I like. Where this (and other sims) fall short is haptic feedback. Still probably useful, though, as a step up from dry fire exercises and, long term, perhaps less expensive than spending tons of ammunition for completely realistic (because, REAL *heh*) experience at the range or in the field. Out of my comfort zone for $$ expenditure, though. $$ better spent on more RW equipment in my case.
Equal Billing
Some “Writers” Should ONLY “Write” Audiobooks
And even then, maybe not. Case in point *heh* —
“Case and point, the roaring metal stallion balanced on two shining wheels that bared down on him. . .”
Case IN point and bore. (Note on the conjugation of “to bear”)
Some “writers” obviously failed Remedial English and then had their “work” reviewed by Bonobo Chimpanzees.
Good Doc. (Scarcer Than Hens’ Teeth)
Always happy to visit my doc (a real rarity, let me tell ya!). Since I always identify aches, pains, symptoms, etc., by the correct terminology (and anatomical locations, etc.), he tends to treat me almost as a colleague when discussing my health issues. Oh, and occasional, “hoplite” conversations are a staple of visits, too (though I do tend to envy him his firearms collection). Last visit featured a discussion of my CC solution (which he kinda liked).
Here’s a first ever: I have a “prescription coffee mug” inscribed with his name for my next scheduled visit. *shrugs* Saw it and it just screamed, “The Doc needs this!” *heh* Only “Doctor Jim” (family friend in my childhood) and old Doc Paramore ever caused me to actually enjoy spending time around ’em before this guy. Just about every doctor apart from these three has been pretty much an ass. . . and I’ve experienced more of ’em than I’d ever want anyone to. (In fact, I’ve had sixty years of dealing with “iatrogenic” problems “gifted” me by an asshole orthopedist. Oh, well. He’s dead now.)
*smh* Stop Trying to Seem “Smart”
Irritating. A writer whose text I usually enjoy and often glean lil bits of useful info from (concerning an amateur, casual perusal of a lit sub genre revealing characteristics of a limited demographic. . . which I have found useful in communicating with some 20-somethings) regularly misuses a BrE expression that has leaked into a broader sphere: locum, as an abbreviated form of “locum tenens.”
The term actually refers to “a person who temporarily fulfills the duties of another. . .” “A locum, or locum tenens, is a person who temporarily fulfills the duties of another; the term is especially used for physicians or clergy.” (these defs per just about every web reference there is. *heh*) Unfortunately, misusing the term to indicate “location, place” reveals much more about the writer’s literacy (and perhaps about the communication standards within the writer’s intended readership – a demographic I do not fit *heh*) than may be intended.
Playing Cops-n-Citizens
SO, two converging trends: tattoos and LEOs (Yes, I have seen a growing percentage of LEOs with tattoos; N.B. my data set is limited and may be idiosyncratic). Multiple studies have linked visible tattoos and low impulse control (causative factors are still being explored, so there are only correlations noted so far).
I do not like these two trends being associated with each other. Maye it’s just me.
Notes on the Passing Scene
Fani Williams disbarment? *meh* She should be disbarred for not knowing how to spell “Fanny,” but passing the bar does not necessarily assure literacy, as one discovers when reading some self-pub lawyers’ excreta.
“According to a new pre-print study, the rise in cancer deaths here in America spiked in the year 2021, and then again in 2022. And these spikes were in great excess to the multi-year trend.” See video here
Yeh, couldn’t have ANYTHING to do with COVID Panic making acquiring treatment more difficult to obtain, could it?
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“. . .any position that’s not crazy and self-destructive is now ‘far right’.” HERE
Open Borders morons achieve another milestone in their efforts to convert the US into a third world country:
Leprosy on the rise in Florida
You would think Dhimmicraps would have learned by now that college is tooooo haaarrrd for donkeys, but no. . . just too dumb to learn anything that requires discerning facts and being able to. . . reason. (But ya SURE don’t want ’em going to welding school! They’d burn the okace down and blame it in racism or FlowBull Warmening or whatever.)
“It’s Only Words” #4,276
If you see any form of “decimate” used in any text published in this century, you can be at least 90% certain it is misused. Even the most corrupt definition listed by contemporary lexicographers seems to be eschewed by at least 90% of contemporary speakers of English, because words only USED to have meaning.
(Most “readers” in English-speaking countries will not be able to understand the above text.)
Waste of Time
Memory spurred by random crap on the Interwebs: When Doc Yarborough told me he wanted me to apply for a MENSA membership (after some p-sych tests taken as part of a senior p-sych course), I knew it was not for me. I mean, why join yet another group I’d have to explain everything to?
Nah. I just gave him my (extracurricular) survey on the GSR research he was interested in and bugged out. (The info I handed him was based on my idiosyncratic results of running the unblinded tests on myself. Decidedly NOT valid for anything but an open comparison of results, and could have been influenced by my knowledge of the research, but still interesting to him. My results were decidedly. . . Odd, of course. *heh*)
Random Memories
“Oh. There’s a test today? Anyone have a pen I can borrow?” *throws some change in a cup and picks up a Blue Book*
And yeh, I didn’t buy the books for the course, either. I was a real snot, sometimes.