NYTrogate: “Missing” Al QaQaa 380Tons

Go ahead, say it out loud: “Al Qaqaa.” That’s right, now that you’ve said it out loud, you can say it again about the NYT story trumpeting the horror! the horror! of 380 tons of “missing” explosives they wanna blame on Bush.

Qaqaa, all right. According to NBC’s embedded reporters who were on the scene in 2003 when the Al QaQaa dump was inspected, it was gone before our guys got there. In fact, U.N. inspectors’ reports (NOT the faked up report “leaked” by a vindictive “IAEA and its head, the anti-American Mohammed El Baradei”) indicate the ex[plosives may have been moved before the Iraq War started.

NYT: al Qaqaa, indeed…

And to top it off, originally CBS was planning on airing the story on October 31 as a last-minute “October surprise” but got “beat” by the NYT printing a story… first reported by NBC in April of 2003, but this time with a “Beat Bush” slant.)

(Credit: tons of reports all over the web, and NBC—of all the irony possible, this has to be tops.)

NYTrogate: “Missing” Al QaQaa 380Tons

Go ahead, say it out loud: “Al Qaqaa.” That’s right, now that you’ve said it out loud, you can say it again about the NYT story trumpeting the horror! the horror! of 380 tons of “missing” explosives they wanna blame on Bush.

Qaqaa, all right. According to NBC’s embedded reporters who were on the scene in 2003 when the Al QaQaa dump was inspected, it was gone before our guys got there. In fact, U.N. inspectors’ reports (NOT the faked up report “leaked” by a vindictive “IAEA and its head, the anti-American Mohammed El Baradei”) indicate the ex[plosives may have been moved before the Iraq War started.

NYT: al Qaqaa, indeed…

And to top it off, originally CBS was planning on airing the story on October 31 as a last-minute “October surprise” but got “beat” by the NYT printing a story… first reported by NBC in April of 2003, but this time with a “Beat Bush” slant.)

(Credit: tons of reports all over the web, and NBC—of all the irony possible, this has to be tops.)

Arrested Development

I’ve been almost casually looking through Kerry’s Senate voting record for the past few months, “Here a look, there a look, everywhere a
look-look… ”

OK, back on track, now.

It struck me how, during the Reagan/Bush 1 years, Kerry was always voting in ways to encourage communist and other totalitarian governments, whenever a vote on national defense or intelligence came up. It was almost as if his first thought was “How can I make the world a safer place… for communism?”

This realization about Kerry’s voting record converged with my growing awareness of his psychological/moral problems (he’s apparently a compulsive—and very bad—liar, for example). Like all good Marxists—and by his record, he certainly fits that description—Kerry cannot admit or speak the truth as a general practice. Now, I think I have an understanding of Kerry’s character, summed up in this comment from Mike Adams:
“Marxism is an emotional disorder, not a political philosophy.”

Arrested Development

I’ve been almost casually looking through Kerry’s Senate voting record for the past few months, “Here a look, there a look, everywhere a
look-look… ”

OK, back on track, now.

It struck me how, during the Reagan/Bush 1 years, Kerry was always voting in ways to encourage communist and other totalitarian governments, whenever a vote on national defense or intelligence came up. It was almost as if his first thought was “How can I make the world a safer place… for communism?”

This realization about Kerry’s voting record converged with my growing awareness of his psychological/moral problems (he’s apparently a compulsive—and very bad—liar, for example). Like all good Marxists—and by his record, he certainly fits that description—Kerry cannot admit or speak the truth as a general practice. Now, I think I have an understanding of Kerry’s character, summed up in this comment from Mike Adams:
“Marxism is an emotional disorder, not a political philosophy.”

Kerry: Wrong Then, Wrong Now

Americans for Peace Through Strength has a new ad out. Go. Watch it. Send its address to all the people in your address book. And when you forward the address to folks, include the address of their analysis of Kerry’s Senate voting record: http://www.thestakesarehigh.org/Kerry/

A few highlights:

  • During his 20-year Senate career, John Kerry has voted to cut the Pentagon’s budget 38 times.
  • Kerry has voted 12 times against providing a pay increase to our military men and women.
  • In 2003, Kerry voted against providing $87 billion in funding for our troops in Iraq.
  • In 2002, Kerry voted six times against President Bush’s proposal to establish a Department of Homeland Security in the aftermath of 9/11.

More at the link

Kerry: Wrong Then, Wrong Now

Americans for Peace Through Strength has a new ad out. Go. Watch it. Send its address to all the people in your address book. And when you forward the address to folks, include the address of their analysis of Kerry’s Senate voting record: http://www.thestakesarehigh.org/Kerry/

A few highlights:

  • During his 20-year Senate career, John Kerry has voted to cut the Pentagon’s budget 38 times.
  • Kerry has voted 12 times against providing a pay increase to our military men and women.
  • In 2003, Kerry voted against providing $87 billion in funding for our troops in Iraq.
  • In 2002, Kerry voted six times against President Bush’s proposal to establish a Department of Homeland Security in the aftermath of 9/11.

More at the link

Luke 16:10

Just consider this,

“He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in what is much; and he who is unfaithful in what is least is unfaithful also in much.” Luke 16:10

Now, just hop on over to Football Fans for Truth and consider yet another (of many, many) example of Jean Fraud sKerry puffing his past (lying) to appeal to voters.

Luke 16:10

Just consider this,

“He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in what is much; and he who is unfaithful in what is least is unfaithful also in much.” Luke 16:10

Now, just hop on over to Football Fans for Truth and consider yet another (of many, many) example of Jean Fraud sKerry puffing his past (lying) to appeal to voters.

The War On Hibiscus

A cautionary tale…

[Blair] Davis heard a knock on the door. He went to answer, but, as the July 29 Houston Chronicle reports, “he hadn’t even gotten his hand on the doorknob when it flew open and he was looking at the barrel of a pistol.”

Davis’ crime? He was growing Texas Star Hibiscus–an ornamental plant with smoothe dark green leaves and decorative white (or red) “star” flowers—in his front yard. Some “concerned citizen” mistook it for marijuana, the cops were too stupid to check and… manhandling, a thorough search of his home (they also found some bamboo and cantaloupes! Shocking!) and intense questioning “What are you planning on doing with the melons!”—the doofs) resulted.


But, in my own experience, more and more typical of LEOs: assume guilt, especially in absence of any evidence.

h.t Joel Miller via Paul Jacob

The War On Hibiscus

A cautionary tale…

[Blair] Davis heard a knock on the door. He went to answer, but, as the July 29 Houston Chronicle reports, “he hadn’t even gotten his hand on the doorknob when it flew open and he was looking at the barrel of a pistol.”

Davis’ crime? He was growing Texas Star Hibiscus–an ornamental plant with smoothe dark green leaves and decorative white (or red) “star” flowers—in his front yard. Some “concerned citizen” mistook it for marijuana, the cops were too stupid to check and… manhandling, a thorough search of his home (they also found some bamboo and cantaloupes! Shocking!) and intense questioning “What are you planning on doing with the melons!”—the doofs) resulted.


But, in my own experience, more and more typical of LEOs: assume guilt, especially in absence of any evidence.

h.t Joel Miller via Paul Jacob