Light Blogging This Week

Yeh, I know it’s election week, so shame on me. I have one real post on the election that I’m working on, now. Most of the rest here at twc this week will be x-posts from GTB, Fair tax, STACLU and any willing contributors who’ve posted in the past.

‘S’a busy week here in America’s Third World County, so likely the blogging from this keyboard (apart from the above and the inevitable linkfests that direct my weekly blog reading :-)) will simply be light.

Commenters want to have something posted on the front page? Include interesting links or news in an email to me.

Yeh. Time/energies will be that tight @twc this week.


Soldiers Angels

DO take special note of Chaoric Synaptic Activity’s post on Project Valor-IT (below). CSA is taking a leadership stance in promoting this exceptionally worthy cause, and I want to encorage everyone who stops in at America’s Third World County to drop by his place for full and continuing updates. While he has an open invitation to post here, and I fully expect to see updates for the next week (and more, perhaps), I do believe that visiting his blog for the full effect will serve you well.

Thanks, Curt, for the service you are doing us all in reminding us of this worthy project.

Project Valor-IT is a project begun and administered by Holly Aho’s wonderful Soldiers Angels. Visit there, as well.


2006 Veteran’s Day Valour-IT Fund Drive – Part I

Sign up your blog to support Valour-IT HERE!


Valour-IT – Laptops for Wounded Troops with Voice Software

It’s almost he month in which we celebrate those who have put on a uniform of the Armed Forces of the United States and defended our country.

This year, as last year at this time, the MilBlogging community “virtually” gathered to care for their own, in particular, those who have suffered wounds in the War on Terrorism that have left them unable to communicate in the normal manner so many of they, and us have become accustomed to: Via typing their thoughts and greetings into a computer.

Technology has an answer for this type of disability and beginning in 2005, individuals stepped up to the plate to solve this problem by supplying our wounded warriors with laptop computers and vioce activated software, that overcomes the disabling injuries that have rendered the fingers of these men and women unusable.

The genesis of the project was an Army Captain, Chuck Ziegenfuss, who had been MilBlogging before he was wounded in an IED attack, and discussions with Beth, another blogger and plain old American citizen and school teacher with a heart to do something, from Fuzzilicious Thinking, who put their heads together and kicked this off. It’s a testimony about those who complain vs. those who just get it done. Beth and Soldier’s Angels have now supplied, with the generosity of people from around the world, over 500 laptops. Quite an accomplishment for not working this program for even two years.

The name given to this charity is “Valour-IT,” and as last year, we dedicate the days from now until November 11th as a period to solicit and gather funds to put more systems into the possession of those who have served and now are in need of our help to attempt to restore their ability to use computers to communicate with their friends, family and in the business world.

If you’re not familiar with this project, here is the link to the site where you can find the legitimacy, the history, who is supporting this program in the business world, and testimonies, as well as the link to donate.

for some detailed info on exactly how the Valour-IT laptops are helping the wounded, read this post from Beth, titled “More than a Laptop.”

If you’re familiar with Valour-IT, I ask for your support in spreading the word, telling the story, and checking with the person who controls the purse strings in your household to determine the level of funding you’re able to provide.

I plan to email my contacts, asking the same from them. for those who have a areas where you can post hard copy notices, here is a link to 8 flyers already made up publicize Valour-IT. Print out a few and hang them in full view of you’re workmates.

I will endeavor to post the statuss of the fund collections daily, as they are available from the blogs where they are doing the central accounting. We will ask you to decide which service you will donate under, but…in the long run, it matters not, except to provide some of us with the bragging rights if “our” service bests the others.

Update: Black Five, about the biggest MilBlogger there is, has his kick off post up here! Other service team leaders are listed there, but…send your $$$ to the troops thru the Navy button! (Coasties welcomed here!)

Want to play? Sign your blog up here.

Script to add the donation meter is (remove the double quotaion marks from around the first and last “carets” to make the scripting function):


November unSurprise: Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind Psychosis

NYT says Saddam had clear plans for making nuclear weapons, but it’s George Bush’s fault that these plans were irresponsibly made public… refuting the NYT’s false claims that Bush lied (oops! the article forgot to actually say that—and besides, Bush lied about Saddam being a threat, anyway, right?).

Well, that’s pretty much the way the article actually reads, when one reads for the facts and throws out the propagandizing.

The Hivemind is showing signs of schizoid behavior. Paraphrasing/encapsulating: “Bush lied about WMD/nukes, etc.” vs. “Saddam close to making a nuke in 2002.”

Of course, the Hiveminded NYT can’t seem to make its “November Surprise” even that clear. Instead, it tries to dress up the facts in “It’s all Bush’s fault” clothing in order to distract from the nuclear weapons plans not hidden behind the nonexistant curtain. (Oh, and the simple fact that the Iraqi plans and capabilities were revealed is an awful crime in and of itself, too, ya know… “threatens security”–riiiight. The security of the NYT’s lies and distortions.)

The article bloviates about how dangerous these Iraqi documents are… while never mentioning that the very existence of these documents reveals that the NYT (among others) is guilty of falsely accusing Bush of “lies” bout WMD (and particularly about Iraq’s nuclear capability development).

CLICK image for full view

The Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind is so large and clumsy it can’t even tell it’s trying to eat its cake and still have it, too.

The psychosis just keeps getting more and more pronounced, doesn’t it?

Surprise, surprise!

Not. I’ve given up trying to make sense of the Hivemind’s arguments, apart from taking passing notice of how easily it’s distracted by bright, shiny objects.

Stop the ACLU: it’s earned the title American Criminal Lame-excuses Union

Crossposted from Stop The ACLU

I was going to talk about the dishonest argument the ACLU made in its attack on Hazelton, PA for trying to crackdown on illegal immigration problems. They argued that it was not the place of small communities to create laws fashioned to their own unique problems on illegal immigration, but the Federal government’s responsibility. Of course this argument does not reflect the ACLU’s true beliefs on the topic. If the Federal government created a similar law as Hazelton the ACLU would find a different argument to oppose it. The argument was, however, good enough to convince a Clinton appointed judge to temporarily block their ordinances.

Continue reading “Stop the ACLU: it’s earned the title American Criminal Lame-excuses Union”

T-13, 1.6: Thirteen Things I Hate About John Kerry Politicians

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Thirteen Things I Hate About John Kerry Politicians

1. Lies, lies, lies (like Jean Fraud sKerry’s)

2. Arrogance (like Jean Fraud sKerry’s)

3. Slanders (like Jean Fraud sKerry’s)

4. Greed (like Jean Fraud sKerry’s)

5. Weasel-worded “apologies” when caught (like Jean Fraud sKerry’s)

6. Blame-shifting (like Jean Fraud sKerry’s)

7. Stupidity (like Jean Fraud sKerry’s)

8. Wilfull stupidity (like Jean Fraud sKerry’s)

9. Rotten to the core (like Jean Fraud sKerry–a trait he shares with Snidely Whiplash)

10. Power-hungry (like Jean Fraud sKerry)

11. Hot air (like Jean Fraud sKerry’s)

12. Ignorance (like Jean Fraud sKerry’s)

And last but not least,

13. Their silly sh*t-eating grins (like Jean Fraud sKerry’s, a trait he shares, among others, with dung beetles)

Can’t get to the Wittenburg door, so I’m posting this at Conservative Cat, Basil’s Blog, Woman Honor Thyself (who has a related post), Stuck on Stupid, Diane’s Stuff, Stop the ACLU and, of course, the Thursday Thirteen Hub.

Fair Tax

By Jonathan of Publius Rendezvous

Here is an update of candidate positions/incumbent positions on the FairTax. More information like this can be found at the “FairTax Scorecard.”

Position Updates

Nelson, Bill FL (D) Changed from WNC to Leans Against 10/12/2006
Goode, Vergil H., Jr. VA-05 (R) Cosponsors H.25 on 9/13/2006
Pence, Mike IN-06 (R) Cosponsors H.25 on 9/06/2006
Boren, Dan OK-02 (D) Cosponsors H.25 on 9/06/2006
Granger, Kay TX-12 (R) Cosponsors H.25 on 6/19/2006
Mica, John L. FL-07 (R) Cosponsors H.25 on 6/12/2006
Drake, Thelma D. VA-02 (R) Cosponsors H.25 on 6/08/2006
Isakson, Johnny GA (R) Cosponsors S.25 on 5/22/2006
Weldon, Dave FL-15 (R) Changed from Leans Against to Against (4/11/06)
Cornyn, John TX (R) Cosponsors S.25 on 4/3/2006
Crenshaw, Ander FL-04 (R) Cosponsors bill on 3/16/2006
Bonner, Jo AL-01 (R) Cosponsors bill on 3/14/2006, Changed from Leans For to For
Feeney, Tom FL-24 (R) Cosponsors bill on 3/14/2006, Changed from Leans For to For
Moran, Jerry KS-01 (R) Cosponsors bill on 2/28/2006, Changed from Leans For to For
Tiahrt, Todd KS-04 (R) Cosponsors bill on 2/8/2006, Changed from WNC to For
Davis, Susan CA-53 (D) C 2/2/2006, Changed from WNC to Against
Bachus, Spencer AL-06 (R) Cosponsors bill on 1/31/2006, Changed from Leans For to For
Sullivan, John OK-01 (R) Cosponsors bill on 1/31/2006, Changed from Leans For to For
Davis, Lincoln TN-04 (D) Changed from Leans Against to Will Not commit (1/25/06)
Weldon, Dave FL-15 (R) Changed from Leans For to Leans Against Fair Tax (1/25/06) (Corrected 2/7/2006)

Terry and I encourage each of you to consider writing [I’d say call as well, at this late date–mnmus] and asking your candidates/incumbents in this, the final week before the election. Terry and I, as I am sure most of you, consider this to be a non-partisan, no-brainer and would like to see Republicans and Democrats alike come together over such a proposal.

The FairTax Blogburst is jointly produced by Terry of The Right Track Blog and Jonathan of Publius Rendezvous. If you would like to host the weekly postings on your blog, please e-mail Terry. You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll.

Viet Nam Veterans Legacy Foundation

Via email:

For those who may have missed this, may I point you to the following:

Viet Nam Veterans Legacy Foundation, Col. George E. “Bud” Day (Director and President).

The VVLF page concerning their current law suit against Kerry, et. al.

More about this suit here, including a short intro to Col. Day,

Col. Day is chairman of the Vietnam Veterans Legacy Foundation (VVLF), a group of Vietnam combat veterans who sued Sen. Kerry for “conspiracy and defamation.” Day is the most decorated Air Force veteran alive, a Medal of Honor recipient, a veteran of three wars and a former Vietnam POW held captive for over five years.

See also, Stolen Honor, here

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