Obama Suggests He Will Increases His Support Al-Qaeda: Fixates on Unused Repugncan’t Jock Straps

Syrian factions vie for control of chemical weapons.

Meanwhile, Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda, and Obama Steps Up Military Aid To Syrian Rebels

Personally, I think Syria stored Iraq’s WMD in the unused jockstraps of ball-less, go-along-to-get-along, bend over and say, “Please may I have another” cowardly country club Repugnican’ts who have sucked up to traitorous Dhimmicraps for decades, and The Zero just wants to be in on the jock strap raid, but what do I know?

Teaser Over-promised, Under-delivered

Yesterday, James O’Keefe twitted *heh* about “hidden camera” video of Piers Morgan on gun control. *meh* Yeh, yeh, a few non-committal seconds of Morgan and loads of other nobodies (from the Hivemind left, apparently, though) on the topic.

(*heh* You did catch that, right? “…and loads of other nobodies” :-))

Romney’s 47% “Gaffe”? Notsomuch.

“It’s hard to serve as president for all Americans when you’ve disdainfully written off half the nation,” [Jim Messina, Mr. Obama’s campaign manager] wrote.

How about all those “flyover” bitter clingers, Mr. President? Could it be that they don’t belong so much to the 47% receiving government largesse? Hmmm?

Contra Dhimmicraps’ glee in thinking that Romney’s recent “47%” comment is a gaffe, consider:

The Democrats think Romney just self-destructed by pointing out, um, THEIR ENTIRE STRATEGY

“Please, please, PLEASE, Br’er Dhimmicrap, do throw Br’er Romney into that briar patch!”

And Why Would That Be, Exactly?

According to ABC “News” *cough-gag*

Both the Washington Post and CNN report that if the House cites Holder for contempt, it will be the first time in history that a U.S. attorney general is held in contempt of Congress.

Could that be because this is the first time in history that a U.S. attorney general has acted so contemptuously toward Congress? Hmmm? Could be… (Is)

The Hivemind needs to learn to call a spade a spade.

Continue reading “And Why Would That Be, Exactly?”

What the Typical Libtard “Knows” About Christianity

The best, most “positive” view the typical libtard has of Christianity is,

“Jesus paid for our sins, so let’s get our money’s worth.”

Always eagerly answering Romans 6:1, “Yeh,baby!” without even the ability to move onto the next and following verses…

Apart from that, all the typical libtard can do is either cite examples of behavior by people acting in completely UN-Christian ways as evidence that Christianity is evil or simply utter lies for the hell of it. Of course, these are the same people who proclaim that the religion founded and modeled by the mass-murderer, rapist, pedophile, liar, brigand, torturer, slaver and thief, the Butcher of Medina (Mohamed, he who quite obviously, from the testimony of his own lips and the record of his life, now finds his eternal home in hell), is a wholesome “religion of peace,” with absolutely no intended irony.
