On Weasel Words

Mark Steyn, the otherwise clear thinker who’s under legal attack by Muslims for happening to notice that Islam is not exactly the “religion of peace” its disingenuous defenders claim, has also come under (just, IMO) attack from others for distinguishing between “Islamists” and so-called “ordinary Muslims.”

Just so we’re clear here, I do appreciate Steyn’s attempts to realistically note the clear danger Islam poses to the West (most particularly via the West’s increasing embrace of the suicidal tendency to kowtow to inferior cultures), but I agree with his detracters’ assertions that embracing the term “Islamist” give cover to the practice of al-taqiya–so-called “holy deception” by Muslims as practiced against the “dar al harb“–by Muslims who are no more peaceful than the terrorists they provide with aid and comfort.

Nor do I agree that the masses of Muslims who appear to be peaceful (whether simply because they do not happen to be genuine followers of the Prophet of hate, mass murder, rape, pillage, etc. or because they simply have not yet had opportunity to kill the kafirs) are not supporters of their terrorist brethren. As long as they begin their Islamic new year celebrating the murder of over 900 Jewish men and the rape, enslaving and pillage of their wives, children and goods, NO MUslim is anything BUT a supporter of terrorism.

Frankly, I don’t see why “ordinary Muslims” should get a bye just because they are dishonest.

And that brings me to one of my favorite quotes, taken from The Weapon, by Michael Z. Williamson,

I don’t care what the historians have to say about Lenin, the “Irish Republican Army” (which was neither Irish, Republican, nor an army), Hamas, al Qaeda… or any other group of thugs in history, or those running around now. They attack civilians to create terror, to force a government to yield. They do not attack politicians directly, or soldiers or cops. They attack civilians “because they have no choice” (and because their penises are too small for real fights and they lack the intelligence to stage real revolutions)…

[Their terrorist acts are] never their fault, of course. It’s the fault of anyone who won’t give them money, agree with their brand of extremism, and worship God in their fashion. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself for causing so much anguish?

The Weapon

The Weapon

Make the connection yourself.

As for me, I make no distinction between “Muslim,” “Islamist” and “Islamic terrorist” because even the common, ordinary, run of the mill pseudo-“peaceful” Muslim venerates the hate-mongering terrorist founder of Islam, Mohammed, The Butcher of Medina.

Just a thought from the starboard side of the Mothership, Planet Earth…

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Snow Day!

Well, America’s Third World County™ schools have had a snow day declared… even though I can’t see any measureable precip from my door. Ah, well, it’s those roads back in the piney woods that’re always the problem. If more kids walked to school like we did in The Golden Years (five miles through feet, feet I say, of driving snow *heh*), AND if government schools weren’t paid by head count, my Wonder Woman would still be going in today. As it is, unless there’s an emergency call, I’m going to have a holiday with her and take off, myself.

So, expect a twc post about anything but “Snow day!” today? Nuh-uh. Just send me a reading list. I’ll catch up tomorrow. Maybe.

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Interesting read…

…from a guy who has some knowledge of the subject. As Wikipedia (not always the best source, but close enough here) puts is, “Jerry Pournelle is a essayist and science fiction author. He holds advanced degrees in psychology, statistics, engineering and political science.”

The Voodoo Sciences

Even though its focus is not directed specifically at the science/politics interface, it’s worth reading as a prelude to considering how politics affects what is regarded as science in climatology, medicine, and other fields.

Writing elsewhere referring to the essay linked above, Pournelle does a nice shirt cuff precis of the essay:

“I long ago did an essay on “The Voodoo Science” in which I pointed out that novelists require only plausibility, lawyers need evidence, but science requires data — and also requires that ALL the data be taken into account, which means going outside closed systems to check with the real world. And that, I think, is the real difference between the fuzzy subjects and the sciences and the humanities: if you endlessly apply logic to a closed system with no chance of checking against reality, you had better have chosen the right closed system — and we have no way of knowing what that one is.”

Worth taking a couple of minutes out of your day to read and ponder, IMO.

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Dontcha Love All That Helpful Spam?

Another couple of comment spams got me thinking (not hard and not long, just twigged a couple of synapses):

“How to pick up women”

Well, I don’t need that info. Those days are long past. Although I do recall that I used to pick women up with ease. Why, I recall one whole day (when we were just dating, many, many moons ago), I picked my Wonder Woman up and walked around around an amusement park with her riding piggyback…

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ACLU and Deviant RINO Make a Good Match

In trackback and email, both John Stephenson and “Jebediah” noted the ACLU’s defense of deviant RINO, Larry Craig.

The ACLU’s argument?

“The government cannot prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Senator Craig was inviting the undercover officer to engage in anything other than sexual intimacy that would not have called attention to itself in a closed stall in the public restroom…”

The the ACLU’s argument is laughable on its face: “…sexual intimacy that would not have called attention to itself in a closed stall in the public restroom.” That it’s “supported” by a 38-year-old nonsensical Minnesota Supreme Court ruling is just icing on the cake.

Key word: “public.” Anyone imagine NOT being aware of sexual relations taking place in a “closed stall” one door over, what with four sets of feet, grunting and moaning and all the other acoutrements of getting it off? Pull the other one, doofuses. Heck, you don’t even have any real privacy when just taking a dump. (Splash, splash, gas, gas, “courtesy flush,” splash, splash… ) An “expectation of privacy” in a public facility is only present in folks who are idiots, loons or ACLU. (You guess which ones I consider the Minnesota Supreme Court of 38 years past.)

Now, if Craig had been busted in a hotel room, the ACLU would have had an argument.

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Thought for Today

A mini-micro post inspired by a comment today that got me thinking about politicians *spit*, Mass Media Podpeople and others, from Neal Boortz’s Top Ten Thoughts for 2008:

“Some people are like a Slinky … not really good for anything, but you still can’t help but smile when you shove them down the stairs.”


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Monday, Monday…

Good morning, Monday!

A couple lil thoughts to start your day:

“I certainly regret the disgrace that’s been thrust on me tonight…I certainly have lived, or have tried to live, my life so that I would never become a congressman…and I am just as ashamed of the fact I have failed as you are. And to have the commission presented by a senator is adding insult to injury.” (Will Rogers on being made an “honorary congressman”)

“History has tried hard to teach us that we can’t have good government under politicians. Now, to go and stick one at the very head of the government couldn’t be wise.” (Mark Twain, New York Herald, 8/26/1876)

“This is not the time to elect a president who needs training wheels when it comes to foreign relations.” (Fred Thompson on Huckacon’s need for a couple of days’ ducking and weaving to give his controllers time to come up with foreign policy answers.)

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Passing Shots

Saw this some time ago. Can’t remember who to credit with a hat tip:


On the road the other night. Saw a semi with a company logo with a motto that read, “Employee owned; customer driven.” Huh! They send the customers out driving those big rigs? That explains some things…

And while I’m on the road, did you ever notice that the idiots are really thick at night? Don’t believe me? Next time you’re out at night, just count how many folks can’t find their dimmer switch.

Anyone ever tell you, “Practice makes perfect”? If that were so, politicians would get it right at least once in a while.

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Just another one of those days…

Some days, I mourn for a once-sharp mind and able body. *heh* Already this morning I have:

  • lost my hat (it was on my head)
  • been unable to find my glasses (they were where I put them, but I couldn’t see that without my glasses, now could I?)
  • lost my coffee cup (with warm coffee still to drink–and yeh, it was where I’d put it, no gremlin-coffee-hiders stalking me)
  • and something else I forget… *heh*

Ain’t life grand?

Need. More. Coffee. (Now, where’d I put my cup?)

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Read the FairTax Book, Fred!

By now, both readers of twc *heh* know that I’m pretty much a “Fredhead”–that I believe Fred Thompson’s the only sane, adult human candidate running for the presidency. *heh* Yet still, there are a couple of things I’d certainly like to sit down and have a long discussion with him about, things I think he ought to address seriously in some way. One involves his reasoning for a couple of his senate votes. Oh, I understand his reasoning; I just disagree with him. The other is his inexplicable lack of support for the Fair Tax (and his own proposed tax plan).

Neal Boortz‘s article yesterday (January 7–by the time you read this, he may already have shifted it to his “archives” section, h.t., Hugh, a regular reader) touches on one of those things talking heads always–always–get wrong about the Fait Tax, either because they are too stupid to understand these things (or too lazy to do their homework) or because they have a specific agenda and are simply lying by omission or comission: imnedded taxes in the current plan and how the Fair Tax eliminates them. In yesterday’s article, Boortz takes one such Mass Media Podperson to task for getting this massive benefit wildly wrong… by simply not mentioning it.

There are several core principles of the FairTax, and one of them is that the new national retail sales tax will replace the federal taxes that are already embedded in the price of everything we buy. We didn’t make the embedded taxes up. The study was done by Harvard economists. I thought the left loved Harvard. These economists determined that, on the average, 22 percent of the cost of everything we buy represents the total embedded tax burden of every person or company responsible for bringing that product to the marketplace. Those taxes disappear under the FairTax, and when they disappear competitive marketplace pressures will drive that tax component out of the price. Then along comes the 23 percent FairTax to replace it. Result? The item costs pretty much the same. Now any reporter who wanted to do any research at all would be able to figure this out … yet Redburn makes absolutely no mention at all of embedded taxes in his article.

Why? Sloppy reporting? Or an agenda? This is a concept that hundreds of thousands of waiters and waitresses, truck drivers, construction workers, electricians, retail and service workers, farmers, hotel housekeepers and yes, even accountants understand .. but a New York Times reporter can’t?

But wait! There’s more! Redburn, of course, repeats all the fake talking points of Fair Tax opponents (except the political expediency talking point: the Fair Tax is gaining such broad based support that that lil point is starting to drop off the boards *heh*), including the old fake, “But most analysts say the tax rate necessary to replace current federal revenues, under any likely plan, would actually need to be much higher,” argument. The “most experts” referred to there are either the ones on or twice-removed, self-proclaimed “experts” citing the President’s Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform, which was forbidden to review the Fair Tax plan! So, such “experts” are talking “peaches” to the Fair Tax “apples” and any observations they made/make are invalid, period.

Let me repeat myself: every single critic of the Fair Tax plan that I’ve read or heard has either lied or through a lack of actually doing their homework repeated the lies of others in their attacks. Kinda makes one wonder just what their agenda really is, eh?

Oh, it’s simple, really: any tax plan that deposes the political power of Washington politicians *spit* and bureaucraps to meddle in folks’ lives is anathema to these statists. The Fair TAx plan is the ONLY plan that’s been floated that

a. returns the Federal government to the consumption tax principles, though not the exact model, of the Framers
b. puts the power to actually pay taxes back in the hands of the ones who pay and
c. removes that bureau of Satan, the IRS, from the electorate’s back

Each of these things gives statists the willies, which is why, absent any substantive arguments against the Fair Tax, they lie.


But that still doesn’t adequately explain to me why–while not openly opposing it–Fred Thompson hasn’t jumped on the Fair Tax bandwagon with all he has… and that’s something I’d dearly like to have a sit-down with him about.

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