On the lighter side…

Go figure. In Springdale, AR, right down the road from us, a guy won a local race after backing out and not campaigning. He “withdrew” too late, so his name was on the ballots. He won the race and has decided he’ll serve, anyway.

In Nevada, tied races can be settled by drawing cards, and that’s exactly what happened in one county commissioner race this year.

At least it wasn’t settled by a game of “Texas Hold ’em” poker…


Bush Country

Here’s a graphic (courtesy of USA Today) of the number of counties that went for each candidate for president in this year’s election. Solid red means the ALL the county’s precincts went for Bush; the Blue, for sKerry.

When the loony left moonbats talk about Bush winning in “flyover country” they apparently mean almost the entire country… Gee. Maybe they ought to be required to “connect the dots” to obtain a route through the foreign land they deride. It’d sure stop them flying coast-to-coast. [heh]

From the USAToday page:

Square miles of
counties won
Bush 2.51 million
Kerry 511,700

Population (2003) of
counties won
Bush 150,9 million
Kerry 103.6 million Posted by Hello

Funding the “Evil Party”

A correspondent named “Jim” quoted on Jerry Pournelle’s MAIL page observed, today:

“… the Republican Party is the party of the societally secure and the Democratic Party is the party of the societally insecure. Other than its thin crust of anti-American liberal elitists, the hard core of the Evil Party are “dependents”–“lifetime-net-tax-users”, while the hard core of the Republican Party are “lifetime-net-tax-payers”. Taxing the latter to buy the votes of the former has been the strategy of the Democratic Party since the days of the Great Society, and it was affordable due to the huge bulge of Baby Boomers of the Productive Classes entering America’s labor force just when LBJ launched that initiative.”

And the “Evil Party” suckers the “Stupid Party” to fund votes for the “Evil Party” year in and year out… No wonder the “Stupid Party” is the classic insiders’ nickname for the GOP.

Note to President Bush: no compromise. You won; they lost. Make the “Evil party” comply with the will of the people.

The Eye of the Beholder

This is—obviously—a picture, a mosaic, of President Bush, composed of “pixels” made up of faces of service personnel who have died (supposedly in combat) in Iraq. Although there are a few more than 1,000 who have died in Iraq, total, since not all those are combat-related and the composer of the pic used nearly 1,500 faces, we can assume that more than a few were used more than once.

Nevertheless, depending upon the eye of the beholder, it is either a moving tribute to the heroic actions of our troops or (as the artist, “American Leftist” intended) a scathing criticism of Bush’s policies. I saw it as a moving tribute to the troops…

CLICK here to go to a page where you can download a large sized copy of the pic, if you wish.

(h.t. to Michelle Malkin for the link.) Posted by Hello

Reflections on the recent campaign

It’s been attributed to Sun Tsu, Lee, Grant, Clausewitz and many others. I really don’t know the source, but that it’s attributed to so many military minds is a measure of this truism’s… uh, truth. [heh]

“No plan of battle survives first contact with the enemy.”

While I would have preferred Bush to have run a different campaign—better explanation of the War on Terrorism (and a use of that, or better terms in preference to the stupid “War on Terror”), including reasons for Iraq’s place in that war; a more complete exposure of sKerry’s record of faux liberal perfidy; a smarter decision re: Fallujah #1 (let the citizens leave, then level the place would have worked), etc—I think almost no one could have predicted the absolute stupidity of sKerry—and sKerry himself—supporters that was crucial to victory in the campaign. As Ann Coulter said,

“To Michael Moore, George Soros, Terry McAuliffe, Dan Rather, Al Franken and the whole gang at Air America Radio – you were great, guys! Thanks for the help! We couldn’t have done it without you!”

And that may explain the virtual bye Bush handed sKerry on his record. Sure, in October the Bush campaign laid bare the skeleton of that record, but they never really fleshed it out. Absent the irrational hate and obvious dirty tricks by the Dems and their loyal mouthpieces in the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army, I’m not sure the electorate would have been as motivated as it was to deny these loony left moonbats the victory they craved.

Next campaign in the war to save civilization? Dismantle and demolish the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army of loony left moonbats. That’s a job for the blogosphere and right-thinking talk radio.

Oh, and a reminder to just Go. Read.

Pournelle‘s chart of Political Axes. It may help as you think through your own political stances.


This sign from a post-election rally in San Francisco prompts me to say, “Please do. Please.”

Preferably soon. Today? In fact, how about a plebiscite on the question from the entire Left Coast?

Good riddance. Posted by Hello

Harvard atmosphere

From Jay Nordlinger’s site, an e- comment:


Conservatives at Harvard are still embattled, even as the Democrats try to recover from the implosion. I was yelling the phrase “I love America! I love democracy!” in the hallway, and a colleague exploded at me and yelled, “It’s completely inappropriate to express your homophobic views like that!” The disconnect with reality continues unabated. [Homophobic views!!!]

But there is a very funny glimmer of hope. The Republicans are all ecstatic, but can’t really show it. I walked past a TV and asked a girl where Kerry’s concession speech would be this afternoon. I then asked her if she was happy about the election, and she lowered her head and crouched a bit, and then peeped, almost silently, “Yes.” When I told her I had voted for Bush, her face just lit up and we had a nice chat, like two lonely souls in the midst of an enemy camp.”

Four more years of carping from lame loony left moonbats about their fantasies? “Freedom of speech” only for loony left moonbats? “Diversity” that means conformity to the demolition of civilization? Oh, how I hope not…


In my post about Bobby Jindal, yesterday, I said he was the first Indian-American elected to Congress. I was wrong. I forgot Dalip Singh Saund, who served as a Congressman from California in the 1950s.

One fewer loony left moonbat voice

Well, I’ve enjoyed Jimmy Breslin’s novels (most of them). But he’s been fading into ever weirder and weirder loony left moonbattery as time has gone on, and his columns reflect his loony left moonbat disconnect from reality. See his “retirement” column (read it and ROFL) filed and dated Tuesday calling the election a landslide… for Jean Fraud sKerry.

What a maroon.

Sad to see talent go to waste that way. But then, he was always a better fiction writer than political observer/columnist. Oh, wait. Loony left moonbat columnist=fiction writer. I really have to keep that striaght…

The View from Iraq

Check the Mudville Gazette, a blog from a guy with his boots on the ground in Iraq. If you get your Iraq War “news” from the Mass Media Podpeoples’ Army, you’re getting news from the enemy’s perspcetive, with the enemy’s propoganda twist. Get it from a source who’s really there and involved.