. Just saying: don’t go there. *sigh*)

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News, Schmews

I’ve continued my avoidance of Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind propaganda during The Obamassiah’s “I Wanna Be President of the World” tour, but I have taken time a couple of days to turn the sound on and CLICK through channels that carry Mass Media Podpeople Hivemin d propaganda. Funny how much more I saw The Obamassiah’s face than Juan MExicain’s face. And I don’t recall even once seeing Bob Barr’s face, as I flipped through the soundless propaganda channels (Not that Bob Barr’s face is that much more interesting than the other two politicians’ *spit* faces).

Just a micro-mini-data set.

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