Whoa! Dude! (Superbowl Blogging?)


Just woke from a much-needed Sunday afternoon nap and began cleaning up comments/trackbacks held in moderation. Saw one that reminded me that today is Superbowl Sunday.


Yeh, me, watch some other guys play a game? Not gonna happen. Boh-oh-oh-oh-ring. It’s kinda like a guy watching someone else kiss his girlfriend for him. Only pervs (no, not this kind) could get a charge outa that kinda action. “I like to watch” eh? *bleh* Armchair “athletics” just doesn’t float my boat. I’d rather read a book.

Almost any book.

Color me disinterested, if you will.

Trackposted to Wake Up America, The Virtuous Republic, Faultline USA, stikNstein… has no mercy, basil’s blog, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, Stuck On Stupid, Cao’s Blog, and OTB Sports, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Pensées sur la scène de dépassement

Another one of those posts where I celebrate the demise of a few hundred thousand brain cells… semi-random thoughts on the passing scene, beginning with…

Someone reminded me recently of a time many, many years ago when I needed (*ack!*) to read Simone de Bouvier’s “The Second Sex”—an unwitting revelation of her abusive relationship with Jean paul Sartre—for an assigned paper and all the copies I could find in English translation were either too expensive to add to an already strained student’s budget or checked out of all the libraries I could find.

So I read the French version. Couldn’t do that, now, cos too many brain cells have died and been replaced by these incompetent, lazy things I now have. *heh*

Oh. Well. At least I could parse the title of this blogpost correctly. I think.

The Mad pidgeon does better than simply rehash the Marxist source of PC Newspeak in this post. (Yeh, Orwell was a prophet. He just got the year wrong.) Most folks who read here probably know the source of our society’s contemporary totalitarian PC thrust, but The Mad Pidgeon’s presentation is very, very good and worth a read even if the subject is not new to you. Kudos, MP.

*YAWN* Windows Vista’s cloudy outlook? Well, with the cost of the software half (or less!) of the total cost of upgrading, considering the high hardware overhead Vista really requires to access its “coolness factor” and additional DRM disabling of hardware functionality possible, it’s hardly any wonder folks are not stampeding to buy the thing. I know I’ll only have it installed on a new computer, purpose-built for testing and familiarization. And not any time real soon, either.

And what’s with the Apple Quicktime security hole patch? The “new” QT player that’s downloadable at the Apple site is 7.1.3, and after installation, it proudly proclaims there is no newer update. it lies. The patched version is 7.1.3.[some monstrous string of numbers], and a security scan of the computer I attempted to update for the patch reveals it ain’t patched, not at all, at all. Froze that computer attempting to redownload the thing yet again. And that’s a comp that never freezes… until interacting with this Apple sauce.

Apple stinks. Windows sucks dead bunnies through a straw. And Linux, try as it might, is still not quite there for Aunt Tilly’s desktop (but I’m glad to use it on this desktop while Ziggy goes through its first forced reboot in ages… *sigh*).

In England, “Students now required to declare parent’s degrees so they can be discriminated against.” h.t Harry Erwin. ”

Give it up, Nancy; you’re no Tippi Hedron.

The only way to stop digging yourself into a hole is to just stop digging. Seems simple enough, right? I mean, it’s insane to keep on doing the same things the same way when they’ve lost $658 million in one quarter, right? Try to tell that to the NYT. Yeh, I know it was “absorbing a loss” from some papers it aquired, but you’d think they’d know that up front. Where else were they making a profit? Very nearly nowhere, mon frère.

Another passing thought as I consider the William Arkin flap. The jerk is well and truly getting his just deserts in the outpouring of anger at his (disingenuously denied) call to the American military to STFU. Once again, a leftist confirms: “freedom of speech” means only “agree with the left” when spoken by one of the Newspeaking leftists. Read the paragraph that clued me into the fact that Arkin’s piece was intended to shut the troops up, no matter how he disingenuously proclaims his committment to free speech:

I’m all for everyone expressing their opinion, even those who wear the uniform of the United States Army. But I also hope that military commanders took the soldiers aside after the story and explained to them why it wasn’t for them to disapprove of the American people.

*huh*?!? He’s “all for everyone expressing their opinion” BUT military commanders should take “the soldiers aside after the story and [explain] to them why it wasn’t for them to disapprove of the American people.” Ignore for the moment the deceptive framing stating “disapprove of the American people”–where Arkin equates reportage by Mass Media Podpeople to “the American people.” Focus on the complete disavowal of freedom of speech he falsely claims to support in the first sentence with “[explain] to them why it wasn’t for them to disapprove of the American people.” Obviously, to Mr Arkin, “freedom of speech” when applied to military personnel means “freedom from speech”–just another lil lesson in Newspeak from the left.

And consider (it’s not such a wildly unrelated thought as you might at first think :-)):

“The state which separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools.”—Thucydides. Fortunately, most of our military are better-educated than the general population, and the officer corps, from the many I have known, better-educated than most college faculties. So, in our society, it’s the civilian population that tends to be dominated by cowardly, as well as poorer, thinking. Chew on that one, “C-” Jean Fraud Kerry.

Listen to, watch, read the “news” dropped on Americans daily–just now and then, if you can’t stand a daily dose of the posturing, primping and pontificating of Mass Media Podpeople. Now, tell me this: does a public that is so easily decieved by such transparent lies and twisting of truth, by tales told (by idiots, full of sound and fury… ) to decieve and manufacture outcomes antithetical to the values of life, liberty, and the pursuit (NOT guarantee) of happiness, does such and easily-decieved populace deserve the republic once left us by the Founders? Does such a populace deserve the “blood and toil and sweat and tears” of generations of patriots including those now serving our country in Iraq and Afganistan?

Obviously the answer is no. But then, if any of us got what we deserved, then we’d all be in a world of hurt… We must simply and humbly Just be glad for those generations of true patriots, including the current generation, and do whatever we can to honor their sacrifice by doing all we can to expose the lies of the Mass Media Podpeople, the politicians *spit* and all their ilk whose goals are to get their own before the country is driven to hell in a handbasket (by them).

Trackposted to Right Pundits, Perri Nelson’s Website, Is It Just Me?, The Random Yak, A Blog For All, Adam’s Blog, Right Truth, Maggie’s Notebook, basil’s blog, Shadowscope, Cao’s Blog, The Bullwinkle Blog, Phastidio.net, The Amboy Times, Conservative Thoughts, Pursuing Holiness, 123 Beta, The HILL Chronicles, Faultline USA, Right Celebrity, Woman Honor Thyself, stikNstein… has no mercy, Pirate’s Cove, The Right Nation, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, Renaissance Blogger, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.


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T-13, 1.16: Thirteen Things About Snow

Well, after the ice storm that took America’s Third World County down a coupla weeks ago, I knew winter had well and truly arrived, but yesterday was quiet, constant reminder: all day (and apparently well into and through the night) snow.

So, what about snow?

1. It does not come down silently. The rush of flakes dropping on cover already laid down is an especially interesting sound.

2. The old saw about no two snowflakes being alike? Really? Who’s examined every snowflake? Until someone has done that (a plainly impossible task, since no one’s going back in time to examine all the snowflakes that ever were, let alone last long enough to examine all the snowflakes that ever will be), let’s just take that lil piece of pompous “wisdom” with a grain of salt, OK?

3. But all right, I’ll give the mechanistic folks a bye on the color of snow. Ignore all that white you see (the reflection of nearly every color in the visible spectrum for humans). Snow is really made up of transparent crystals. Snow just looks white to you and me because, despite the fact that snowflakes are transparent crystals, because we can’t see through those transparent crystals. (Making sense yet?)

4. The Boys (our son’s dogs) hate it while it’s coming down but love it once it’s on the ground. Go figure.

5. Some folks like strapping long narrow things on their feet and playing “collect multiple injuries” in semi-controlled falls down long snow-covered mountain faces. Takes all kinds. (X-country skiers are masochists of a different kind. My kind. Once upon a time, that is. “Long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away… ” :-))

6. Most Third World County drivers apparently have NO idea how to handle driving on snow (or ice). Seriously. See one coming? Your best bet is to duck for cover. Seriously. *heh* Especially the bubbas who think 4WD trucks (usually with empty beds, for a nice UNeven weight distribution) can just drive full speed ahead on snow laid over ice. Again, takes all kinds.

7. Shoveling snow can too be fun. (Repeat this mantra until your driveway is clear, then repent your lie while warming up with some hot cocoa in a long hot soak.)

8. Kids canNOT leave snow alone. They have to *shudder* play in it! That one fact alone is the separator between childhood and adulthood. *heh* (Note: adults can play in snow, but cannot be compelled by childish urges to do so. Can’t resist the urge? Grow up.)

9. The best thing about snow? When there’s enough of it to give my Wonder Woman a snow day.

10. I can recall the time when “snow ice cream” became a no-no. Yeh, during all the scare about fallout from nuclear bomb testing in the 50s.

11. Fun to watch the tracks of small animals accumulate on an expanse of freshly fallen snow and attempt to decipher them.

12. Snowmen? I don’t need no stinking snowmen. Yeh. yeh, made some with the kids when they were young. Even made a few when I was a kid. BTDT. I’ll probably have to do the same some day with grandchildren, if I can make my old bones do that sort of thing by then. But right now? Frosty can take a hike.

13. TANSTAFL. Snow days have to be made up eventually.

Linked to the Thursday Thirteen Hub and The Trouble With Angels Wednesday OTA and

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Perri Nelson’s Website, Faultline USA, A Blog For All, stikNstein… has no mercy, Right Truth, Big Dog’s Weblog, basil’s blog, Stuck On Stupid, Common Folk Using Common Sense, The Pink Flamingo, The Bullwinkle Blog, Jo’s Cafe, Maggie’s Notebook | Conservative Blog, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

You Do the Math/OTA Day

Yeh, a linkfest, but first: can your kids do simple (really simple) math?

A people who cannot do math are easily fooled by false statistics and prone to falling prey to fallacious arguments. Simple arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) form the foundation for learning how to use numbers with understanding. Heck, simple arithmetic like that demonstrated in the video below is useful in everyday life, because we always have the calculator that’s located between our ears, and facility with numbers can often be faster and easier for on-the-spot calculations than dragging out an electronic calculator when doing price comparisons while shopping, figuring board feet at the lumber yard, etc.

But “educators” (specifically NOT teachers) have managed once again (remember “new math” anyone?) to make simple arithmetic complex enough to ensure failure. (But surely all those “smart” people in schools of education know what they are doing? Surely?)

Watch the video and then check to see what textbook is used in your school district, and what it teaches. I know what’s being used in our local district, and once again the unholy alliance of local school administrators, remote educrats and schools of education have managed to frustrate teachers and students in the pursuit of learning here in America’s Third World Countyâ„¢.

When you stop throwing things, get out there and find out what your local schools are teaching. Make some noise if it is “misundereducating” the youth of your community, cos those are future voters and workers, folks.

Want to make more noise? Go here. It’s mentioned in the video above, but what the heck, I’m a reasonably full-service kinda guy.

Once again a h.t. to a contributor at Chaos Manor Musings.

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Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Right Pundits, Perri Nelson’s Website, The Random Yak, Adam’s Blog, Big Dog’s Weblog, Right Truth, Shadowscope, Common Folk Using Common Sense, Cao’s Blog, Conservative Cat, Faultline USA, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, Renaissance Blogger, Planck’s Constant, Dumb Ox Daily News, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Continue reading “You Do the Math/OTA Day”

Listing to Starboard


Sure, it’s a linkfest, but before we get to that, the content indicated by the pun in the title…

The List:

Orson Scott Card, a semi-classical liberal Democrat (meaning not really classical liberal, but leaning that way; a kinda Roosevelt/Truman “liberal”) has another serious essay on the Iraq war worth your time. Being Orson Scott Card must be fun. A strange critter: Semi-classical liberal Democrat; right most of the time. As in

Keep in mind that most of the country of Iraq is functioning surprisingly well, despite the forays of terrorists into Shiite-majority and Kurdish-majority areas. The economy of most of Iraq is doing better than it ever was under Saddam; the people are far more free and, for the Shiites and Kurds at least, safer than before.

I missed this article by Jonah Goldberg, cos it was right around the time of The Great Third World County Ice-out. He cites de Toqueville and takes off from there essentially touching on Samuel Francis’ term “anarcho-tyranny” without actually mentioning the term. Example:

…We ban using trans fats for millions but flinch at the idea that some kid might have to endure the Pledge of Allegiance or a moment of silence in school if it conflicts with his conscience. Everyone must surrender his shoes, his regular-sized toothpaste and shampoo at the airport, but we man the barricades to protect a few young Muslim men from being inconvenienced for an extra five minutes at the airport.

Linkfested in earlier, this post from Pirate’s Cove deserves to be highlighted. As an example of anarcho-tyranny, the persecution (and prosecution and conviction) of two Border Patrol agents for doing their job stands out head and shoulders above the crowd of government misbehavior in recent months (including even the misbehavior by the prosecutor in the Duke rape case). Shame on the “Justice” Department for proceding with the persecution. Shame on U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton for ginning up the phony charges. Shame on the jury for being so stupid as to convict these two Border patrol agents for doing their job. And shame on President Bush for not getting off Vicente Fox’s lap long enough to pardon these guys.


Read these three 1 2 3 WSJ articles by Charles Murray on education in America. No, really. READ them! Lil tickle from the first one: “Half of all children are below average, and teachers can do only so much for them.”

It’s hard to argue rationally against someone who’s actually done the politically incorrect real science on a subject and is able to make general applications sensibly. (Yes, Charles Murray wrote The Bell Curve. Have you read it?)

More anarcho-tyranny.

“Power corrupts. The ability to arrest and imprison another human being is an immense power that is held in bounds by principles based on common sense and common decency.”

Or not:

Why was the boy pursued so zealously? Jeanne calls it “a witch hunt” fueled by two factors: Thomas campaigned for office on a promise of being tough on sex offenders; and, he needs a high conviction rate in that area.

The real answer, however, may be the one Matt’s attorney reportedly received when he asked the County Attorney’s office, “Why are you doing this?”

According to Jeanne, he answered, “Because we can.”

16-year-old boy pursued as a sex offender for… being a (typically hormone-driven stupid) 16-year-old boy. Shades of Duke.

Lastly, just cos I want to, a link to a very short piece on Lincoln, in the spirit of this comment by Jerry Pournelle:

You can prove anything if you make up your data. You can draw any lessons you like from history if you ignore all the inconvenient historical facts. You may learn from good history but you learn little from bad history.

The article says nothing new or surprising (at least to folks who actually read a little history instead of the fluff that’s taught in schools), but it does nicely put paid to “The Great Emancipator” meme.

As Toynbee famouslysaid, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” (Of course, he said many other things nearly as pithy about history. :-))

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Cogent Arguments Against “Intelligent Design”

(Links below are to typical examples of business as usual, demonstrating, though not proving, that there are some serious, serious issues with “intelligent design”… Far too many examples to cite more than one per “argument”)


The White House


The State Department (h.t. Jerry Pournelle)

I could go on, but perhaps you get the drift: a “design” that could result in its creations carefully and with stupidity aforethought devising ways to commit serial monumentally stupid acts may not be all that “intelligent” to begin with.

Then again, all of these are arguments against both classical and neo Darwinism: how can the idiots who populate these organizations (and the citizens who give them the power to be so monumentally stupid) have evolved from lower life forms?

There must be another answer…

Trackposted to Pirate’s Cove, Mark My Words, The Bullwinkle Blog, High Desert Wanderer, and DragonLady’s World, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

READ THIS!/Linkfest

Yeh, yeh, this is a linkfest, but as usual, it includes some of my ranting, observations and other “just stuff” that THIS time happen to be of more than usual importance, IMO.

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Read the quote in the header of this blog. Now, consider this comment by Jerry Pournelle, one of those (OK, many :-)) guys who’s a lot smarter than I (or you, for that matter) who has also given some thought to what’s happening in education, government and society in general… and who is usually, IMO, pretty much on target.

Do note that under the court imposed “equality” system of school financing, schools are paid by the state for students who attend. Disciplinary action that results in lower attendance cuts the amount of money the school gets. The result is that particularly in the inner city there is often no discipline, thus no one learns; the equality is equality in misery and incompetence. Under the old system in which local school districts set school taxes and controlled the schools there was at least a chance of discipline and learning. The liberals meant well when they forced the changes in financing. They certainly meant well. They could not possible have wanted to destroy public schools so that wealthy people (like lawyers and judges) could give their kids enormous advantages by sending them to private schools while other children get a primary hamper by being sent to public schools where there is no discipline and thus not a lot of learning. They couldn’t possibly have intended that result. But if they had intended it, would there be a better way to accomplish it than what the courts have imposed on the nation?

Lousy schools. Open borders. Structural reasons for not having school discipline. Free Trade. All well intentioned. The results weren’t intended. Were they?

Go ahead and read the rest of Pournelle’s mini-essay (and the email that spurred it). My experience on the inside, my Wonder Woman’s experience and that of many pubschool teachers (and retired pubschool teachers) in my family and extended family results in a strong resonance with Pournelle’s thoughts.

Let me just add a soupçon of my own thought to Dr. Pournelle’s comments.

Consider remote educrats and politicians and their effects upon education (and the resultant harm to the electorate, society at large and the security of these sorta-United States). Take Congress, for example (please!). Congress is constitutionally responsible for administering the District of Columbia. Considering the school system in D.C., easily among the worst if not actually THE worst school district in the U.S., the buck stops at Congress’ feet.

Ever wonder how many congresscritters send THEIR children to D.C. public schools? The Heritage Foundation noted in 2003 that

While only 10 percent of American students attend private schools, 41 percent of Representatives and 46 percent of Senators responded that they had sent children to private school…

Ah, but here’s the thing: I have been unable to discover how many of those congresscritters who do send their children to public schools send them to D.C. public schools… I’m willing to wager the number is almost vanishingly small, eh? After all, who would want to send a child to a school in a system where, “…only sixteen percent of DC school children [are] reading and able to do arithmetic at levels expected for their grade”? Certainly not congresscritters, who can easily afford to live outside the leprous boundaries of the nation’s capitol with its execreble education system… for which congresscritters themselves are responsible.

So, when Pournelle asks, “Lousy schools… Structural reasons for not having school discipline… All well intentioned. The results weren’t intended. Were they?” I do wonder, Were they? Unintended, that is. After all, aren’t the best a brightest calling themselves to serve us as political elite? And aren’t the teachers of education in schools of education intelligent and well able to see the results of their tinkerings?

To listen to these peacocks preen, one would think they are smart enough and wise enough to at least see and recognize the results of their disaterous policies, right?

If these folks are as smart and capable as they want us all to believe, then they are the witting perpetrators of enormous wrong upon society and should all be treated to a party hosted by Dr. Tarr and Mr. Fether.

If they are as stupid as their policies and theories, then they should be removed from their positions of influence and retrained for menial tasks like hand picking undesired weeds from raw sewage treatment ponds and breaking rocks by hand (OK, some tools allowed under close supervision).

Just a thought.

If you bring the tar, I’ll bring the feathers.

Trackposted to Right Pundits, Perri Nelson’s Website, The HILL Chronicles, Dumb Ox Daily News, Conservative Cat, and basil’s blog, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

A warning to Sen. John Warner

I just sent this to Sen. Warner‘s office:

Senator, have you read about this pledge?

If the United States Senate passes a resolution, non-binding or otherwise, that criticizes the commitment of additional troops to Iraq that General Petraeus has asked for and that the president has pledged, and if the Senate does so after the testimony of General Petraeus on January 23 that such a resolution will be an encouragement to the enemy, I will not contribute to any Republican senator who voted for the resolution. Further, if any Republican senator who votes for such a resolution is a candidate for re-election in 2008, I will not contribute to the National Republican Senatorial Committee unless the Chairman of that Committee, Senator Ensign, commits in writing that none of the funds of the NRSC will go to support the re-election of any senator supporting the non-binding resolution.

I’ve signed it.

Should you support such a resolution, please be aware that I *will* remember, and I *will* do what I can to see that you are not re-elected. If you vote in favor of such a cowardly and despicable resolution, you are effectively spitting in the face of our brave troops, and giving aid and comfort to our enemy.

As a conservative Republican, I am disgusted with my party in general for falling away from the founding principles of our party. I abhor the pandering and the kowtowing to the enemies of America and the slavish adherence to political correctness. Please find a moral compass AND a spine, and stand for these principals with honor and courage.


Admittedly, I am simply a small fry – a concerned citizen. Nevertheless, I am voicing my opinion. If enough of America voices their outrage at such cowardly and dastardly “resolutions,” perhaps our so-called “leaders” will actually remember who they work for…

(Crossposted from CatHouse Chat)

A Solution to Iraq

Jerry Pournelle offers a solution to the Iraq situation that I can live with.

Alas! it is politically infeasible.




Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Is It Just Me?, The Random Yak, Adam’s Blog, basil’s blog, Stuck On Stupid, The Bullwinkle Blog, Phastidio.net, Cao’s Blog, The Amboy Times, 123 Beta, The HILL Chronicles, Woman Honor Thyself, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, stikNstein… has no mercy, The Uncooperative Blogger ®, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, Dumb Ox Daily News, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.