The Incomprehensible Weirdness of the Universe

Where do lost socks go?

It’s one of those paradoxes of the universe. One of God’s best jokes on humankind…

I’ve spent the last few months, in between bouts of plastering, painting, building, etc., throwing out boxes and bags and more boxes and bags of accumulated stuff. The heck with garage sales and taking to some collection center or whatnot, I’ve just been savagely purging stuff.

Now, here’s the paradox: we have less room for stuff tha n before I began “savagely purging” stuff. Now, where once two of the rooms downstairs were relatively free of stuff and could be used for, well, living in, there is almost no room to walk because boxes and boxes of other stuff have drifted out into the open and are now crowding out any human use of those rooms.

Upstairs is just as bad. As soon as an empty space is created, twice as much stuff creeps in under cover of darkness to crowd out human use of space.

What’s going on here?

You know, the really weird thing is that even as stuff creeps out of hiding places in some alternate universe to doubly crowd any space cleared of formerly-occupying stuff, not one lost sock has returned!

Go figure that one…

Ambivalence #2

“Torn between two lovers… ”

It’s a big deal this year, apparently. Saying “Merry Christmas” has become a sort of battle cry for some who are simply fed up with Christian-bashing associated with tearing down crêches, deleting Christmas carols from kids’ school programs, and the bland “Happy Holidays” now being taken up as an “in your face” insult of the LLMB toward all things Christian about Christmas.

OTOH, whenever I hear “Merry Christmas” (or “have a nice day” for that matter), a small part of me wants to say, “Says who? You’re not the boss of me!” [heh]

For the gripping hand, see today’s post on Whisling in the Light

10 More Reasons…

…why Rummy is, uh, rummy

Sean Gleason has the list.

My fav of Gleeson’s “…Reasons to Hate Rumsfeld”?

He has had most of his clothing outfitted with “buttons” and “zippers” to make dressing and undressing almost effortless.

Gleeson: very funny guy. But do not take my word on it. Check it out yourself.

Kiss an Engineer

Engineering a Christmas Miracle

Linked from Instapundit (I wonder why? :-), this article by Glenn Reynolds at Tech Central Station extols the renewal of Christmas civility brought to us, well, let him say it:

…with online shopping picking up some of the slack, and in the process relieving the crowds, congestion, and frustration associated with traditional retail Christmases, old-fashioned Christmas shopping might actually become pleasant again, in a way it hasn’t been in decades — all thanks to the Internet.

Now there’s a Christmas miracle. Brought to you not by elves, but by the people responsible for most of the miracles in our lives: Engineers!

(Glenn, for those who are still unaware of it, is a blogophere giant. His Instapundit blog is a daily must-read. Oh, no wonder his article is linked from Instapundit… [heh, heh] Yeh, I’m not exactly giving him a hat tip for linking his own article. 🙂

Artificial Life?

Yeh? Well, get your own dirt

Instapundit links a story about researchers who are making “progress toward artificial life”—what was once called “creating life in a test tube.” However, key info from the article reveals that they are close to building an “erector set” version of life, not even approaching creation at all:

The soft cell walls are made of fat molecules taken from egg white. The cell contents are an extract of the common gut bug E. coli, stripped of all its genetic material.

This essence of life contains ready-made much of the biological machinery needed to make proteins; the researchers also added an enzyme from a virus to allow the vesicle to translate DNA code.

When they added genes, the cell fluid started to make proteins, just like a normal cell would.

Yeh, well, if they want to create a lil life on their own, they ought to get their own dirt first. This is more akin to someone being proud of baking cookies they bought at WallyWorld. Sure, they opened the package and put ’em in the cookie jar. Big whoopie.

The Sheer Brilliance of Loony Left Moonbattery

New York’s 31 Electors fail to cast votes for John F. Kerry

As amazingly stupid as it reveals the brilliant LLMs of new York to be, it’s true: every stinking last one of New York’s electors failed to cast their votes for the person they were pledged to vote for.

Don’t get me wrong: none of them defected to Bush, and all of them, apparently, voted for The Prancing Pony for Veep. But none of them cast their votes for John F. Kerry!!

Even I had difficulty believing it.

See the official document to which each of these vaccuum-headed loons set their signatures.

Top 20 annoying liberals

A thinking man’s “hit list”—counting down the top 20 liberal hits

John Hawkins at Right Wing News has his list of the 20 most annoying liberals in the U.S. up. A sample, from #17:

“Listening to [Jimmy] Carter’s advice about how to run the country is like listening to Bill Clinton explain how to be faithful to your wife: nobody buys it, nobody wants to hear it, but they nod along because he used to be the President and they have to show some respect no matter how annoyed they are.”

A tad snarky? Yeh, but spot on, for all that.

Oh, you want another excerpt? Well, who am I to deny you one of this life’s wholesome pleasures? Here’s a quote at the linked post from #6, Chris “Loudmouth Liberal Lemming” Matthews:

“I wish we lived in the day where you could challenge a person to a duel.”

Sure, you do, Chris. Unfortunately, even Chris Matthews knows that if he challenged someone to a duel , they’d get to pick the weapons. Hmmm, how about “Wit at 50 paces”? It wouldn’t be fair, of course. In a duel of wits, Matthews wold be totally unarmed.

Now, if it were a screaming match…

(h.t. Powerline)


A brief comment, since no one’s asked, about my bio claim to being “over-educated”.

Think of me as a highly trained monkey, treading water as best I can in the ocean of theology, the sea of philosphy, the lake of science, the doggie bowl of popular culture and the cesspool of politics and Mass Media.

That’s quite a list of accomplishments even for a multiple personality monkey “educated” far beyond his native intelligence.

A Series of Unfortunate Events

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: banned in Decatur*

Today, my wife, my home-from-college son and I went to a movie. A Series of Unfortunate Events. Neither by son nor I were familiar with the books the movie is based on by “Lemony Snicket” (Daniel Handler). My wife’s an elementary/jr hi librarian, though, and has read/reviewed the books. I went primarily just to go to the flick with her. Our son? Well, he’s a good guy.


I have to tell you, though, we all loved the flick. Of the movies I’ve seen i n the last year—in theaters and on video—I’d rank it easily in the top 5. Surprised me. Imagine, if you would, a kind of Gothic “Boxcar Children” (and if you don’t know who the Boxcar Children were, shame on you. Look them up and read. 🙂

First, the good. The children. As I said, I haven’t read the books, but I cannot imagine better casting of the children. (My wife agrees, and you’ll recall she has read at least some of the books). Each of them were gems, and the twins who played the youngest child, Sunny, actually had me believing the subtitles that appeared over their baby talk. The staging, direction, sets, costumes: all were wonderful. And the rest of the casting? With one small exception, among the primary and secondary players, unbelievably great. Billy Connolly and Meryl Streep were particularly delicious in their respective roles. The only exception to great casting in the primary and secondary roles was Cedric the Entertainer as the detective. Completely unmemorable.

Tertiary actors? Competent. (And a cameo by Dustin Hoffman was slightly fun.)

Oh, and casting Jude Law as Lemony Snickett narrating the tale? Not as bad as I had feared. At least he was barely seen (and then not readily recognizable), and his voice was only an occasional distraction.

The bad? Well the plot, like the Harry Potter books and movies, was utterly predictable. It just goes with the genre. Kids books, no matter how they attempt to be surprising, are almost never anything but predictable and formulaic. No matter. When you relate to the story within its own genre, the predictability disappears as a problem. An underlyinmg theme is a problem, and I might most succinctly deal with it by contrasting it with an underlying theme found in a situationally similar set of books already referred to.

The Boxcar Children series by Gertrude Chandler Warner featured a destitute family of orphaned children who set up household on their own in an abandoned boxcar. The underlying theme was one of overcoming great difficulty (similarly to “Lemony Snickett’s” Baudelaire children), but often with the (usually) anonymous help of adults who admired their “pluck” and self-sufficiency. In A Series of Unfortunate Events, without exception, all the adults are stupid, dense, fearful, incompetent or evil. Some are well-intentioned, but the well-intentioned adults are all stupid, dense, fearful or incompetent—and all of them pay not one bit of attention to the children, who are all brighter and more competent than they.

It’s this silly Rouseau-ian view of children and adults that, of course,appeals strongly to kids, but which does nothing to aid in encouraging kids (or adults!) to mature.

The really bad? On this, the third day of its release, there was only a house of 17 viewing. Counting us. Not good.

That aside, great flick.

Oh, the ugly? Jim Carrey, of course. Finally a role he seems made for: the evil, though thoroughly incompetent, Count Olaf. Carrey is type cast as a sock puppet of evil incarnate, and he carries the role as only a sock puppet of evil incarnate could. Of course, that his perfect role is as the paper cutout of an evil villain in a series of children’s books pretty much says it all about this sock puppet of an “actor”.

I could wax prolix about the title graphics, the music, etc.(all terrific), but why not just go see it yourself?

*OK, it’s the Lemony Snicket books that’ve been banned in Decatur, Georgia.