The blogosphere has been buzzing this weekend with rumors of a Washington Times (or in some versions, WaPo) story set to see the light of day Monday. Protein Wisdom points to a SATIRE piece (please note, I said it was satire, and note also that it needs to be R rated for language) that plays off this buzz. NOTE AGAIN: the link leads to a “story” that is not news but satire. (H.T. to Hugh Hewitt for the link.)
All the buzz
The blogosphere has been buzzing this weekend with rumors of a Washington Times (or in some versions, WaPo) story set to see the light of day Monday. Protein Wisdom points to a SATIRE piece (please note, I said it was satire, and note also that it needs to be R rated for language) that plays off this buzz. NOTE AGAIN: the link leads to a “story” that is not news but satire. (H.T. to Hugh Hewitt for the link.)
The man behind the curtain…
David Limbaugh explains the obvious—why sKerry refuses to allow reprints of his book, The New Soldier and why he refuses to sign a Standard Form 180 (SF-180) to allow the release of all his military records, etc.:
What is Kerry so afraid of? Why doesn’t he want you to find out the identity of that man behind the curtain? Why doesn’t he want you to read his book “The New Soldier”? Why doesn’t he want you to see “Stolen Honor”? Why won’t he release his medical records? Why won’t he talk about his Senate record? Why won’t he address specific charges about his Vietnam tour?
The answer is that without convincing millions of voters he is someone that he is not, he would suffer the biggest landslide defeat in American history — bar none. What a sad state American liberalism finds itself in when it can’t tout its own candidate as a true believer. And what a sad commentary on the candidate himself that he would willingly participate in such a fundamental deception about his very essence as a human being.
Just CLICK here
The man behind the curtain…
David Limbaugh explains the obvious—why sKerry refuses to allow reprints of his book, The New Soldier and why he refuses to sign a Standard Form 180 (SF-180) to allow the release of all his military records, etc.:
What is Kerry so afraid of? Why doesn’t he want you to find out the identity of that man behind the curtain? Why doesn’t he want you to read his book “The New Soldier”? Why doesn’t he want you to see “Stolen Honor”? Why won’t he release his medical records? Why won’t he talk about his Senate record? Why won’t he address specific charges about his Vietnam tour?
The answer is that without convincing millions of voters he is someone that he is not, he would suffer the biggest landslide defeat in American history — bar none. What a sad state American liberalism finds itself in when it can’t tout its own candidate as a true believer. And what a sad commentary on the candidate himself that he would willingly participate in such a fundamental deception about his very essence as a human being.
Just CLICK here
Zut Alors!
Level 1: Ennui
Level 2: Comme ci, comme ça
Level 3: Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose
Level 4: Regardez!
Level 5: Zut alors!
Zut Alors!
Level 1: Ennui
Level 2: Comme ci, comme ça
Level 3: Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose
Level 4: Regardez!
Level 5: Zut alors!
Yesterday it was teachers; today, it’s moms.
Yesterday it was teachers; today, it’s moms.
Yesterday, TeRAYzah dissed all the teachers out there (see TeRAYzah Heinz-sKerry says “Teaching isn’t real work” ). Today, she went after your mom:
“I had forgotten that Mrs. Bush had worked as a school teacher and librarian, and there couldn’t be a more important job than teaching our children. As someone who has been both a full-time mom and full-time in workforce, I know we all have valuable experiences that shape who we are. I appreciate and honor Mrs. Bush’s service to the country as first lady, and am sincerely sorry I had not remembered her important work in the past.”
Oops. So… all those years raising the twins, supporting George as a housewife were empty? Worthless? Not a “real job”? Somebody needs to tell TeRAYzah that all those moms out there who keep a household squared away so their family can live, who put a home cooked dinner on the table for their family are doing something at least as inmportant as the legions of servants she has do (and has had doing for years–even while she was “a full-time mom” who didn’t have to “Mom” anyone much or for long) those things for her day in and day out. Actually, much more important, because real moms are priceless, not just unpaid for their work…
But what does TeRAYzah know of such things?
Yesterday it was teachers; today, it’s moms.
Yesterday it was teachers; today, it’s moms.
Yesterday, TeRAYzah dissed all the teachers out there (see TeRAYzah Heinz-sKerry says “Teaching isn’t real work” ). Today, she went after your mom:
“I had forgotten that Mrs. Bush had worked as a school teacher and librarian, and there couldn’t be a more important job than teaching our children. As someone who has been both a full-time mom and full-time in workforce, I know we all have valuable experiences that shape who we are. I appreciate and honor Mrs. Bush’s service to the country as first lady, and am sincerely sorry I had not remembered her important work in the past.”
Oops. So… all those years raising the twins, supporting George as a housewife were empty? Worthless? Not a “real job”? Somebody needs to tell TeRAYzah that all those moms out there who keep a household squared away so their family can live, who put a home cooked dinner on the table for their family are doing something at least as inmportant as the legions of servants she has do (and has had doing for years–even while she was “a full-time mom” who didn’t have to “Mom” anyone much or for long) those things for her day in and day out. Actually, much more important, because real moms are priceless, not just unpaid for their work…
But what does TeRAYzah know of such things?
“Reality TV”—go to the back of the line
Go here to download the latest wargames (most for Windows platform PCs) that are used in sim -training U.S. troops for combat situations. Video games as prep for the real world of combat. Maybe too cool…
“Reality TV”—go to the back of the line
Go here to download the latest wargames (most for Windows platform PCs) that are used in sim -training U.S. troops for combat situations. Video games as prep for the real world of combat. Maybe too cool…