Benefits of The Holy Brew (#1 :-))

As anyone who’s read here very much knows by now, I am a beer drinker for two very important reasons: good beer–as opposed to the stuff mass market beer manufacturers pour through horses–tastes good, and beer has many very positive health benefits (yeh, I know that’s redundant) when drunk in moderation (between 1 and 3 beers per day, depending on age and body mass).

But before I became a confirmed drinker of the number two “Holy Brew” I was long a confirmed drinker of the number one “Holy Brew”: coffee.

Here are a few noted health benefits of coffee:

At least six studies indicate that people who drink coffee on a regular basis are up to 80% less likely to develop Parkinson’s, with three showing the more they drink, the lower the risk. Other research shows that compared to not drinking coffee, at least two cups daily can translate to a 25% reduced risk of colon cancer, an 80% drop in liver cirrhosis risk, and nearly half the risk of gallstones. 1

Not bad, eh? How about some more from the same source?

“People who smoke and are heavy drinkers have less heart disease and liver damage when they regularly consume large amounts of coffee compared to those who don’t.”

Now, I haven’t smoked anything (well, apart from five small pipesfull of tobacco I found that had been languishiung in a drawer for almost 20 years), for nearly a quarter of a century, but when I did smoke (pipe, cigar), it was always accompanied by copious amounts of… coffee.

Want more? OK, more from WebMD,

There’s also some evidence that coffee may help manage asthma and even control attacks when medication is unavailable, stop a headache, boost mood, and even prevent cavities.


“There recently was a study from Brazil finding that children who drink coffee with milk each day are less likely to have depression than other children… In fact, no studies show that coffee in reasonable amounts is in any way harmful to children.”

And it’s benencifial for diabetics, too:

“Coffee is loaded with antioxidants, including a group of compounds called quinines that when administered to lab rats, increases their insulin sensitivity… Coffee has large amounts of antioxidants such as chlorogenic acid and tocopherols, and minerals such as magnesium. All these components have been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism.”

Hmmm, and itsn’t there some quinine use for treatment of malaria? Just askin’.

And, just laid your keys down and can’t recall where? Have trouble recalling a 10-digit phone number you’ve just heard? Drink more coffee!

…volunteers were shown a sequence of simple images (the letters A, B, C or D) and then asked if an image was the same as the one shown two images earlier. The volunteers were instructed to respond as quickly as possible using the right index finger for “yes” and the left index finger for “no.” The task was performed after a 12-hour period of no caffeine and a four-hour period of no nicotine exposure. Administration of 100 milligrams (mg) of caffeine (approximately the amount in two cups of coffee) as well as placebo was randomized across volunteers so that each of them underwent a caffeine and placebo scan. In the “caffeine condition,” the volunteers demonstrated a tendency towards improved short-term memory skills and reaction times during the task. The fMRI showed increased activity in brain regions located in the frontal lobe, where a part of the working memory network is located, and the anterior cingulum, the part of the brain that controls attention. In the “placebo condition,” the volunteers showed no change in activation patterns from the earlier test.2

And of course there’s more, but why belabor the issue when my Coffee Shrine is calling…

Well, THAT’S Certainly a Relief

My Wonder Woman needed another car. Not a new car, because we only buy something that fits our “cash in hand that’s not dedicated to anything else” to purchase a car. Period.

Found a nice used car, paid cash for it, she drove it back home–130 miles from the place of purchase–and we’re pleased. Thankful for and Carfax. LOTS of info there.

So, we made our moderate contribution to stimulating the economy today, I’m relieved I have one summer project off my back (though I still have to sell her old car–I’m thinking to salvage *heh*) and it’s well and truly time to move into a more relaxed pace for summer, now.

How’s your summer going?

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Celebrate Flight!

Today, June 18, is the Women’s Transatlantic Flight Anniversary. In 1928, Amelia Earhart flew from Newfoundland to Wales in 21 hours. In 1932, she became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Now, of course, we have the TSA strip-searching lil old grandmothers. My how times have changed…

For something more on the spirit of flight,

The music is

The Mass

The Mass

Whoo-Hoo! (a little joy in Mudville)

Bits n pieces:

Rainy, rainy day. Squirrels line-dancing on power lines, lots of lightning and thunder and hail and rain and nearby tornado… and the power only went down three times. Cable was out for what I believe was about six or so hours (I left after it went down and it was still down when I checked back in). But all’s well. Managed shutdowns on UPS-ed computers, so no real biggie.

Windows 7RC. What can I say? A mixed bag. Although with the ratings changes in the “Windows Experience” index this computer jumped up more than 3 points on the scale, Win7 seems much more sluggish. Notsogood. OTOH, everything works well overall, and… Windows Server Powershell is now included! (Whoo-hoo!) I had missed that before, although I assume it was probably in the earlier beta. Sure, most folks won’t use the command line much, but this is a power users’ command line. Like it. Some other good and notsogood things about this Win7 iteration, but I’ll either remark on them later or not. Who knows?

Mock stroganoff tonight. Just hamburger, onion, garlic, LOTS of freshly-ground pepper and some freshly-grated nutmeg with sour cream and the old standby shortcut, cream of mushroom soup. It’ll be fine over rice, and it’s a quick (less than 15 minutes’ prep time) and easy dinner. Some frozen mixed veggies steaming in a basket on top of the rice in the Wolfgang Puck rice cooker. Easy-peasy.

Gonna hit the sack early this p.m. Pooped puppy.

“If this is Tuesday… “

…well, it sure ain’t Belgium. No, what it is is this: the tail end of a whirlwind trip to (sort of) see my mom off on her trip to Israel. Glad I went to check up on her. She’d taken a fall late last week and hurt her knee but was refusing to see the doctor for fear he’d want to do something that would prevent her making her connections for her trip. *sigh* It’s in the genes. I do the same kind of thing. Fortunately, dragging her to the doctor only resulted in getting the right treatment for a swollen knee (X-Rays said no major damage) and her mind was eased. 85-year-old woman refusing to go to the doctor–NOT because she couldn’t afford to (was a $10 charge!) but for silly reasons. Hmmm, kinda like my reasons, usually. *heh*

Anywho, my dad will meet her there. Right now he’s finishing up a concert tour with a musical group in Armenia. Oldest guy in the group (by a couple of decades!). Still singing 1st Tenor. Go figure. My voice is now able to sing “second growler” (still coughing my lungs up; I’ll either live or die, and either one is fine by now *heh*), so maybe by the time I get to be his age, I’ll be able to get some of it back, should I live that long. πŸ˜‰ Nicest thing aboiut this trip? Some friends of theirs paid their way. They have some good friends.

Well, that’s all I really know. My Wonder Woman’s back from her librarians’ conference, and we’re both a tad pooped. As soon as Lovely Daughter’s Family Birthday Blowout is over this evening, we’re both looking forward to some crash time.

Y’all be careful out there!

Quick Handyman Tip

I’ve used this idea for years but haven’t actually passed it on to many folks before now.

Have a knife that needs a quick sharpening but don’t have a good ceramic (or other) sharpening tool handy? Well, if you’re the kind of guy who carries a knife, you are also the kind of guy who probably has a coffee cup handy. *heh* The bottom of most ceramic coffee mugs usually have unglazed rings of ceramic. Just turn a handy ceramic coffee mug over, and using the handle as a protective device (thumb through the handle, fingers gripping the mug), use that unglazed ring of ceramic exactly as you would a ceramic sharpening rod.

A few strokes later: sharp knife. I’ve found this works well enough that I gave away my most recent ceramic sharpener and haven’t really missed it. Even my largest chef’s knives are easily sharpened… with a coffee mug.

Continue reading “Quick Handyman Tip”