Yeh, riiiiiight…

My Wonder Woman’s taking a coupla classes that are ostensibly to enable her to use “technology” (Heads up! Buzzword!) to be a better librarian. One, in “ed-tech: curriculum development,” has a rather confusingly-worded assignment that seems to boil down to selecting goals for a n ed tech curriculum (supposedly for student achievement in the school) and assigning those goals to one of four categories, or “domains”


I have no idea why she didn’t want to use my suggestions…

“For the lil darlings who like to feed library books to the pooch, use them as frisbees and otherwise destroy elements of the catelog, rebind and repair all the materials thus destroyed.” (P-sycho-motor AND Attitudinal–two “domains” with one stoned goal!)

And another Intellectual/P-sycho-motor: “Using the tuba, piccolo and dilithium crystals provided, build a functioning transporter system to transport me outa this assignment.”

They seem perfectly valid to me. One deals with “old tech” and the other with “bleeding edge” tech.

Still trying to come up with a Verbal domain goal for the kids who just hafta give the librarian lip… Yeh, it’d be Verbal/Attitudinal… and by the time I finished with ’em P-sycho-motor and Intellectual as well.


Checking out the warp drive card catelogs over at Is It just Me? and TMH’s Bacon Bits.

*tink-tink* Hellooooo! Blogfathers Day countdown

UPDATE: Making this my “Open All Weekend Long” Open Trackbacks Post. Link to this post and track back. See below the post body for more.

Blogfathers Day is Sunday.

Have you got your Blogfather a (virtual) case of beer or some (virtual) porterhosue steaks or some such, yet?

Better get crackin’, cos ya don’t have a lotta time left, ya know…


As I said, this is an open trackback post open all weekend long. Link to this post and then track back. If you want to host your own linkfests, check out

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Linkfest Haven

Stop the ACLU

Crossposted from Stop The ACLU

Via Miami Herald

The recently passed Florida law that essentially bans state academic travel to Cuba promised to escalate into a constitutional battle when Gov. Jeb Bush signed it into law last month.


The American Civil Liberties Union, representing several professors from state universities, filed a lawsuit against Florida officials in federal court, claiming the travel ban is unconstitutional. The group also demands a temporary injunction to prevent the law from taking effect while the case is in court.

”This act is terribly misdirected,” Randall Marshall, legal director of the ACLU of Florida, said of the new law. “This is unconstitutional, and we hope to have this law struck down very shortly.”

The Florida Masochist has the right question:

Tell me Mr. Marshall where it says in the constitution that taxpayer money must be used to support travel? Anywhere in the world? I’ll await your reply but I doubt I’ll get one.

Continue reading “Stop the ACLU”

Hadji Girl

Oh, yeh, everybody’s got a take on this. Some of it quite pointed and clearly in the X-ring (WTG, Angel :-)). I didn’t want to comment until I’d actually heard/seen a recording that was of decent enough quality to actually make out the words.

I finally did, here.

Update: see tjhe lyrics here.

It’s gallows humor, folks. Storyline, in brief: the narrator of the lil ballad is lured into a trap by a passing young woman. Defends himself in a brutal and effective manner and ends with the tag “They shoulda known they were f***ing with a Marine…”

Exactly. don’t piss on the big dog if you’re not ready to have your throat torn out. I’m with a commenter at Hot Air

The Marine Corps Band should get sheet music written and arranged for this and play it at the White House during receptions for the Saudis and others of their ilk over Christmas and other appropriate holidays.

Served up with a nice Christmas ham. Invite the board of CAIR and stuff the ham down their throats while playing/singing “Hadji Girl” full volume.

Record the thing and play it at deafening volume in the mountains of Afganistan.

Send Abrams tanks through the streets wherever an “insurgent alley” can be found with humongous amps and speaker systems, playing “Hadji Girl” full volume.

Play it at every airport in America before every flight (heckuva screening measure).

Send every CAIR contributor a copy in the mail. Along with a can of SPAM.

And beat every single Mass Media Podperson who misrepresents the thing about the head and shoulders with a speaker blaring the thing loudly enough to make their ears bleed. For starters. The lying, traitorous scum.

And no, I am NOT going to link to the lying bastards, except for this WaPo article that seems to a casual reader to almost (almost) break ranks with the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind with the tepid, nearly accurate-enough-to-effect-plausible-deniability statement,

“The lyrics talk about the Marine gunning down members of an Iraqi woman’s family after they confront him with automatic weapons.”

Right. To a Mass Media Podperson, an attack with automatic weapons is merely a “confrontation”. They don’t note that the family has sent out one daughter to lure the young Marine into a trap, kills another one of its own in attempting to kill the Marine in the story, then he opens fire. Nope. Couldn’t do that, cos then it’d place things in context.

Oh, the WaPo does relate the death of the girl. Sure, but in a way that exonerates the people the song clearly indicates are her killers.

Typical slick WaPo disingenuity.

And let’s not forget that it is typical terrorist behavior to kill innocents, to fire into crowds without regard to life or limb of bystanders, etc. Indeed, it’s typical that they seek out such in order to create the “terror” they live by.

And Muslim families worldwide—and no doubt in Iraq as well—think nothing of “honor killings” and various mutilations of women and young girls.

so the story depicted in the song is built on firm ground in facts well-known to anyone not a Mass Media Podpeople dupe.

Throwing the bullshit flag on WaPo and all the other slightly less slick liars in the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army on this one.

One last update: Kipling had more than one answer for today’s quislings in the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army, the Academia Nut Fruitcake Regime and the Loony Left Moonbat Brigade. Try this, for example…Amd don’t miss the discussion at The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiller. Really. Don’t miss it.)

[N.B., anyone else find yet another spelling error or typo, keep ’em to yourself. I’ve spent as much time as I’m gonna fixin’ the one’s that’ve already been reported. *heh*]

“sing, sing a song…” at Blue Star Chronicles’ Open Post and Caption Contest and Dumb Ox “omnibus post”/open trackbacks.

Lest We Forget…

God of our fathers, known of old–
Lord of our far-flung battle line
Beneath whose awful hand we hold
Dominion over palm and pine–
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget – lest we forget!

Although those lines from Kipling’s Recessional aren’t directly applicable, nevertheless, as we honor our country by honoring its flag today, let us remember to honor those who have risked—and sometimes sacrificed—all to give us the opportunity to join them in defending “liberty and justice for all”.


Take time, as you consider the sacrifices of the Founders and the countless men and women who have defended the flag and all it stands for, to also consider the plight of the Marines of Haditha who are being tried by a Jusy of Jackasses in the Mass Media Podpeoples Army and these marines (and one saillor) who are being held without charges in solitary confinement for an alleged crime (for which as yet, remember, they have not been charged). Remember that the foes our men and women in uniform face in defense of this nation and its flag are not always foreign, and cannot always be defeated with the typical arms of war.

Michelle Malkin has a number of links and powerful citations concerning the “Pendleton 8” and their plight. Honoring the flag today means, among other things, honoring the principle of “liberty and justice for all”—including servicemen and women accused of but not even charged with possible crimes in a war zone.

Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved homes and the war’s desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heaven-rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, for our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner forever shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Running it up the flagpole at Stuck on Stupid, The Conservative Cat and the CIA (Cigar Intelligence Agency)

Good News Wednesday

Run this one up the flag pole and see who salutes it. (And slap the Flag Day video Diane has up, uhm, up while you’re at it. :-))

Via TRY and TLB, this lil tidbit:

In a cohort study of Kaiser Permanente members, drinking one to three cups of coffee a day was associated with a 40% decrease in the risk of alcoholic cirrhosis versus drinking less than one cup (P<0.001), according to a report in the June 13 issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine. Moreover, Arthur L. Klatsky, M.D., and colleagues at the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research wrote that this protective effect appears to be dose-dependent. Those who drank four or more cups of coffee had an 80% decrease in the relative risk of alcoholic cirrhosis (95% CI 0.1-0.4, P<0.001).

Now, isn’t that good news? Now, while drinking beer and downing jalapeno poppers to protect your prostate (sorry gals, guys only on these health benefits :-)), you can also protect your liver with a cuppa The Holy Brew. Add in the benefits of alcohol on brain cell growth, and a guy could live darned near forever, avoiding senility… and worse. *heh*

Running this up the flagpole at Diane’s Stuff, TMH’s Bacon Bits

Fair Tax/Wednesday OTA

Yep. Two birds; one stone. Fair Tax and open trackbacks to this post: link to this post and track back.

Guest post by Terry of The Right Track

There are many reasons to support the FairTax. I managed to do a little research, and found some rather unique points of view that I had not previously considered, and was reminded of some previously-covered ideas that are still worth mentioning.

  • For the most part, the FairTax is voluntary. If you want to pay the tax, purchase a new house, car, motor home, etc. If you want to avoid the tax, purchase a used house, car, motor home, etc. The tax only applies to new items.
  • No one will ever need to take out a loan to pay taxes, interest, or penalties again, as can all too often happen under our current system.
  • Drug dealers and other criminals, as well as anyone else currently paid “under the table”, will pay taxes if they purchase new items. Ever seen a drug dealer driving a used car? Ever seen a pimp shopping at Goodwill? I didn’t think so.
  • Lower income families working multiple jobs get a fantastic incentive to work now, knowing that zero Federal taxes will be withheld from their paychecks. Most of the money from the second job can be applied to whatever previously unaffordable luxury they wish — perhaps including, for the first time, a home of their own?
  • With the abolition of the death tax, homes, farms, and land which might previously have had to be sold to satisfy the government’s unquenchable thirst for money can now be retained and kept in the family. In cases where the property has been in the family for multiple generations, can you imagine the gratitude of the family?
  • Friends and family can now actually help each other out with tax-free assistance, since the gift tax will be abolished.
  • Businesses can actually lower their cost of doing business since they won’t be paying the current 7.65% matching FICA tax for each employee.
  • It’s even a good deal for the environment — think of all the paper we’ll save by not having to file taxes!

But even with all this, we must remember that the FairTax initiative is a grassroots effort. If your Senator or Representative does not support the FairTax, find out why. Then let them know that you do support it. Make phone calls, write letters. Let your friends and family know the details of the FairTax, and why you believe it is such a good deal for Americans. Only through the diligent and concerned efforts of ordinary citizens will these bills ever make it through to the floors of the House and Senate.

The FairTax Blogburst is jointly produced by Terry of The Right Track Blog and Jonathan of Publius Rendezvous. If you would like to host the weekly postings on your blog, please e-mail Terry or Jonathan. You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll.


This was a crosspost from The Right Track Blog

And don’t neglect these resources:

Zero Income Tax and Zero Payroll Tax

As I said, this is also an open trackback post. Link to this post and then track back. If you want to host your own linkfests, check out

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Linkfest Haven

Well, thanks bub! *sigh*

I may take this post down later, but for now, all the info below is superceded by this: the plugin works, but it screws up the wp-comments-post.php loading. Another weird issue, but it was the wp-comments-post.php issue that led me to nuke this otherwise neat plugin.

This is kinda blogeeky, so if that’s not your bag, just move along. Nothing to see here…

Photo Matt, tireless tinkerer in all things WordPress, has devised a very slim (less than 1K) and elegant plugin to deal with something that’s chapped my gizzard for some time: that stupid and almost always superfluous “www” in a domain name. At least, he’s been able to nuke it for WordPress blogs.

Try it. Unless you’re using a crap browser that’s also misconfigured (easy to do with *cough* Internet Exploder), just type this blog’s address with the w3, in a new browser window/tab and go.

Redirects seamlessly to the address.

See more information here about no-www:


Salty HalaL in AussielanD


“A Mus-lim prisoner successfully sued a state government in Australia $2,000 dollars because the halal meat he was given in jail was not fresh, authorities have said.

State Corrective Services Minister Judy Spence said the man, who was serving an eight year prison term for a child sex offence, had been given tinned halal meat because fresh meat slaughtered according to Is-lamic traditions had been too expensive and difficult to source.
Mus-lim prisoner wins damages over halal meat continues..
“So the prison authorities made the compromise and bought him tinned halal meat, but he complained that it was too salty and too fatty,” she told national radio.

The man, a Mus-lim of Pakistani descent, cannot be named for legal reasons. He was released last year on parole after serving five years of his sentence.”

Yes. You are sane and you are reading this.
Just how how deeply has dhimmitude penetrated into Western thinking that the Australian government can even begin to countenance this pedophile’s claims?
It is only the mentality of dhimmitude ,a uniquely, perverse Izlamic institution of religious apartheid, which has been countenanced by Liberals and implemented for over a millennium across three continents, Europe, Asia and Africa without so much as a peep, – that can explain this behavior.

Nations under Muzlim tyranny, I mean “rule”, still implement these policies toward their non-Muzlim populations. (a.k.a. Christians and Jews)

Christians, (and Jews) affectionately known by their Muzlim buddies as “infidel” populations were historically forbidden to ring church bells, build new places of worship, testify in Muzlim courts, or dress like Muzlims.(oh that one really bites.)

And now Australia epitomizes multiculturalist myopia.
Fourteen centuries of Izlamic history include religious violence and terrorism. Has someone in Aussieland forgotten the agenda?.. Jihad is nothing but an offensive war to establish the hegemony of the Sh-aria in the free world and to inflict dhimmi status on all non-Muzlims.

His meat was “not fresh”????

A known pedophile free to roam, rape and molest more children.
You think he knows the meaning of “fresh”?

Shame on Aussieland for not executing him with his fatty, salty halal in hand.

Seen at :Woman Honor Thyself

Blogfathers Day approaching/Tuesday Open Trackbacks

Tuesday’s Open Trackbacks Post. Link to this post and track back.

Most of you (all right, those of y’all NOT “born” in a cabbage patch :-)) are probably aware that Fathers Day is this coming Sunday, June 18.

Well, that’s also when I designated last year (here and here and here, among other posts) as Blogfathers Day. It seemed both appropriate and handy to appropriate Fathers Day for Blogfathers Day as well. (And I don’t often get to use “appropriate” in those two senses in one sentence, so appreciate that, too, eh? :-))

Do make time this week to post about your Blogfather, send an email of appreciation and maybe even comment on your own Blogfathers blog.

Oh, you do know what a Blogfather is, don’t you? It’s really kinda sex-linked, like Blogmother, ya know, but in this case if a guy encouraged you, helped you start off blogging, kinda “parented” you through your first Blogbaby Steps and such, well, that’s your blogfather.

Show some appreciation, wouldya? I’d like to join in, but the closest I have there are some very good blogbrothers (and sisters) and two fine Blogmoms.

And spread the word about Blogfathers Day, wouldya?


As I said, this is an open trackback post. Link to this post and track back.

If you’re interested in hosting a linkfest of your own, check out

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Linkfest Haven