Old age is the only legitimate way to commit suicide. All other ways are for cowards.
I Don’t. . .
. . .talk about how humble I am very often. . .
Go ahead, y’all. talk among yourselves, then.
Beyond Eclecticism
Methinks my Wonder Woman’s “Welkommen” door plaque clashes with my “Go Away” door mat. . .
*scratches head* I Don’t Get It
My Wonder Woman isn’t particularly fond of a song I sometimes sing. Maybe it’s because it features her cat. . .
To the tune of “Muhammad Ali” (Float Like A Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee)
Catrina, Catrina the cat,
Floats like a butterball
‘Cos she is fat. . .
I don’t get it. What’s the problem?
Then and Now
Nearly 70 years ago/last week. So, ya think I look better without the beard? ?
Fun Stuff for New Parents?
Costume Party Idea
I don’t generally like costume parties. The last one I went to, about 42 years ago, was a Halloween costume party. I went as a nearly penniless grad student. *pa-dump-bump*
But, if I were to go to costume parties nowadays, in this age of SJWs berating folks for racism (and all other kinds of pseudo-“isms”and -“phobias”), methinks I might dress up as my favorite characters from books read as a young lad or from even earlier childhood: Little Black Sambo (eschewing the blackface makeup, just cos I don’t wear makeup well, at all, at all ?), Mowgli (now there’s a sight: Mowgli as some Olde Pharte in his seventh decade. Pass the mind bleach, please. *heh*), Uncle Tom (again, no makeup — it’s not you; it’s me 😉 ), etc.
Why? I dunno. Just to provoke some lame brained (or brain-dirtied) idiot into mockable behaviors. Because.
Now you know why I no longer get invited to parties. Works for me. Too many people give me a rash.
Handy Tip (That You Should Not Follow)
PA way to deal with muggers: “Maybe you can help me find my wallet. It’s in ‘urban cammo’ pattern, and I can’t find it anywhere.”
A Really Great, Short and Snarky Post
I forgot what I was going to write.
Cri de Coeur