What Fifi Bush Wants for America

A reader, Pachuco: IP:, left a non-responsive comment on a post I wrote in May of 2006, The Proper Display of the Mexican Flag on American Soil, in response to the well-documented disrespect shown the American flag on our own soil by alien invaders from Mexico (alien invaders actively aided in their crimes by both the government of Mexico and the administration of George “Fifi Mohammed” Bush–he who has both proven to be a faithful lapdog of successive Mexican presidents and girlfriend of Saudi jihadists… ). Normally, I just delete such crap as spam; if someone’s not going to really read what’s there and attempts to post a non-responsive comment, then I have little use for them or their comment.

But this time, I’ll play.

At any rate, here’s the anonymous coward who claimed “Pachuco” as his pseudonym and listed a fake email address in the email field. My response to this liar below the fold:

Flavors of the Americas’ Third World . . .

I miss the Americas’ Third World; its smells and scents, tastes and sounds; its hot dusty roads, humid gardens, evergreen selvas and cluttered suburban streets.

I miss the open markets bustling with people dressed in vibrant colors speaking in the tongues of the ancients.

I miss the gathering of women around the tortillerias where the sweet maiz turns into soft steamy pancakes as it has for thousands of years.

I miss the carnicero and lechería; the paleteros and street vendedores.

I miss the slowness of time that brings an ease to any troubled heart and soul.

I miss the rousing sound of the mariachi’s guitars, violins and trumpets.

I miss the cool breezes that danced on my face with soothing caresses and blue skies that delightingly met the golden-brown earth and vibrant green and colorful gardens.

I miss the sound of happy children laughing as they play with fat little bellies full of frijoles and maiz.

The Third World lives in a dimension you do not understand; no cell phones, no internet, no TV, no complexities, no anxieties, no Joneses to compete with and no false and fake realities – the Third World has not lost touch with nature, they are bonded to it like a child bonds to his mother.

My response?

Continue reading “What Fifi Bush Wants for America”

John’s Top Ten Reasons to Stop the ACLU

From John Stephenson:

I wanted to put something up for Labor Day here to get some inspirations sparked. For a while my priorities have been shifted. I want to announce that we will be more active in our original cause and want to thank everyone that has supported us thus far. To get our blogburst reinvigorated, I thought I’d pull out a classic… one that explains why we started and what we are all about…

Stop The ACLU was started on February 9th, 2004. We started with high hopes, and we realized we were facing a goliath. There were many reasons why we thought the ACLU needed to be countered, and they are numerous. We wanted to provide a way to inform the public of the ACLU’s agenda, as the MSM sugar coated it. We wanted to be a central database for people to gather, exchange ideas, and get actively involved in real ways of stopping them. It is a monumental task, exhausting, time consuming, and often frustrating. But it is a fight worth fighting.

We would be nothing without our supporters. To all of you, we appreciate the continued support. We have called you to action and you have answered.

There are many reasons to stop the ACLU. For this blogburst I decided to list my top ten list.

10. The ACLU was founded by Communist, with communist ideals, communist goals, and they continue to impose a Communist like agenda on America daily. The founder of the ACLU, Roger Baldwin stated clearly…

My chief aversion is the system of greed, private profit, privilege and violence which makes up the control of the world today, and which has brought it to the tragic crisis of unprecedented hunger and unemployment. Therefore, I am for Socialism, disarmament and ultimately, for the abolishing of the State itself. I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.”

9. The ACLU does not believe in the Second Amendment.

ACLU POLICY: The ACLU agrees with the Supreme Court’s long-standing interpretation of the Second Amendment [as set forth in the 1939 case, U.S. v. Miller] that the individual’s right to bear arms applies only to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia. Except for lawful police and military purposes, the possession of weapons by individuals is not constitutionally protected. Therefore, there is no constitutional impediment to the regulation of firearms. ACLU Policy #47

#8. Their outright hatred of the Boyscouts. They are currently doing everything in their power to hurt this organization. They attacked their free speech right[*] to exclude gays[**], and are threatening schools, and fighting in court to get their charters shut down. The oppose the military supporting them, and will sue the pants off any school that attempts to charter them.

#7. The ACLU are pro-death. Not only is the ACLU Pro-abortion, it’s the ACLU’s top priority. It most definitely takes a backseat to free speech for the ACLU. As a matter of fact, the ACLU has fought against the free speech rights of those that oppose it. If it’s abortion or euthanasia, as long as its pro-death you can count on the ACLU to support it. The only exception to the ACLU’s pro-death stance, is if it is a convicted criminal; in this case they are against death.

#6. The ACLU advocate open borders. Not only have the ACLU opposed the Minute Men, a group who are simply exercizing their freedom of speech[***], protesting and stepping up where the government is failing, but they have helped illegals cross the border.

#5. The ACLU is anti-Christian. The list is endless on this one. Under the guise of “separation of Church and State”, the ACLU have made a name for itself on being rabidly anti-Christian. This is one area where they are most hypocritical. They oppose tax exemptions for all churches, but fight for them for Wiccans. They are against Christianity in school, but oddly remain silent as our children are taught to be Muslims. Whether it’s baby Jesus, ten commandments, or tiny crosses on county seals, the ACLU will be there to secularize America, and rewrite our history.

#4. The ACLU Opposes National Security. The ACLU have opposed almost every effort in the arena of national security. From the [efforts to secure an area against] bird flu to bag searches, the ACLU have been against it. No matter what kind of search someone tries to do to protect people, the ACLU have proved they are against them across the board. Its kind of ironic that they don’t practice the principles they preach.

Take a walk into the NYCLU’s Manhattan headquarters – which it shares with other organizations – and you’ll find a sign warning visitors that all bags are subject to search.

#3. The ACLU Defend the enemy. They have a long history of this one. They defended the P.L.O. in 1985. They defended Quadafi in the 1980’s. And they continue today. They have told Gitmo detainees they have the right to remain silent, as in not talking to interrogators. One issue that really disturbs me is their refusal of funds from organizations such as the United Way that were concerned the money would be used to support terrorism.

In October of 2004, the ACLU turned down $1.15 million in funding from two of it’s most generous and loyal contributors, the Ford and Rockefeller foundations, saying new anti-terrorism restrictions demanded by the institutions make it unable to accept their funds.

The Ford Foundation now bars recipients of its funds from engaging in any activity that “promotes violence, terrorism, bigotry, or the destruction of any state.”

The Rockefeller Foundation’s provisions state that recipients of its funds may not “directly or indirectly engage in, promote, or support other organizations or individuals who engage in or promote terrorist activity.”

#2. The ACLU supports child porn distribution and child molesters like NAMBLA.

As legislative counsel for the ACLU in 1985, Barry Lynn told the U.S. Attorney General’s Commission on Pornography (of which Focus on the Family President Dr. James C. Dobson was a member) that child pornography was protected by the First Amendment. While production of child porn could be prevented by law, he argued, its distribution could not be.

There is no doubt the The ACLU are perverting the Constitution.

#1. The ACLU fufills its agenda using my tax money. What more can I say on this one?

There are countless reasons the ACLU needs to be stopped. So don’t just stand by and complain, do something. Get involved. Here are some ways you can get involved to help us stop the ACLU.

Support and donate to organizations fighting them in Court. Here are the ones at the forefront.

Alliance Defense Fund
Thomas More Law Center

Join the Stop The ACLU Coalition

Help us write Churches to get involved.

Tell your Congress to support the Public Expression of Relgion Act of 2005. This legislation seeks to limit attorney’s fees in Establishment Clause cases to injunctive relief only.


This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay at Jay@stoptheaclu.com or Gribbit at GribbitR@gmail.com . You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 115 blogs already onboard.

[*Note: I haven’t checked with John on this, but I’m pretty sure he meant right of free association, not free speech, although free speech infringement is certainly at the core of the ACLU’s attacks upon the Boy Scouts.–ed]

[**Here, I’m sure John doesn’t really mean gay people but homosexuals *heh*]

[***And freedoms of association, right to assemble, to petition the government for redress of grievances, etc. ]

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Mike Huckabee Jumps the Shark

He has nowhere to go now but down in the esteem of anyone who cares for liberty and freedom and personal responsibility–you know, the values bequeathed us by the Founders (yeh, those archaic, completely outdated concepts *sigh*). Anything else he says pretending to support liberty is now revealed as a sham.

Huckabee Calls for National Smoking Ban in Public Places

Now, smoking is a nasty habit. I don’t smoke and neither does anyone in my imediate family or circle of friends, but ghetto-izing smokers as Huckabee and other nanny-staters want to do is morally wrong. Shame on you, Mike Huckabee!

Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, Blog @ MoreWhat.com, Rosemary’s Thoughts, DeMediacratic Nation, Adam’s Blog, The World According to Carl, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, The Bullwinkle Blog, Cao’s Blog, CommonSenseAmerica, Right Voices, and Church and State, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

One Reason’s All I Need to Hold Politicians *spit* and Mass Media Podpeople in Contempt

Their lies. Oh, and add to the list of those I hold in contempt, the lazy, stupid (self-lobotomized), selfish, demi-wannabe-sociopaths that make up the thundering herd of sheeple who lap up politicians’ *spit* and Mass Media Podpeople’s poison and beg for more.

Most recent example: the onslaught of lies, damned lies and typical “news reportage” damning the Fair Tax. A typical example is Bruce Bartlett’s “Fair Tax, Flawed Tax” in the August 26 edition of the Wall Street Journal’s Opinion Online. Since Bruce Bartlett is widely known as an intelligent man, one who claims to do his homework and know whereof he speaks, and therefore can be assumed to have done as he purports and have actually read the Fair Tax proposal, then one may fairly characterize each and every comment he makes in criticism of the Fair Tax to be a witting, deliberate lie.

Neal Boortz does a fair shirtsleeve summation of Bartlett’s lies (charitably assuming that Bartlett simply relied on the lies or misunderstandings of others), but let me just give a (redundancy alert! :-)) brief précis of the most egregious lies:

“In reality, the FairTax rate is not 23%. Messrs. Linder and Chambliss get this figure by calculating the tax as if it were already incorporated into the price of goods and services. (This is known as the tax-inclusive rate.)”

While Bartlett does say something that is true here, he places it in the context of stating that Fair Tax proponents are lying about the 23% rate. That in itself is a pernicious lie. What Bartlett does is ignore the simple fact that all the taxes (plural!) that the Fair Tax would replace–income taxes, Social Security taxes, Medicare taxes, etc.–are also tax inclusive! Bartlett goes on to (FALSELY!) claim that “every other” tax is calculated at the “tax-EXclusive rate” when such a claim is patently false.


Bartlett further exacerbates his lying with something that a soi-disant “economic pundit” has no excuse for uttering–either complete and absolute stupidity, worthy of a brain damaged seventh grader, perhaps, or an outright, deliberate lie. Let Bartlett chose which it is.

“If a product costs $1 at retail, the FairTax adds 30%, for a total of $1.30. Since the 30-cent tax is 23% of $1.30, FairTax supporters say the rate is 23% rather than 30%.”

I’m going to Neal Boortz for the rebuttal on this one (even though Boortz all too charitably starts off simply saying Bartlett is wrong *heh*):

Wrong, wrong, wrong. If a product costs $1 at retail …. It costs $1, with the FairTax already included. This is so easy to understand, you almost get the idea that people are intentionally trying to confuse the facts here. That $1 item Bartlett is referring to costs $1 at retail today! But instead of including the FairTax in that price, all of the embedded taxes from every business and individual involved in bringing that item to the marketplace are included. You remove one, you add the other. And that bit about 30 percent to the federal government on top of the purchase price of your new home? Another lie. The embedded taxes are so high on the price of a new home today that when they are removed and the FairTax added, that home could be a percent or two cheaper! Come on, Bruce. This really isn’t that hard. Let’s try to spell this out plainly for everyone:The 23 percent FairTax is not added to the price of everything you buy … it is already included in the price of everything you will buy, just as the embedded taxes are included today. You remove one, you add the other.

Let that sink in again: the Fair Tax replaces all the taxes that are already–NOW–added into the price of everything you buy, from new houses to laundry detergent, from new cars (the Fair Tax would not apply to used goods) to tires for your old car (unless you bought used tires–*heh*). It replaces all the now hidden taxes on everyone and every business from raw materials through manufacturing, distribution and finally retail. No more paying for a business’ taxes and all the taxes on all the businesses that have led to the retail counter. Replace, not add to.

More Bartlett below the belt lies:

Since sales taxes are regressive–taking more in percentage terms from the incomes of the poor and middle class than the rich–some provision is needed to prevent a vast increase in taxation on the nonwealthy. The FairTax does this by sending monthly checks to every household based on income.

Aside from the incredible complexity and intrusiveness of tracking every American’s monthly income–and creating a de facto national welfare program–the FairTax does not include the cost of this rebate in the tax rate.

Lie #1 above: “The FairTax does this by sending monthly checks to every household based on income.”

Bullshit lie. In no way, shape, fashion or form does the Fair Tax proposal at any time or in any way specify “sending monthly checks to every household based on income” and so it would not in any way require the lie in the following sentence (Lie #2 above), either. What the Fair Tax does do is send a “prebate” to every household based on family size, period. All a family needs is valid Social Security numbers for family members. (Nice. No prebates to illegals!)

Lie #3 above: “…the FairTax does not include the cost of this rebate in the tax rate.”

According to Congressman Linder, the primary author of the Fair Tax bill, if the cost of the prebate had NOT been included, then the Fair Tax rate would have been 5% less, 18%. Bartlett either knows this and is lying or is stupid. No other options, save that he is lying and is stupid enough to think no one will call him on it (but crafty enough to know that the sheeple will lap up his poison and ask for more).

Bartlett lies about other things (of course), including the old chestnut that the 1990s “Church” of Scientology *spit* proposal for a national sales tax IS the Fair Tax proposal. (By this point in Bartlett’s article I was almost convinced that he’s become a full-blown Mass Media Podperson whose mind is fully under the control of the Hive Mind dictates from a Mother Ship orbiting Uranus–almost convinced.) Utter bullshit, as any responsible person would have determined before uttering it. (at the link, you can check out the origins of the Fair Tax proposal and determine for yourself that none of those involved have any connection to the Cult of Scientology and that the Scientology Cult tax proposal was substantially different to the Fair Tax.)

Go read the Bartlett article. The do your own homework and see. It’s true: the Fair Tax opponents have nothing but lies on their side.

(h.t. to HtH via email for the original link to Boortz and to Bartlett’s article)

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T-13, 1.40: Thirteen Things I Don’t Have to Do Today

The title says it all…

Thirteen Things I Don’t Have to Do Today.


1. Rotate my tires.

2. Bake a cake.

3. Assure world peace.

4. Suffer a fool gladly.

5. Feed the dogs (that’s Bubba’s task :-))

6. Renew my library card.

7. Have a beer (but I will anyway ;-))

8. Wash the car.

9. Re-roof the house (not today: sometime next year, maybe, but not today. *heh*)

10. Do without dessert.

11. Eat fast food.

12. Do without my Wonder Woman’s smile.

13. Make the sun shine.

Now, with all those things I do NOT have to do, everything else on my plate seems pretty darned easy.

tb-ed to the Thursday Thirteen Hub. Visit and check out some of the other T-13ers, eh?

Catch-up Day

*whew!* What with one thing and another–beginning with an early morning call dragging me from dreamland to the world of “Hurry up and hurry up some more!”–I missed out on WaPo preemtively caving to fears of Opus offending Moose-limbs, the French (well, at least their president) attempting to grow a set of national balls, and the news that one disasterous choice for U.S. Attorney General may follow another (although how could ANY Attorney General choice top Janet Reno as disasterous? SHe may not have had her introduction to Dr. Tarr and Mr. Fether in this life, but there’s a circle of hell reserved for such as she… ).

Well, I may have missed all that yesterday, but folks who linked in to my last open post didn’t. Thanks, folks, for cluing me in.

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Itchin’ to spend it…

We all have our lil “gotta-have-its”–things that we’re just itchin’ to spend money on that aren’t essentials, maybe not even all that smart as purchases, but “gotta have it.”

When I ran into (OK, bought, cos it was about the same price–actually a tad less–than a six pack of Groelsch) a KC microbrew wheat beer that really turned my crank the other day, I once again got an itch to run out and buy this:


And this (of course)


Of course, there’s no guarantee I’d be able to reproduce a beer as good as the one that inspired this lil itch–at least not right away, and probably not with the Mr Beer kit. Heck, I’d probably have to run down to the neerest place (out of state, no less) that sells the raw ingredients, fuss around with learning more about beer making and even perhaps get a “real” beer making kit that included glass carboys, etc., before I could approximate the flavor.

And how long, at about 1/3 the cost per ounce of finished product, including buying good water, would it take me to recoup the expenditure? At about 1 or two beers a day (with a meal only–I know myself at least that well), well, I’ve not run the numbers but it’d take a while.

You get my drift yet? Itchin’ to spend some money on stuff I don’t really need. Where does that come from? Why not save it?

Our whole society has undergone a sea change since about the early 1950s or thereabouts. Saving has become something few people really do. Spending, spending above ones means, staying perpetually in debt, always behind the eight ball, is something a wide majority of Americans have chosen as a lifestyle. Spending on frivolous things, such as the extra $$ for that tasty microbrew (when good old American horse pi$$ will do as much good for my heart and nervous system, etc., health *heh*).

And then I saw Jerry Pournelle’s comment on an email I sent him (no, not the first one at that link; the second one :-)):

“They fine you for saving money. This ought to tell you what they want you to do.”

Folks, this is just another reason, of very, very many, that we need to scrap the current tax code and replace it with the Fair Tax. Just think it through.

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, The Virtuous Republic, Faultline USA, Big Dog’s Weblog, Walls of the City, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, Phastidio.net, and , thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

For Your Next Exposure to the “Gomer Gestapo”?

I’ll probably not be able to fly commercially again until The Revolution. *heh* (No, I’m not on any watch lists. I’m only “dangerous” to the egos of fools. It’s cos I do not suffer fools–gladly or not that I’ll avoid commercial flight.) Still for those of you who stand in the anarcho-tyranny inspired “sheeple to subjects” transformation line often enough, perhaps these will relieve some stress.

Or not.


*heh* I suspect not, if actually used. (“Book two to Bogota!” Two points and whatever remains of the last Frisbee I had eaten by a dog to whomever can identify the speaker of that quoted remark and its context.)

TSA: sufficient evidence that the “feddle gummint” is serious about full employment for goons, idiots, dumabsses and other close relatives of congresscritters and bureaucraps. Incompetent security theater whose not-so-secret motto is, “Whenever a stupid man does something he knows is wrong, he always claims it is his duty.”

[Oops. neglected to h.t. Chaos Manor. *sigh*]

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Blog @ MoreWhat.com, Perri Nelson’s Website, Rosemary’s Thoughts, DeMediacratic Nation, Adam’s Blog, Webloggin, The Bullwinkle Blog, Woman Honor Thyself, The Uncooperative Radio Show!, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, CommonSenseAmerica, Church and State, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

If only more people understood…

…Johnny English, perhaps the West, and particularly the U.S.–who cares about France anymore?–could survive the onslaught of leftists (of darned near all stripe), Muzzies, Greens, Aztlan invaders and other barbarians (see your nightly Mass MEdia Podpeople for examples: whatever the Mother Ship orbiting Uranus has approved for plaudits you can count on being bad for civilization).

But if the message of that marvelous film, Johnny English, were properly grasped, perhaps the End of the West could be averted. I’ll leave you with these priceless gems of wisdom to get you started:

A good agent doesn’t need gadgets. The only gadgets I’ve ever needed are a sharp eye, sensitive hearing and a whole bunch of bigger brains.

As far as I’m concerned, the only thing the French should be allowed to host is an invasion.

All right, so I was wrong about the Archbishop’s bottom.

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