Things That Make My Lil Mind Go “Huh?”

…mind, such as it is.

All my pants (including some bought w/in the last month) are falling off. Yes, all of them. I like to wear lots of pants at once. *heh* In some ways that’s good news. Having to wear a belt when I go out in public or get arrested for streaking is another. Long story.

So, I googled “Waist sizes for men”. Hey! It’s a googleworld, and the voices in my head were clamoring for attention. Had to shut ’em up somehow…

From a site that said it got its figures from the WHO (like I believed that), “ideal” waist sizes.

(Don’t get all excited gals; that’s the men’s chart. And don’t throw things at me when you look the women’s chart up. I didn’t make it.)

Anywho… by this chart, I was in anorexic territory 30 years ago when I weighed about 155 soaking wet. With clothes on. Now, 30 years and 30 pounds later–not obese but definitely in the “overweight” category by WHO standards (yeh, I looked it up, but who believes WHO anymore anyway?) I’m about 2 inches over “ideal” waist size for my height.

OK, I’m overweight (they say), which places me at increased risk (according to current medical “consensus”) for heart problems, diabetes, etc. But (according to current medical “consensus”) my waist size, cholesterol(s) and lipids levels, blood pressure, heart rate and blood sugar levels all say I’m at reduced risk in those areas.

So, why should I be concerned about my weight? Shouldn’t. Besides, “they” are changing the “consensus” (yeh, tons of “scare quotes” *heh*) all the time anyway. Coffee=bad; coffee=good. Alcohol bad; alcohol good. Salt bad; salt good. Acceptable blood pressure ranges, lipids levels, weight, body fat, etc., all different on different days from different “consensuses”. And all pronouncements made as if from Olympus (not Mt Sinai, because the weenies making up “consensuses” all think themselves gods, and Mt Sinai was too exclusive.).

I do wonder what my doctor would do if I revealed the normal diet that resulted in such greatly reduced (over a few years ago) serum lipids levels (except for the increase in what the current “consensus” calls “good cholesterol”)… lots of butter, cream, red meats, etc. Lots.

KA-BOOM! (< --------One lil medical mind exploding.)

Most of all, I just wonder how I’m going to keep my pants up, especially since the belt I’m now wearing is built in such a way that I cannot add another notch two inches further in where it’s needed… (Yeh, yeh, I know: buy more belts. I hate spending $$ on clothes.)

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