The Trumpery’s Fav “Bible Verse”?

[Sidebar: it’s not just subliterate, lying politicians who make up “scripture.” I’ve known more than a few literate “preachers” who have done so wittingly.]

I hear that The Trumpery’s favorite verse from “Two Corinthians” actually starts out that way. Two Corinthians Two:Two (Trumpery Standard Version) “Two Corinthians walk into a bar. . . “

Silly Hivemind Podpeople

Saw a question posed by a Talking Head Podperson:

“Are the Presidential Debates ‘Rigged’ Against Trump?”


If they were real debates, then The Trumpery wouldn’t have an even vain hope against even the worst public speaker on the national stage, the Queenie Cacklepants Cylon (Worst? Why, its Human Emulation Module is so defective that every time it engages, the thing looks and sounds like a deranged Bonobo chimp wearing a defective shock collar, that’s how bad the thing is).

As it is, with Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind Talking Heads posing their agenda-driven questions (no doubt directly from the Hivemind’s daily download from the mothership orbiting Uranus–well, it’s as ‘kind and gentle’ a spin to put on the Hivemind’s monolithic narrative as any), all The Trumpery has to do to energize his base s show up and berate the Hivemind Podpeople for their biased approach.

Nah, what would REALLY stack the deck against The Trumpery would be if Gary Johnson were included in the show trial “debates.” THAT would chap his gizzard no end. Oh, and the Queenie Cacklepants Cylon? It’d need a LOT more oil on its disposal chute’s hinges to try to dump enough fecal matter (salvaged from banal politicians, concentrated and stored for use in its pronouncements) to make any impact at all.

Three of many Reasons Things About The Trumpery That Chap My Gizzard. . . Plus a Bonus

It’s my opinion and I’m sticking to it, unless someone can give me verifiable facts and sound reason to modify it. So there.

Here are three:

“Just to show you how unfair [1] Republican primary politics can be, I won the State of Louisiana and get less [2] delegates than Cruz-Lawsuit coming.[3]”

#1 is a two-fer, but we’ll call it just one. The Trumpery whiny baby. And he lies. What’s “unfair” about following the rules? Only dummies don’t bother to even learn the rues before trying to play the game at master level.

#2 is easy. He’s subliterate at best. He wants to run the country and is too butt lazy to even learn English. “Less” is for things that are measured. “Fewer” is for things that can be counted. Any person who has bothered to become literate knows this. The Trumpery is too butt lazy to bother his “good brain” with speaking literate English. Impressive in a president, no?

#3 His resort to losing because he was too butt lazy to do his homework and to do the essential ground work to actually win is to threaten a lawsuit he cannot win. *yawn* Moron. Go ahead, emphasize your weakness.

And last, the whole, “I was cheated” is just another page in his primary life strategy: lie, lie, lie and then? Lie again.

Here ya go: 101 of The Trumpery’s lies. Oh, the list is nowhere NEAR exhaustive, but it’s a place to start.