Stolen Recipe

Modded, of course, to suit my own taste. You’ll do the same if you try it, I’m sure.

Gingersnap Cookie Coffee

~1-tsp Cinnamon
~2 Tbs Blackstrap Molasses
~1-tsp Brown Sugar
Crystalized Ginger “guesstimate” or to taste
Whipped/heavy cream (optional)

Put UP TO a teaspoon of powdered Ceylon cinnamon on top of your coffee grounds (YMMV). Inside the coffee pot, before you brew, add 2 Tablespoons of the molasses and 1 Tablespoon of packed brown sugar (yes, there are low-carb substitutes for the brown sugar. Not so much for the molasses). Take a piece of the crystalized ginger and cut it up 2-3 times to help release more flavor. 4-ish dime sized(-ish) ginger pieces in the bottom of your coffee pot should be perfect.

Once your pot is finished brewing, give the coffee a gentle stir (with a non-metal spoon so you don’t crack your pot).

Cream and/or whipped cream? Yeh. Add it.

It’s Not Always Enough By Itself, But. . .

Yeh, sometimes it’s enough to put me off a writer: misuse of the reflexive pronoun “myself” when “me” is correct. Some subliterates think it sounds classy or something, I guess, when all it really does is shout, “I don’t know what I’m doing!”

Here: a tip for beginners with English, or those English majors who skipped taking Remedial English, and managed to graduate nearly illiterate.

BTW, the same morons tend to misuse the objective case “I” where a subjective case pronoun is called for. (Yeh, again: they probably think it sounds “classy.” It doesn’t.)

Little Pleasures

Someone who loves me more than she ought to gave me this hat:

I love this hat. In fact, that may not be a strong enough statement. Let’s try this: this hat has resulted in my new favorite fantasy: that when I wear it, I am taller, smarter, and much less ugly. *heh* The only drawback to this hat is that I want another one, now. Yes, already. (I only have the one in one color, you see. 🙂 ) But I can live with one. After all, it’s a very nice one.

Still lovin’ it.

Not a Good Thing

But at least it didn’t stem from from riots or some such, not that one would ever expect such here in America’s Third World County. The “African Grocery” with apartments above and mosque next door: complete loss. Two injured–one a firefighter. No, no riot, but still not a Good Thing. The Somalis in that town will miss their specialty grocery and mosque. Not a lot of crossover with the Pacific Islanders’ grocery here in town, either.

No, It Is Not Correct

I have seen “one of the only” used correctly exactly once. All other uses of it have been nothing other than evidence of stupidity. Yes, stupidity.

only: without others or anything further; alone; solely; exclusively

Now, admittedly, IF “one of the only” is followed by or includes a qualifier AND eliminates the article “the” (which ALSO signifies singularity, unless a group is clearly designated) bi>like “one of only five,” then the stupid phrase is transmogrified into something that has some sense to it. Apparently, pre-Internet publishers agree with me:

Yeh: the Internet. *sigh* Enstupiating the world by empowering Ortega’s “mass-man.”

Filed Under “Literacy: That Word Does Not Mean What You Think It Means”

Apropos of nothing in particular *cough* not *cough* I cringe every time I read “quotes” from historical figures whose literacy and fluency in English far surpassed that of those who misquote them, inserting grammar and usage errors that do not exist in the original material. Even worse? Fictional accounts of historical figures that put (sometimes credible, though still fictional) words in a historical figure’s mouth that are then mistranscribed by subliterates, mangling them into gibberish.

Mary’s Boy-Child

(I have, as Perri noted in comments, now had the “video unavailable” error twice, while at other times it has loaded. *sigh*

This one, of several others, has loaded a few times for me. Let’s see how long it stays up, mmmK?

Always Look on the Bright Side

You know, there is an up side to the stolen election. Finally, no one who has more brains than a kumquat and better morals than a rabid mink can deny that the Dhimmicraps are utterly and completely morally bankrupt. No one (and I do mean no one) who is even remotely honest and ethical can from this point forward ever support another Dhimmicrap. Nope. Not one. Period. Anyone who does classes themselves as completely and totally without any decency whatsoever. Period.

Harsh? Not my fault.