Just picked up a free ebook on “German cuisine.” I did not know that was a thing. . . *heh*
Ya Think. . .
. . . the “city” would let me raise a few goats if I claimed them as emotional support animals?
“Nanny made GREAT comfort food!”
Guy’s got Pinoochis*
Overheard recently: “Don’t you hate it when you see an old person, then realize you went to high school with them?” Yeh, well, that only happens to me when I see my sibs. . . and they wonder why they don’t see me often at all, at all. *heh*
*”pinoochis” is a neologism I sometimes use instead of “brains.”
File This Under “I’m a Uniter, Not a Divider” *heh*
Really? Do Tell. . .
I saw a social media post recently cursing at God because one of the writer’s musical icons has COPD. It’s God’s fault, apparently, that this musician’s lifestyle, which includes some pf the leading risk factors for COPD apparently contributed to his health problems, but apparently God made him engage in risky health practices. *shrugs* ‘S’all right. God has big shoulders. Curse Him if you will (for all the good it will do anyone, which is zero). *sigh*
The main causes/risk factors of COPD are:
Air pollution
Occupational exposure- Intense and prolonged exposure to workplace dusts, chemicals and fumes
Infectious diseases such as AIDS and tuberculosis increase risk of COPD
Heck, even the musician himself “blames” an occupational hazard, viz.,
[Ian] Anderson noted that he has not had an exacerbation for a while, an improvement he puts down to living in the pollution-free English countryside – and blamed on stage smoke machines for his ill health.
“Today they’re (smoke machines) referred to as ‘hazers,’ as if they’re somehow innocent and not damaging to your lungs,” he fumed. “I really do believe that’s a very significant part of the problem that I have.”
Semi-Sorta Random Thought on the Passing Scene
In response to absolutely nothing, “ex nihilo,” as it were (from the vast, empty spaces between my ears) issues this random thought:
I believe the only proper gun regulations are self-regulations (with a tip o’ the tam, and an apology to Jeff Cooper):
1. Always treat ALL guns as loaded and ready to be discharged.
2. NEVER let the muzzle cover ANYTHING you are not prepared to destroy.
3. KEEP YOUR BOOGER HOOK OFF THE BANG SWITCH until you have acquired your target and are ready to fire.
4. Be ABSOLUTELY sure of your target and what lies beyond it.
If those four self-regulations are followed, and the Second Amendment were enforced with more than the *wink-wink-nudge-nudge* pseudo-acknowledgement now practiced (IOW, the current open, blatant, and oppressive disregard for “shall not be infringed”), then methinks the proper and ideal “gun regulations” would be in effect.
But maybe that’s just me. . .
Re-imagining Stories Using a Lame Imagination
Saw a few minutes of the Emma Watson “Beauty and the Beast.” *sigh* So very many glaring stupidities in just a few short minutes marred what might have been an entertaining flick.
Lost interest. Buh-bye!
Well, It’s No “Instalaunch” But. . .
A comment I made on another forum got a “thumbs up” from The Puppy Blender–Glenn Reynolds.
Oh, the comment?
I rarely read or hear any critique of Trump’s policies that cannot be summed up as “Orangeman bad! Therefore, this (and everything else he does/has done) is bad!” Classic ad hominem fallacy: dismissing something because of the character or personal circumstances of the person who does/utters it. Or simply because of personal rancor. Oh, I have read/heard rationalizations that purport to be arguments against his policy decisions that attempt to throw enough manure over the ad hominem nature of the fundamental argument being made, but I have read few cogent, sound arguments against most of the things he has done.
To be clear, I voted for neither of the distasteful candidates in 2016, and I find Trump in many ways to be distasteful still (not someone I would, by personal preference, select to join me for a cuppa joe and conversation), but in November, I’ll most likely vote for him, because his actual policies are at least mostly mainstream, and some of them have been better than those of recent presidents–some much better.
A Word About “Language”
Anyone who objects to the word “shit” is a prissy, blue-nosed Neo-Victorian shithead.
That is all. For now.
I Sometimes Wonder. . .
Whatever became of the lame man who was healed as recorded in Acts 3? He was 40 years old, and his entire livelihood had consisted of begging daily. Once his lameness was healed, what did he do for income?
Ah, he probably got a job with the First Church of Jerusalem. 🙂