Passing thought. . .

I hold teachers–real teachers–in the highest respect. “Educators” (those who are in the “edumacation game” for the ego strokes or the tenure cushion, etc.) notsomuch. I wish I knew more teachers and fewer games players and tenure trackers marking time to retirement.

And, though sadly it would do harm to the 2% who are worth anything at all, I’d be happy to see all pubschool administrators relegated to chain gangs making little rocks out of big ones. At least they could do no harm to society there.


USPS Changing Its Name?

Is “USPS” beginning to mean, “United States Postal Screw-you”? I mean, hours cut (including, at our local PO, an hour SHUT DOWN in the middle of the day and NOTHING past 10:00 on Saturday), packages “lost” and 1/10 of employees NOT surly, petty tyrants.

In recent weeks/months my Wonder Woman has had a rash of things ordered online, sent but NOT delivered by USPS. Maybe it’s just me, but it seems more and more USPS packages are “going missing” (*cough* stolen by postal workers *cough*) in recent times. . .

Whenever I can I specify either UPS or Fedex delivery. At least that way whatever it is has a chance of getting here in a timely fashion. . . or even just getting here at all.

Hey, USPS! Screw you.

Continue reading “USPS Changing Its Name?”

Check Different Angles Out, First

I occasionally see/hear frustrated people writing/muttering (or louder) about revolution as the solution the “feddle gummint” seems to be pushing its citizens subjects towards.

Better think long and hard on that, is my first council. We’re a loooooong way from needing a “solution” that, urm, revolutionary. Besides, as a “Dwarven Rifleman” (interesting fictional character) observed,

“It may seem a fine thing in song or story to be ankle-deep in the blood of your enemies but in reality it’s slippery, smells bad and is nearly impossible to get out of your socks afterwards.”

Yeh. Think long and hard before electing to pursue a course that would likely ruin every pair of socks you own. . . Just reconsider, mmK?

Memo to The Zero: Put up or shut up

Rep Stockman requests subpoena of NSA’s White House, IRS phone logs

“Obama assures the public he only collected this information to uncover wrongdoing and protect civil liberties. Clearly he would want us to use it to investigate this case, because otherwise he’d be lying,” said Stockman.

“If Obama has nothing to hide he has nothing to fear,” said Stockman.

About time at least one Republican located a workable testosterone therapy.

We Are All “Ham Sandwiches”

You’re familiar with the old saw that a prosecutor (persecutor, more like nowadays) can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich if he wants. Yeh, law enfarcement really is about that bad.

More than a few years ago, a client (who shortly thereafter moved with his family to an undisclosed rural, off-the-grid location–really) warned me to be careful what I said in phone calls, because the feds were listening in. I didn’t dispute his warning, because it didn’t matter. No matter how innocent one’s actions or speech may be, there are so many laws and regulations on the books now, that we are all “ham sandwiches”–open to be indicted for “crimes” thought up by our overlords any time they wish to have our blood.

Yeh, the “feddle gummint” has you by the short and curlies any time it wants to hang you. So? All one can do is live as best one can, as morally and ethically as possible, and let the chips fall where they may. *meh* Oh death, where is thy sting and all that.

Hell awaits law enFARCEment and bureaucraps who abuse their power. I wish them the joy of their final destination.

Ebook Problems

Well, not all that many, but. . .

I keep forgetting to return library books. Now that a majority of the books I read are eBooks, it’s just a pain to have to get in the car, schlep six miles and mosey on back.

Reading too many different books at the same time. No, not simultaneously. I’m not that fantastic. *heh* But a several open and “in process” on one computer (in browser, in Kindle app), another on my Kindle Fire and maybe another one or two on one or more other computers on top of a hardcopy book or two sometimes becomes a bit cumbersome. *meh* It’s a problem I can live with.

Buying too many books. Yeh, yeh, that bundle of seven eArcs is tempting. OK, bought. Free books? I’m in. What? Amazon’s running a deal with a few hundred eBooks at “up to 85% off”? Sign me up for the marathon shopping spree.

It’s too easy to buy more books. Too easy. What? I’m complaining? *heh*

Inigo Montoya Gets a Lot of Gigs From Me

Just re-sampled (not really re-reading it, just skimming a bit and recalling having read it as a lad) a classic Andre Norton and ran across,

“Nick could not tell whether it was singing or music. . . “

*groan* See Inigo Montoya. I do not think those words mean what she thinks they mean. Not all music is singing, but all singing (though not all that is called singing, especially nowadays) is music.*sigh*

Appreciating SPAM Comments

I don’t see many SPAM comments, never have, thanks to Askimet, so such things really stand out when they show up in a comment approval queue. Most recent? A comment complimenting my perspicacity that appeared on a page about THE correct way to load a roll of toilet paper that also contained commentary on efficient and “proper” use of same.

(It’s the voices in my head. Really.)

I Want Hercule Poirot’s Suit

And shirt and tie and cuff links and. . .

And a house with the Art Deco themes so prevalent in the early episodes of the ITV series.

Eh, but of course I don’t want such things enough to expend the effort and $$ to actually make such happen, well, except for maybe the clothes. I could really go there. In my sizes, of course. 🙂