Stop the ACLU

A “reprint” from John Stephenson this week.

Many of us find it disturbing to hear the sympathetic apologists defend the ACLU’s work to protect pedophiles over our children. We watch the ACLU fight for sex offenders to live next to Elementary schools, and playgrounds. We watched in horror as the ACLU defended NAMBLA, under the banner of free speech, to plan and talk about how to rape young boys. It doubles the anger to hear the apologists defend the ACLU with some twisted talk perverting the Constitution.

Continue reading “Stop the ACLU”

Too Much

Update: feel free to call 202-456-1111 (the White house comment line) and quote any or all of this post, or simply make your own statement of concern/disappointment.

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.

I was not certain that Iraq was the right war at the right time when that adventure began. I had even graver doubts about the wisdom of the Administration’s prosecution of that adventure when Bremmer began botching the victory won, nevertheless, I have remained a supporter of President Bush and even of the Iraq adventure, because I could see where things could work out to our advantage. And indeed, things are lately going pretty much for the better there.

But the rest of the Global War on Terrorism (I steadfastly refuse to use the hideous term “War on Terror” to refer to anything at all—black mark on the Administration for using that abortion of the English language. *heh*) is being poorly prosecuted at best. The Saudis’ feet are scarcely being held to the fire they have stoked; the TSA (and indeed much of the “Homeland Security”-related bureaucracy) is a mess at best and horrible infriongment on a free peoples’ rights at worst; the failure to clearly state the message that our true enemy IS Islam—all are among the many failures of the Bush Administration, and President Bush personally.

Nevertheless, I have steadfastly supported both the president and his policies because they have at least, for the most part, been better than the alternatives.

But his complete surrender to the reconquistadores is the straw now breaking this camel’s back. It’s just one thing too much. The Bush Administration’s committment to NOT actively pursue enforcing our borders and the laws on the books renders it illegitimate. He and his administration have broken faith with the American citizenry, he has voided his pledge to uphold the Constitution and the laws of the land and he has abandoned all principle in the face of political correctness.

And he has shown complete incompetence in so doing.

Heck, simply enforcing laws against the hiring of illegal aliens alone would “deport” millions of illegals over the next few years. If at the same time, his administration actively protected and enforced our borders, the tide would soon turn.

And that’s with no new laws, no extraordinary measures.

Instead, he thumbs his nose at the majority of Americans who KNOW our porous borders are a national security risk. He mouths instead foolish, and patently false, proclamations that we cannot deport the millions of illegals who are already here, and he cedes our sovereignty to (largely) Mexican citizens whose own country does rigidly protect its own borders.

Heck, if Mexico can (and it does) rigidly enforce its own borders, President Bush NOT doing so here is an admission of defeat. Might as well cede the U.S. to Mexico.


(image from Rumormillnews)

Entonces podríamos todos aprender español, eh?

Update: feel free to call 202-456-1111 (the White house comment line) and quote any or all of this post, or simply make your own statement of concern/disappointment.

Nailing this thesis to the Conservative Cat’s door and at Diane’s Stuff.

Surely YOU don’t need this warning…

Look, spyware, viruses, worms and trojans are bad enough, but paying money for software to protect against these things and finding out the software is crap can be even worse.

Recently, I found another anti-spyware product that I feel fits the category of crapware. Now, keep in mind, the software I’m about to opine about is “highly rated” by some computer mags. Maybe that ought to tell you something about computer mags, as well…

I subscribe to a lot of computer newsletters, RSS feeds from comp mags, etc. Some are better than others. Brian Livingston, for example, has one of the best Windows-related newsletters out there, one that is about as transparent as you can get when it comes to his process of arriving at recommendations, etc.

Others are not so transparent. Sometimes it takes a while to weasel out the financial incentives a newsletter or mag may have for handing out a recommendation for a product, often a product not worth recommending.

Such a product, IMO, is Spyware Doctor. It advertises (often in a thinly-disguised “review-ad” that does little more than parrot company propaganda) all over the web, including in so-called newsletter “reviews.” as offering a free download and scan for spyware.

I’ve tried this piece of crap out and here’s what happened: it scanned my computer and found 16 spyware problems. Oh, my! Not good. Except… each of the problems it found were false positives. Each and every “problem” was related a legitimate, spyware-free piece of software. Not one legitimate problem was discovered, although one was labeled a “high risk” (yep: it was a legitimate piece of software).

After delivering the alarming news, the software offered to rid me of these legitimate pieces of software if I would only pay to register it.

Now, how many folks do you think fall for this? Naive users who download, scan, discover “problems” (some of which could potentially be legitimate problems on some users’ computers), PAY for the license and then “clean” their computers of legitimate programs?

Enough to keep the software available.

My advice? If you MUST try these things, first do an anti-spyware scan with Spybot Search and Destroy, Adaware (the real one from and even Microsoft Anti-Spyware. With that as a baseline,

1.) Create a Restore Point
2.) Download the software you want to try and SCAN IT with an up-to-date anti-virus (heck, scan it with another anti-spyware product before and after installation, too)
3.) Perform a scan, and when it returns results, don’t just accept its identification of problems
a.) copy the file names listed
b.) search the web using your fav search engine for
references to that file name
c.) note all the characteristics of the file listed in your
web search and compare to the files as found on
your computer

You may discover, as I did, that the “problems” found are false positives (or simply fake problems to get you to buy the product?).

BTW, even legitimate anti-virus software can register some false positives, although I’ve found the problem to be most prevalent with Microsoft’s Anti-spyware software (it keeps insisting, for example, that VNC is spyware. Go figure. Maybe M$ should take it up with Bell Labs. *heh*).

Noted at Bacon Break — those bastards!

Fair Tax Blogburst

“Every new sweeping tax law Congress enacts — always called a ‘reform’ — makes the job even more complicated and, if possible, more confusing. And the tax code longer. But we’re all supposed to swear, on penalty of perjury, that we’ve done our best to find it… Is tax reform the answer? It’s more like the problem, since every reform tends to complicate tax law only more. And the longer and worse the tax code gets, the less chance there is of really reforming the thing. What to do? Don’t mend it, end it. Abolish the tax code and start all over. Think about it: Would anybody starting from scratch come up with a system as indecipherable and counterproductive as the one we’ve got? So why not opt for a clean break with the past? Abolish the Internal Revenue Code and begin anew.” —Paul Greenberg

“[The tax code] is a monstrosity and there’s only one thing to do with it. Scrap it, kill it, drive a stake through its heart, bury it and hope it never rises again to terrorize the American people.” -Steve Forbes

I can think of not one single person who thinks that the income tax is not broken. As Paul Greenberg asks above, “Would anyone starting from scratch come up with a system as indecipherable and counterproductive as the one we’ve got?” Not hardly. The only question is, what do we replace it with? This week we’re going to keep it short and simple, because you have a homework assignment.

We can argue till the cows come home about the relative benefits of the Fair Tax, the Flat Tax, and the Income Tax (are there benefits to the Income Tax?), but “the proof is in the pudding”, as they say.

Please take the time you might spend reading a longer post, and visit The FairTax Calculator. There are eight (8) fields to complete, you’ll probably need your income tax return and a current paycheck for yourself and your spouse (if you’re married). After doing that, click “Submit” to get your results. Don’t forget to read the note at the bottom of the screen regarding your FICA (Social Security) taxes!

Then comment on this blog regarding the results. Would you like to see the FairTax implemented? I’m betting the answer will be a resounding Yes!

Academia Nut proposes killing 90% of the human race; recieves award

This is Wednesday’s Open Trackback Alliance post. Link to this post and track back. See more info at the foot of this post.

Seen the article, “Meeting Doctor Doom,” in The Citizen Scientist? It’s no real surprise that radical greens hold the views described there, but that the person described recieved an award as 2006 Distinguished Texas Scientist from the Texas Academy of Science at the meeting where he gave the speech reminded me of the vast chasm that sometimes seems to lie between the current crop of “Academia Nuts” and most other folks…

“…But there was a gravely disturbing side to that otherwise scientifically significant meeting, for I watched in amazement as a few hundred members of the Texas Academy of Science rose to their feet and gave a standing ovation to a speech that enthusiastically advocated the elimination of 90 percent of Earth’s population by airborne Ebola. The speech was given by Dr. Eric R. Pianka, the University of Texas evolutionary ecologist and lizard expert who the Academy named the 2006 Distinguished Texas Scientist….”

You really must read DL’s post about this at TMH’s Bacon Bits, if you have not already.

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Linkfest Haven

Billary cribs from sKerry playbook/Tuesday Open Post

This is an open trackbacks post. Link to this post and track back. More below.

Well, maybe there’s some hope for 2008 after all…

Here it is 2006 and Hillary Clintoon is already practicing her “Jean Fraud sKerry Weathervane” technique. It worked soooo well for sKerry in 2004 that I hope she hangs on to this technique.

Her latest? a totally disingenuousm high-deniability-factor flip-flop from an assertion that Jesus wouldn’t treat these poor, downtrodden ‘undocumented workers’ so shamefully as to actually, you know, like expect them to enter the country legally to—now—a stance that we should build a “fence” to keep them out.

Hmmm, does she really not want the illegal alien vote?

Dems Court Illegal Votes

Here’s the tricky dicky twist where she learned a bit from sKerry’s fence-straddling and wind-twirling: she doesn’t want a real fence, just a virtual one (talk about irony: a Clintoon talking about anything that has even a tenuous connection to the word “virtue”).

So much for the much-vaunted Billary Clintoon political savvy. Fence-straddling and weathervaning worked soooo well for sKerry in 2004, didn’t it? Of course, outright lies (where are the records, Jean Fraud?) are still in the Billary Clintoon political bag of tricks, but s/he can only fool nearly half the people with those.

No More B.S.

As I said, this is an open post. Link here and track back. And do check out the other linkfests listed at

Linkfest Haven

Guard The Borders Blogburst

By Heidi at Euphoric Reality

Facts are a funny thing. They are conveniently forgotten if they don’t uphold one’s point-of-view, and they’re easily overlooked if they are randomly scattered about. But when solid facts are brought together in one place, the pattern is difficult to ignore. The facts I’m about to provide below are just such a case. People may be able to overlook a single fact, but the weight of their significance cannot be denied when they come together in one place. That is the purpose of this week’s Blogburst – to look at some hard facts.

I think it’s important to study the problems of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas as instructive for the rest of the states. It may be that others can write off the doom of California by saying, “Well, that’s just California, a loony state of fruits and nuts – that would never happen here.” But while California is tipping head-first into ruin, it is highly indicative of the chain of events the rest of us are blindly bumbling through. Arizona and New Mexico have declared official states of emergency because they are completely unable to handle the burden of the influx of illegals into their communities. Texas is not far behind with mass hospital closings, an overwhelmed and declining school system, and a climbing crime rate. Just because one lives in Idaho or Nebraska or Maine does not mean that it won’t happen to you! You’re just a few years behind the curve.

The following 10 facts have been pulled from the LA Times. We’ve posted them all at one time or another at ER or in the Blogburst.

1. L.A. County has 10 million people. 40% of all workers in L.A. County are working for cash and not paying taxes. This is because they are predominantly illegal immigrants, working without a green card.

2. Of the 10 million people in L.A. County, 5.1 million people speak English. 3.9 million speak primarily Spanish. Of the 14 million people in California, 5.6 million primarily speak other than English.

3. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.

4. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.

5. Over two-thirds of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal whose births were paid for by taxpayers.

6. Nearly 25% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.

7. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.

8. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.

9. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.

10. 21 radio stations in L.A. are Spanish language only.

We need to look at the experience of California as inevitable for the rest of us – if we don’t, we’re only burying our heads in the sand and bequeathing that future to our children! After all, if we keep merrily careening down the road to California, we can’t be dumbfounded when we actually end up in California, can we?!

Here are a few more facts on a national scale:

1. Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops but 36% are on assistance/welfare. More on welfare provided to immigrants.

2. Over 70% of the United States annual population growth (and over 90% of California, Florida, and New York) results from immigration. More on immigration as the primary contributor to our population explosion.

3. The United States receives more immigrants every year than the rest of the world combined.

4. The cost of immigration to the American taxpayer in 1997 was a NET (after subtracting taxes immigrants pay) $70 BILLION a year [Professor Donald Huddle, Rice University].

5. The lifetime fiscal impact (taxes paid minus services used) for the average adult Mexican immigrant is a NEGATIVE.

6. 29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens.

The problems of illegal immigration are not solely “border state” problems. They impact everyone. California and Texas are the two biggest economic engines in the United States – and they are teetering on bankruptcy on a catastrophic scale. If they go bust, guess who picks up the pieces? Indiana, New Hampshire, South Dakota, West Virginia, and all the rest. Illegal immigration is not – I repeat, NOT – a border state problem. It’s a burden we’re all bearing and a risk we’re all sharing.

We are way past the point of half-way measures and temporary fixes. As a nation, we must demand a definitive, decisive, no-nonsense solution. We cannot be placated by smarmy speeches from self-interested politicians, or fooled by spin semantics (“it’s a guest worker program – not amnesty”), or lulled into apathy by the drone of our everyday lives.

We cannot leave this crisis to our children. Do something! Get out of your comfort zone and get involved. There are bigger issues at stake than the price of lettuce! The time is critical. And it’s NOW.

This has been a production of the Guard the Borders Blogburst. It was started by Euphoric Reality, and serves to keep immigration issues in the forefront of our minds as we’re going about our daily lives and continuing to fight the war on terror. If you are concerned with the trend of illegal immigration facing our country, join our Blogburst! Just send an email with your blog name and url to euphoricrealitynet at gmail dot com.

From the mouths of babes…

The young checker at the local grocery gave me the total for my purchases. I thought I had misheard her, so I checked the total on the register. Yep. Including tax, it was less than the cost of the items I had submitted for total.

“Was something on sale and I just missed it?”

“No sir. The price includes your senior discount.”

Ouch. Hadn’t asked for one.


From the mouths of babes…

(Guess I’m looking forward to my birthday anniversary next month.)

Parking my walker at the CIA (no, the other CIA), Camelot Destra Ideale (if your Italian is as weak/rusty as mine, go ahead and use Babelfish), Adam’s Blog (Hey, Adam: My Wonder Woman is off to a librarian’s meeting that lasts through Tuesday–know how ya may feel *sigh*) and TMH’s Bacon Bits, where I hope TMH is catching some family time this weekend.

A sensible start to education reform/ Friday—Weekend Open Post

This is an open trackback post, open all weekend long. Link to this post and track back. See more information below the post body.

This makes so much sense that it’s bound to never happen (at least as long as teachers’ unions, educrats and politicians are in the mix). Jerry Pournelle makes the following suggestion as part of his response to a reader who was himself responding to an earlier comment on education by Pournelle. Confused? Go read the posts. 1 2

“As a first cut I would offer first grade teachers a bonus of 100% of base salary if 100% of the pupils could read at the end of first grade; 50% bonus if 99% (or all but one) can read; 10% bonus if all but two; no bonus otherwise. It would make first grade teaching interesting…”

Well, d’oh, of course! If a first grade teacher has more than a couple of students who cannot read by year’s end, they have simply not done their job. Now, that could be because some jackass administrator has placed so many barriers in the way of the teacher doing his/her job that it was nigh onto impossible to do any real teaching, but it’d more likely be because the teacher was taught wrong by some jackass school of education. As Pournelle further noted,

“… give a teacher a class of IQ 70 and it will be very hard work getting them to learn to read, and they won’t learn much else — but they WILL learn to read if properly taught.”

Big “if” there. Any readers with young children (or grandchildren or neices/nephews) might want to explore Roberta Pournelle’s reading program before some prison for kids warden (disingenuously called “public school principal/superintendant”) gets its paws on them and passes them to a hamstrung teacher. (Did I just label pubschool administrators as “other than human”? Yep. And I’ll do it again. As a class, the dumbest things in “public education” are the critters that go into administration. Dumber than rocks—with the ocassional notable exception.)

Link to this post and track back. Open all weekend.

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Linkfest Haven

Continue reading “A sensible start to education reform/ Friday—Weekend Open Post”