A Day Late 50¢ Short

I had intended to feature another “under read blog” yesterday and let things get away from me. Consider this a “Monday Most Under Read Blogs” post, anyway, ‘K?

Now, note the criteria: blogs that are easy to read for at least 2 reasons: easy-on-the-eyes design and interesting, well-written posts. By “under read” I’m not evaluating the blog’s traffic, just saying that IMO whether the blog has 1 reader a day or 10,000 readers a day, it deserves more traffic, eh?

So, who to pick on this week? (Lotsa candidates, ya know–lots).

I’m going to go with Freedom Watch this week. At first Doll’s spare layout may seem to some to be a little bland, but *ahhh!* easy-on-the-eyes, and her blog design, from plenty of white space to the little touches like the drop shadow behind pics, all make a harmonious sight to behold, and do nothing to detract from why I visit: to read Doll’s posts.

Like this one on the progress of Reconquista, or this one, “Idiots and Puppets”.

Give Doll’s blog a read. You’ll likely place her on your list of regular reads, too.

Stuck in traffic Outside the Beltway

Old Enough/Tuesday Open Post

I’ve been way too slow in responding to AbbaGav’s post Keeping up with what’s current in music. Sorry, bubba, I’ll just plead Early (or maybe not so early any more :-)) Oldtimers’ Disease.

The mp3 below is from the album pictured here. Buy the album for a critique of pop music that extends beyond just the mp3 I have posted… way beyond.

And just cos I didn’t get a rise outa anyone when I posted this yesterday, I’m re-dating it and making it an Open Post. Link to this post and trackback.


Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at

Linkfest Haven.Linkfest Haven


Old Enough

Invasion! — Guard the Borders Blogburst

“Invasion” is the only accurate description of the illegal alien problem this country faces. And the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army is in the vanguard providing support…

UPDATE: Here’s one reason “multi-culturalism” is a prescription for destruction of the U.S. from within:


See this post for mini-micro-rant.

This week’s Guard the Borders blogburst from Heidi features some of my favorite essays on the topic from LinkZona.

LA RAlly.jpg

This past week there were numerous demonstrations across the country, as immigrants were organized to protest any federal legislation that would tighten immigration enforcement. The rallies were organized by unions, church groups, socialist activists, civil rights advocates, and immigrant organizations to demand free immigration rights as their due and protest the “unjust laws” of our nation.

Los Angeles had the nation’s largest mobilization of immigrants ever, which the LA Times described as “boisterous” and “spirited” and “mostly peaceful”: “The marchers included both longtime residents and the newly arrived, bound by a desire for a better life and a love for this county.” (“Newly arrived” being a politically-correct euphemism for “illegal”.) The estimated crowd of 500,000 proudly carried tens of thousands of Mexican flags, which belied the blissful claim that they are “bound by a love for this country”.

“There has never been this kind of mobilization in the immigrant community ever,” said Joshua Hoyt, executive director of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights. “They have kicked the sleeping giant. It’s the beginning of a massive immigrant civil rights struggle.”

In Georgia, many Latinos protested a newly passed bill aimed at curbing illegal immigration by not working or shopping for the day. Guess what? The state’s economy didn’t collapse! A small American rally in Temecula, CA, focused on border security and law enforcement. We also saw peaceably demonstrating American citizens attacked by an unruly crowd of pro-illegal immigration and socialist protesters in Indiana.

Photo by Freedom Folks

This week, our Senate continues the debate on illegal immigration, with an upcoming vote on the McCain-Kennedy Amnesty bill. And, pressing for his “guest worker” program, our President repeats the tired (and untrue) refrain that our country needs these workers to do what Americans won’t:

“We must remember there are hardworking individuals, doing the jobs that Americans will not do, who are contributing the economic vitality of our country,” the president said in his weekend radio address.

However, the Minuteman Party has responded:

Continue reading “Invasion! — Guard the Borders Blogburst”

Consolation: at least it’s not voicemail hell…

Abdul Rhamin’s life put on “hold” by the Afgan court in which he was charged with converting to Christianity.

“The court dismissed today the case against Abdul Rahman for a lack of information and a lot of legal gaps in the case…” according to an official statement.

Charges dismissed… for now. Until the prosecution gets all its ducks in a row? Or just until international pressure dies down? I suspect the latter, since there’s no word that Rhamin ever denied his conversion to Christianity.

No hint (so far) that the case has been dismissed “with prejudice” as would likely be the case in any court proceedings here, with a case this far along. (Don’t ask me. I’m not a lawyer and I haven’t slept in that hotel chain that claims it makes people think they’re smarter.) Keep a watch on this one, folks. But watch “smart” ‘K? Check out Dafydd ab Hugh’s take for a “smart” response. Oh, and his comments on this twist are worth noting as well.


Easy Tostadas: Quick snack or meal

UPDATE! UPDATE! Christine, of Morning Coffee and Afternoon Tea, has the menu up for this week’s Carnival of the Recipes. (Fast work, Christine!) Head on over and “place your order” now, eh?

Coupla tips on the way to the quasi-recipe, ‘K?

What makes this a quick snack or meal is advance prep of two essential ingredients. When I buy several pounds of ground meat (usually a mix of ground sirloin and ground chuck–just enough fat for flavor enhancement), I fry it up in advance, then divide it into “meal sized” portions, depending on how many folks I expect to be feeding at any one meal during the coming week. Usually, when I do this, I just go ahead and sautee some onion and garlic and add it in toward the end of the browning, cos I probably won’t cook a meal with ground meat w/o those two, anyway.

So, have the ground meat, already pre-cooked.

As for tostada “shells”–baked flat plain corn tortillas do just fine. I usually broil mine in my convection oven. Broken, they make great corn chips for dipping. Unbroken, perfect bases for tostadas.

Otras ingredientes

Chili powder or ground, dried ancho or annaheim chiles (a tablespoon or more per pound of ground beef, cooked)
Cumin (2 tablespoons or more per pound of ground beef, cooked)
Diced yellow (scourge) onion or freshly-chopped green onion
Cubed Roma or fresh, ripe beefsteak tomato
Shredded lettuce
Shredded jack, colby or cheddar cheese–or your fav mix of any two or three.

Place the pre-cooked meat and spices (and maybe a wee tad of water) in a covered microwave-safe glass or ceramic container and m-wave for 3-5 minutes, depending on your m-wave’s power, age, etc.

“Pre”-Assemble your tostadas: Meat, cheese
M-wave for about a minute to gooey up the cheese a bit if you prefer
Garnish with the rabbit food, some of your fav salsa or hot sauce (chipotle!) and chow down!

Make it a meal: add rice and beans (or refried beans).

Simple, exceptionally quick, and if you have rice and beans as leftovers, a frequent blessing here at third world county central, you can have a whole meal ready for two in about 10 minutes.

Zap! You’re done!

And the hits just keep rollin’ in!

Because my Wonder Woman is a librarian, I get to hear some of the woes inflicted on other librarians by dumbass principals. While I’m already pretty darned familiar with the idiocies perpetrated upon classroom teachers (and students) in the name of school administration, librarians are often a particularly vulnerable crowd, because an amazing number of administrators (and teachers, it should be noted) think librarians aren’t a part of the education process, aren’t teachers and have damn all clue as to what librarians do for that matter. Many haven’t a clue what a library is, either, as a couple of recent Tales From the Crypts demonstrate.

NOTE: I have deliberately changed information, paraphrased and obfuscated in order to protect innocent librarians from whence these stories came. I will NOT attribute this information or in any way reveal whence it came. If you think that in any way impeaches the validity of these first-hand accounts, then you’re stayin’ for detention… we’ll teach ya a think or three…. 🙂

A principal at one librarian’s school decided the librarian should do away with the Dewey Decimal system. He wanted it arranged by class and course, e.g., all US History books, Biology books, Physics books, etc. grouped together in sections “so students could easily find them”.


Let’s see… DDC (Dewey Decimal Classification): History: 900; North America: 970. etc. In order to become a principal in almost any state of the union any more, a person needs an “Education” degree, experience and a grad degree in pubschool administration.

And the principal in the above example still doesn’t have a clue about the DDCS?


And then there’s the administrator who knew he needed to get an inventory of the library for the close of the school year. So, does he assign the librarian to do the inventory (she had one on hand, in fact, as simply a matter of course. She was, after all, a librarian.)? Nope. Assigned a “coach” to inventory the library.

The ath-a-lete turned in a one-page inventory that read: “One Library”.

And here’s my fav. A principal who had been “relieved” (that ought to have been a clue) was assigned to fill out the year in a vacant librarian position (clue two that the administration of that district was incompetent). Decided to reorganize the library. Organized all the books… by size. Yep. Largest to smallest. Made sense to this dumbass. And looked oh so much nicer! (But it would have looked even nicer had this dumbass rearranged the books by size and color! Incompetent even as an interior decorator… )


Pubschool administrators, not just arguably the stupidest people in public education, demonstrably the stupidest people in public education.

Sure, these are just anecdotal examples. But you could fill a book with these kinds of tales. And it’d be at the beginning of principal number three’s library reorganization. Biggest book in the library.

Updating the card catalogs at The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, TMH’s Bacon Bits, Rhymes with Right, People Are Idiots (mastering the obvious? :-)), The Liberal Wrong Wing, and Free Constitution: Transcending Sovereignty.

“Word!” from The Yak

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (And the Crusades)

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (And the Crusades)

(Click the image above to read reviews/purchase; click the image at the foot of thos post for a larger view of the book cover.)

I’ve found the Random Yak to be someone worth paying attention to, so when he recommended this book in a recent comment, I thought it wise to heed his words.

While I have a rag bin fulla factoids from years ago when I more than doubled the hours required for my bachelors by adding tons of unrelated courses (and continued the practice during grad school–heh, I could happily go back to classes again today… ), the smattering of stuff I recall from couses and personal rading in M.E. history and archaeology, comparative religion, Western Civ, et al, will no doubt be buttressed, challenged and filled out by this book. I look forward to its arrival, and if you want a broad-spectrum look at Islam through the ages, I’d suggest, based on Random Yak’s recommendation alone, if nothing else, you look into this one, too.

The barbarians are no longer at the gates; they are at our doors, thank to Muslim apologists and enablers on the left and poor border security as a whole. This is not Vienna in 1683, and there’s no John III Sobieski to ride to our rescue. Knowing the enemy is important if we are not to fall for its age-old strategies and tactics.

Get the book. it couldn’t hurt, and it just might help.

he Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)

“The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (And the Crusades)”

Noted at Blue Star Chronicles