“Freedom of Speech” and “Freedom of Expression”: not equivalent terms

As we approach the Fourth of July, I thought I’d take a semi-break and blog about some topics I sometimes refer to peripherally but don’t usually give full posts of their own. I’ve blogged about this topic several times (1, 2, for example) in the past, but only within the context of posts dealing with slightly broader issues. That said…

Continue reading ““Freedom of Speech” and “Freedom of Expression”: not equivalent terms”

Mending Walls: Faith, Part 3

This is an open trackbacks post, open all weekend long, through the Fourth of July. Link to this post and track back. More below the post body.

In part 1 of “Mending Walls: Faith” I very, very briefly discussed the faith (fides) covenant meme so lacking in today’s society. In part 2, I even more briefly outlined how this lack has affected the three realms of legitimate governance in society, civil government, marriage & family and, for Christians at least, the church.

In this last installment, I’ll once again very briefly mention some examples that illustrate how the current culture of faithlessness affects everyday life and how the moribund state of the faith covenant in civil government, marriage & family and in churches affects everyday life.

Keep in mind: I will NOT explore this topic in depth, although this will still be a tad long as compared to most blogposts. It’d take a full length book for each of these three parts to cover the topic seriously. That being said, and knowing it’ll be a tad longer than the majority of blogposts you may read today, either page on off or CLICk to read more at the link.

Continue reading “Mending Walls: Faith, Part 3”

Stop the ACLU

This week’s Stop the ACLU featured post from John Stephenson.

If it is a tool we use in the fight against terror one can bet that the ACLU will be against it. When the NY Times revealed classified information that we are trying to track international phone calls of suspected terrorists, the ACLU took that ball and are still running with it. When the NY Times leaked classified information that we are trying to track international bank transactions in order to catch terrorists the ACLU jumped on board with that too. If the NY Times doesn’t leak it to everyone, the ACLU will do its best by filing freedom of Information Act requests. Continue reading “Stop the ACLU”

“Meet my lil friend…”

Whaddya wanna bet this guy’s flag says, “Don’t tread on me”?

Gadsden Flag

CLICK for larger image

2nd Amendment advocate? Ya think? (Ya know the Framers saw the 2nd Amendment as a check on oppressiver government, of course… That means, ya know, that I want my own Abrams M1 and an MLSRS… or three. *heh*)

Now, pop quiz: how does this post fit in with my stated theme for the week?

Shootin’ off… my mouth at Diane’s Stuff

(BTW, I have no provenence for the lil vidclip. Was sent me in email and sender’s not sure of its provenence, either.)

Carnival of Vanities

This is a first for twc—playing in the Carnival of Vanities. Oh, it’s not that I’m not vain enough to have entered a post before (alla the mirrors cracked as I glance at them in p-assing could attest to that), it’s just that no one asked so nicely before now. :-). Mama Duck has the Carnival of Vanities up at Lil Duck Duck, along with My Open Letter to Instapundit (is that guy still around? :-)).

Just a little blip saying “Carnival of the Vanities is up” will do, I’m not asking for anything fancy…..



Fair Tax/Open Post

This is an Open Trackbacks Alliance open trackback post. Link to this post and track back. but for heaven’s sake, take time to READ the thing! Your children and grandchildren will bless you. Seriously.

In today’s Fair tax blogburst, Terry Dillard knocks down some of the anti-Fair Tax boogeymen–the scary arguments some trot out without giving them much thought. Well, Terry deals these boogeymen some mortal blows with just a little thought.

by TD of The Right Track

With any proposal, sooner or later the naysayers start their doom-and-gloom predictions. The FairTax proposal is no exception. There are those out there whining and crying about how “it won’t really work that way”, despite the fact that the current income tax system isn’t working the way it’s supposed to work. I suppose their fear is exchanging the devil they know for the devil they don’t know. In this article, I’ll highlight some of their worries and attempt to dispel them.

A national sales tax will create a huge black market.

Among all the arguments to be made against the FairTax, perhaps this one holds the least water. Arguments are made that this “black market” will spring up, with people “illegally trading DVDs, cigarettes, canned foods” yada yada yada. OK, illegally trading? What’s illegal today about trading those items? Nothing! So what’s the problem?

“They’ll be avoiding the tax!”

And that’s bad, why? My wife buys romance novels at a used book store now. She’d be avoiding the tax, too. She’s also reading books that everyone else read weeks or months ago. I say, “Come on, black market!” Only the market won’t be black. It can be right in a store front, advertising used books, consignment shops for clothes, furniture, camping equipment, you name it! A whole new type of business will emerge! That will be great for the economy, right? Right!

Continue reading “Fair Tax/Open Post”

Pure evil? You be the judge…

There are a lot of wrongs in this world, ranging from acts of assinine stupidity to unspeakable evil perpetrated by the lowest scum of the earth. You judge which this is *shudder*

Now, try to get the &%^$ song outa your head…

Crying “Fowl” at Blue Star Chronicles

Move Over (Video) iPod?

(A lil “drive-by posting” amid a jammed up day. *heh* I love having “spare posts” saved for days like today.)

The natives are restless. Growing weary of proprietary formats that lock ’em outa using their media the way they want to, cranky about irretrievable corrupted files written in formats that defy recovery and reconstruction but encourage corruption and failure, some Apple product users—including power users and Mac gurus—are abandoning ship.

Just in time, another Linux-based product for media addicts. The Linux-based Omni, from Titan Global Entertainment is a PMP (portable media player) that TGE is positioning as

“…a more featureful, lower-cost alternative to Apple’s iPod Video product.”


Check the feature set:

  • 4.3-inch “HD quality” LCD
  • 30GB hard drive
  • Bluetooth wireless
  • USB 2.0 interface
  • Lithium ion battery offering 8 hours of video or 15 hours audio playback
  • Weight — 15.2 ounces (260 gm)
  • Audio/video I/O supports MPEG4, DivX, XviD, WMA, MP3, OGG
  • DVD recorder functionality
  • Photo wallet functionality
  • Will it be a video iPod killer? No, of course not. But it may offer one avenue of escape for those held in iPod slavery. And as more alternatives come along (hopefully more and more alternatives in the open source community), I think more people will welcome an escape from iPod hell.

    Yeh, I do seriously hope for more Linux-based media options. In fact, as we continue to upgrade things here at third world county central, I’m even looking at building a media PC using a Linux-based solution. It’ll be a while before we want or need that, but I can see it coming, and there are some decent open source media center solutions out there, now.

    For handheld devices, this lil Omni looks like a really nice deal. DivX a few videos, DVDs (Yeh, I bought ’em, I should be able to view ’em where and when I want), mp3 a few more [pieces of my music recordings collection, even interface the puppy with my car stereo (yeh, there are $30 USB devices for that)… I could see it working not only for me but for a lot of other people.

    Especially since it uses standard formats I can manage and easily and safely backup.

    Tuesday: “Create Your OWn TWC Post” Day

    Too much going on today. This is an open trackback post. Link in some good stuff for me to read later. You know the drill: link to this post and track back.

    Didja know… the average American tosses nearly 1,500 pounds of garbage out each year? (Drive-by update: Oh, and that was according to stats from four years ago… think it’s more or less, now?)

    Why! That’s almost as much garbage in a year as Michael Moore-on spouts in a day! Scary. Try to cut down on your trash, eh?

    As I said, this is an open trackback post. Link to this post and then track back. If you want to host your own linkfests, check out

    Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

    Linkfest Haven

    America’s Third World County’s FTL Communication System…

    Ya know, I’ve not been able to mention the wall treatments that I’m (just now) finishing up in our home to local folks, neighbors, friends and the like. Why? Because America’s Third World County has a communication system that is faster than light. As soon as (if not slightly before) I said something like “I just finished plastering the walls, working evenings over the past few weeks… ” it’d be all over the county about how I spent all my evenings getting plastered.

    Count on it. Communication that’s faster than light, just not all that reliable.


    Knocking back a few at Consevative Cat