A Brief Explanation

I frequently refer to “Hillary Clintoon” as The Queenie Cacklepants Cylon. “Queenie” cos it acts as though it were entitled to royal treatment and privileges. “Cacklepants” cos it cackles out its ass. “Cylon” because, well, evil android that cannot yet pass a Turing Test.

That is all.

Well, no. Also, remember: Never mess with a chipmunk’s nuts. (No reason. I just despaired of ever having the opportunity to insert that into a text in a context that fit it.)

Blood Sacrifice

While God long ago settled the blood sacrifice issue in His payment for our sins, the evil little “gremlins of handymannery” still exact bloody tribute, as my hands can attest.

That is all.

Warning Signs

1.) The book blurb for a self-pub contains orthographic and grammar errors as egregious as this, first sentence of a blurb did,

“A global flu pandemic has wiped out ninety nine [sic] percent of the worlds [sic] population.”

The first page of the book includes, among other offenses, “He staggered back, unable to breath.”

You might well, with signs like this, think, “Hmmm, Cupcake, if you haven’t bothered to learn basic English, why should you expect to have English speakers/readers buy your book?”

Oh, and if “Cupcake” thinks so highly of his own subliterate capabilities (and is so dismissive of his readers) as to eschew paying a competent line editor to mend his execrable grasp of grammar and vocabulary, well, that’s another strike against him and his “literary” non-efforts.

(And yeh, the butchery of English continued in that case, until I finally exited the snippet and sought some mind-cleansing in better-written text.)

Note: there is a lot of non-fiction written nowadays that is just as bad as in the fiction referred to above. Damn democratic influences in the arts! *heh*

Remember this “Holiday”

Remember, folks, Friday (April 1) is Donald Trumpery Day. It’s a big day for his cultists.

Be careful to avoid them as they gather to celebrate. The destructive power of stupid people in large numbers should never be underestimated.


Have Fun Guessing My Password, Folks!

I want to share my Gmail password with y’all. Well, the circumstances from which I derived it and its nature. It is derived from a brief incident that occurred 47 years ago in the presence of people I have not seen since that time, and is based on a specialty item in a food order placed at a business that no longer exists. It’s a simple lil 60-character phrase that I can easily recall, distorted by upper-lower case letters, symbols and numbers according to a formula I devised for that password.

Have fun breaking into my Gmail account, folks!

Oh, BTW, I did insert one teensy lil contrafactual bit into the password, just to keep cracking the thing fun.

Yes, yes I know that “cracking” (really “guessing”) my password is only one way to break into my account. Try some of the others, mmmK?

BTW, even the strongest of passwords isn’t really much good as a means of securing things on otherwise insecure platforms/environments.

BTW#2: All the obscurity and pseudo-complexity described above? Misleading. THE single most important feature of strong passwords is LENGTH.


I do enjoy mocking self-made idiots. It’s a personality flaw, and I am working on it.

It’s getting better.


Proposal for a New “Reality TV” Show for His Ignoble Trumpery

So Carson says he endorsed The Trumpery in exchange for a promise of a job in The Trumpery’s administration. (So much for Carson’s much-vaunted principles). The really cool thing is that such promises by a candidate are criminal, carrying either one or two-year sentences and fines.

“Whoever, being a candidate, directly or indirectly promises or pledges the appointment, or the use of his influence or support for the appointment of any person to any public or private position or employment, for the purpose of procuring support in his candidacy shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if the violation was willful, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.”

I’d watch a “reality TV” show based on The Trumpery’s run for office from prison, a la Eugene V. Debs. Oh, it’ll not happen any more than the Queenie Cacklepants Cylon will be forced to run from prison where it belongs (because laws aren’t for them; laws are for the oppression of “the little people”).

Still, wouldn’t it be fun? And wouldn’t it be especially fun if the Queenie Cacklepants Cylon and The Trumpery were both running from prison? I’d never be able to buy enough popcorn and beer. . .