Never Thought of That Before. . .

Just read a narrative describing some “eastern รœber-urban greenhorns'” first experience tacking up and riding horses. I had never before considered just how intimidating horses could be to someone from such sheltered backgrounds. *shrugs* It had just never occurred to me.

*heh* Further descriptive narrative from short “horse trek” event: “Watch that back leg so he can’t cock his guns and [‘cow’-] kick you, and mind yer back when you pull off the bridle so he can’t bite you. . .” Yeh, probably the second and third lessons taught me by one cantankerous old guy. The first one was memorable (and I still remember it when the weather changes): watch your feet–or better yet, the horse’s feet.

Olde Pharte Stuff. . .

. . .only THIS time Olde Pharte Tomcat stuff. Old guy (going on 19 years) has developed a skin condition. Petting him (while he was in his Demand Position, my lap) resulted in well-urined jeans, so. . . a soothing bath was in order. For him. Yeh, soothed his skin condition (for now; will require followups), but means, shucky darns *heh*, he’s avoiding my lap, now. Yeh, what a burden to bear: having non-cat-blocked access to my lil laptop.

He’s parked right in front of a heater vent, smartycat.

Cool Lil Devices

Kinda enjoying my Caldwell Emax Shadow hearing protection. Really attenuates loud noises while passing ambient sounds at comfortable levels. That’s all I really use them for, although I probably could also use ’em with my phone via Bluetooth. But just enhanced ambient sound + hearing protection from loud noises is all I really want or need.


I had lost track of Margaret Ball and not read anything by her for several years when I ran across A Pocketful of Stars (Applied Topology Book 1). Good stuff, Maynard. I’m now working my way through the seven book series, and, if then quality remains at the level I expect from Ball, I am NOT looking forward to finishing book seven and discovering she has not written book eight. Yet. *heh*

Oh, there’s nothing “important” about the books (although my brief spate of appreciation for advanced–or even just semi-advanced–math ~50-ish years ago and continued casual appreciation to this day does enjoy the “math talk”). They are just fun, well-told stories with amusing and interesting characters. Juuuust a wee tad Wodehousian in “fluffiness,” if Wodehouse were to have been mathematically inclined and in tune with contemporary “college kidsian” mores.

*sigh* OK, it’s taken a bit of a “bodice-ripper” turn in book 3. Oh, well. It was good while it lasted.

Little Joys

It’s been a little over two years since lil rescue kitty became “Pixel,” and the scarring from a rather horrible wound from the right side of her mouth up to her right ear is almost indiscernible, now, and she has recently started allowing–even “requesting” (demanding, more like *heh*) petting along that side of her face as well.

Her “cooing” is still as much fun to hear, and she sometimes now does so proactively, to lure in some more “pets”–walks up “cooing” and “assumes the position.” ๐Ÿ˜‰

Just One Browser? Nah.

I have to use five different browsers (and occasionally a couple more) to do the web surfing I do. Oh, I don’t _have_ to, but different sites just work differently in different browsers, even if they use the same rendering engine. And some browsers just have features that work well for certain things. Example: If I want to do some searches on topics that are just none of anyone’s business to track (say, procedures and methods for NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS *heh*), I use a TOR-enabled browser in addition to a good VPN, etc. But if I’m just comparing some items at a shopping site I use regularly, I don’t use that one because my fav TOR-enabled browser has lousy tab stacking, so I use one that can auto-stack tabs from the same host. Just different capabilities. If there are a lot of videos on my download list for the day, I use an entirely different browser that is the one I have found to be able to do that task most easily.

And sometimes I use one that offers really nice video backgrounds on its speed dial page, just ‘cos they’re “purtier” than what’s offered on any of the other browsers I use. So?

Got It Covered–Top & Bottom

So yeh, I have a pair of nice Lucchese “cowboy” boots (thanks Daddy, RIP), but I’m having difficulty finding a place to resole them ( first world problem *sigh*). Fortunately, Ariat makes some nice ropers–and not those nasty looking ones with the square toes. *heh* Inexpensive (for boots) and not too “dressy” (the Lucchese’s one real fault; I have little use for playing dressup nowadays ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) Oh, small thing: I definitely give “Lucchese” a proper Italian pronunciation, but a very plain proper pronunciation. I ain’t gonna try picking one of the regional accents. *heh*

Bug plus: My Banjo Paterson does well for work, casual, and moderately dressy, not that I’d wear it for such (cos I don’t “do” dressy now).

Oh, breaking in new boots? Yeh, saddle soap and “glove” (neatsfoot) oil. Sure they darken the leather a bit, but for these boots, that’s kinda a plus. Works a charm though.

Little Pleasures

Someone who loves me more than she ought to gave me this hat:

I love this hat. In fact, that may not be a strong enough statement. Let’s try this: this hat has resulted in my new favorite fantasy: that when I wear it, I am taller, smarter, and much less ugly. *heh* The only drawback to this hat is that I want another one, now. Yes, already. (I only have the one in one color, you see. ๐Ÿ™‚ ) But I can live with one. After all, it’s a very nice one.

Still lovin’ it.

Mischief Managed?

Well, not quite. More “wood chucking.” Sorta-kinda-almost “good enough” fitness watch buzzed me to say I had been at my optimal heart rate for 20 minutes. *meh* What does it know? Five minutes later, *bzzz* “Relax.” Yeh, says you. A few minutes later: dizzy. OK, OK, I give in.

At least it was nice weather for it. High 40s, still ice on the wood, etc. Maybe this afternoon will be time for more “wood chucking.”