Well, Good

Son&Heir’s dog’s skin condition has almost entirely cleared up, so now it’s easier to collect that wonderful skin conditioner: Lab oil. *heh*

Of course, that’s just one issue the vet says is associated with canine lymphoma, but since it’s clearing up so nicely with treatment, and lymph glands are greatly reduced/reducing in size (were swollen to a painful degree), this is probably an “indolent lymphoma” (follicular lymphoma, perhaps?) —much more slowly acting than was first thought. At least his quality of life is at his old normal level: lots of energy, appetite, and. . . attitude (Good Dog 🙂 )

Have to see how the course of the disease and treatments go, but for a 9, almost 10, year old medium sized dog, he is at least able to act younger than his age, and may well meet expectations for a healthy lifespan for his size/breed.

Let hope be not dismayed.

“Consensus Science” Isn’t. Science, That Is

Whenever I see or hear someone refer to “SettledScience®” or “consensus science” I think of the late 19th century when the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) here in the United States expressed concerns about the potential for the end of knowledge. Sadly, this is not a rare phenomenon in science, just a slight twist on the “We know it all; don’t bother us with anything new or contradictory” bent of “SettledScience®.”

Settled science or consensus science ain’t science. Settled science is a classic example of the kind of UNnatural stupidity that causes enormous harm. The most nefarious (and, I fear, widespread) form of stupidity is WILLFUL ignorance, and, due to conceptual and even pre-conceptual bias and the tendency among many to simply confirm their biases with “research,” this nefarious form of stupidity has always ALSO infected science.

In the public square, this frequently translates into “Scientism,” is a cultic adulation of “science” by fanbois who worship at the feet of “SettledScience®,” “scientific consensus” or other anti-scientific belief systems. And yes, the cult is, sadly, VERY widespread in our society.
Most people, let alone “Scientism” cultists, do not have the first clue about the scientific process and if asked about the value of falsification of a hypothesis versus replication and verification of a hypothesis (or any other aspect of the scientific process) would have no response but “Science!”

And unnaturally stupid self-made morons both abound and are the backbone of the electorate. No wonder the Framers sought to curb democratic impulses. Sadly. . . *sigh*

Testament of Freedom

Something to consider as July 4 approaches:

Siedbar: Note the applause between movements by “nekulturni” (those who are uncultured, boorish, exhibiting behavior inappropriate for the context) in the audience. Those who know better save their applause for the end instead of interrupting the performance. *sigh*

On the Record

First, not this well: I personally dislike Donald Trump and would avoid him if I happened across him in public (granted, EXTREMELY unlikely). I have my reasons and they are, perhaps, idiosyncratic.

But, let me be clear. Since I dislike and even disapprove of almost ALL politicians’ character and behavior, I only vote based on their policies and track record supporting those policies in and out of office. Voting based on liking or disliking a politician for personality reasons is an execrably stupid way to vote. It’s a classic ad hominem fallacy – no, not the “internet expert’s” definition, the real thing. So, on the record:

Biden’s record is one of CAUSING rampant inflation from the get go by DELIBERATELY hiking fuel prices, INCITING an immigration crisis, ENABLING a drug crisis (bumbling moron that he is), TURNING A BLIND EYE to a human trafficking crisis, a (INTENTIONALLY?) botched withdrawal from the Middle East, and an EXECRABLY lousy foreign policy regarding the Ukraine war and the problems in Gaza. And those are his ACCOMPLISHMENTS.

The above is quite apart from the fact that I utterly despise everything about Biden. My personal feelings about the scumbag have nothing to do with an honest assessment that he is an utter disaster as a president, even a dirty sock puppet president (which he is).

Trump’s record is that unemployment was at an all-time low, job creation was high, no new war started, energy independence, peace through strength, a fast track to getting a vaccine* for covid, extensive prison reform, education reform, stopping North Korea lobbing missiles over our heads via peaceful means, and strict attention to immigration law which strengthened national sovereignty.

Naturally, Dhimmicraps were adamantly opposed to every solid, beneficial accomplishment of DJT’s administration, and continue to be wittingly and adamantly opposed to ANYTHING that is for the good of the US and its citizens.

*vaccine? Such as it was; admittedly, out of the three choices available in the US as vaccines, one was a real one

BTW, I am thankful that the SCOTUS has gotten its collective head out of its ass recently and killed the absolutely WORST action DJT made while in office, the bumpstock ban, AND that DJT has recognized his error re: the Second Amendment (at least in public comments; we’ll have to see how that pans out in policy)

Sometimes, Specializing Is the Way to Go, Ya Know?

Onychorrhexis can be caused by many different factors, but it seems to be a generational thing in my case (maternal great grandmother, grandfather, mother, to some degree, older sister [confirmed] and me, AFAIK, in sibs). as a result, even after factoring in best nutrition, etc., the shorter I can keep my fingernails (and to a lesser degree, even toenails) the better. And that’s the primary reason my Swiss Army Knife has had nail care as its main function for quite some time. Since I also carry a multitool, its other functions are pretty much superfluous. So, replacing it with a specialty Swiss Army tool was the route I’ve taken. Like it.

Victorinox Folding Pocket Knife/Nail Clip

Still has tweezers, toothpick, scissors, and one small knife blade, so essentials for a SAK are covered. N.B. I did change out the dinky lil split ring for a larger, more substantial flat one so it’d be easier to attach and remove from my “belt loop” keychains. . . that I hang from belt clips for “pocket carry.”

Meanwhile, my daily carry Swiss Army Knife (I have others, of course) goes in my EDC bag. Just in case. 🙂

Continue reading “Sometimes, Specializing Is the Way to Go, Ya Know?”

Dry fire, dry fire, dry fire. . .

Laid up with bum knee, but am making a bit of progress in a couple of areas anyway. One is more than just fun. Pistol work: dry fire exercises. Converted my aiming practice to “instinctive aiming” by working on my grip. With a better grip, I am now having success in simply pointing my practice handgun where I am looking. I started by doing that and then checking my sights and aim point with my dominant eye. Check. Then single-action (cock-aim-“fire”) checking my aim throughout (before and during trigger pull). Then, double-action.

Proper two-hand grip: quickest consistent successes. Dominant hand only: also came along quickly, just not as quickly as two hands. Off-hand: surprised me. Came along as quickly as my dominant hand.

Fun part: when I’m alone in the house I can imagine anything as “targets” and service them. Usually it’s sitting or standing still (because of knee), but even though I move with a cane in my strong hand, my off hand can still practice dry firing while moving. (Or, I can stop, use my dominant hand, then move again.)

Sure, it’s not as good as firing rounds at the range, but it’s drilling new muscle memory in so-called “instinctive shooting,” so I count it as good enough for my current circumstances. I’m eager to see how this affects live fire practice with this lil handgun.

Interesting Training Aid

I like. Where this (and other sims) fall short is haptic feedback. Still probably useful, though, as a step up from dry fire exercises and, long term, perhaps less expensive than spending tons of ammunition for completely realistic (because, REAL *heh*) experience at the range or in the field. Out of my comfort zone for $$ expenditure, though. $$ better spent on more RW equipment in my case.

Gaim training Sim hardware/software

Notes on the Passing Scene

Fani Williams disbarment? *meh* She should be disbarred for not knowing how to spell “Fanny,” but passing the bar does not necessarily assure literacy, as one discovers when reading some self-pub lawyers’ excreta.

“According to a new pre-print study, the rise in cancer deaths here in America spiked in the year 2021, and then again in 2022. And these spikes were in great excess to the multi-year trend.” See video here

Yeh, couldn’t have ANYTHING to do with COVID Panic making acquiring treatment more difficult to obtain, could it?

:hr />

“. . .any position that’s not crazy and self-destructive is now ‘far right’.” HERE

Open Borders morons achieve another milestone in their efforts to convert the US into a third world country:

Leprosy on the rise in Florida

You would think Dhimmicraps would have learned by now that college is tooooo haaarrrd for donkeys, but no. . . just too dumb to learn anything that requires discerning facts and being able to. . . reason. (But ya SURE don’t want ’em going to welding school! They’d burn the okace down and blame it in racism or FlowBull Warmening or whatever.)