Am I a Cynic?

Just saw the opening to a cop show. If this were real life, I could see some sense in wiping out the gene pool that comprised the “sympathetic” characters.

Car stops by kid walking home from school. She gets in the car with a total stranger. (Too stupid to live.) Behind the car, her brother rides up on a bicycle. Hears his sister scream, sees her in the car. What does he do? He gets off his bicycle and starts running after the car! What?!? He was On! A! Bicycle! (Too stupid to live.)

The writers and director should be terminated. They’ve obviously already lobotomized themselves.

Everybody (but me, the UNintended audience) is frantic! Agitated music and all that! The search is on!

And I’m bored already. I can hardly wait for good news that the fictional lil girl will not be passing on her genetic material to another generation of fictional characters. Please let it be so! (But I’m not holding my breath… or watching the rest of this drivel.)

3 Replies to “Am I a Cynic?”

    1. Lazy I get, Nicole, but stupidity–willfully avoiding the non-effort of simply writing supposedly “sympathetic” characters that readers/audiences won’t want to strangle–is inexcusable. The kidnappers could have grabbed the girl off the street. Credible w/o making the girl look like she spent all her spare time stabbing herself in the forebrain (and stirring!) with a fork. Ditto the kid who jumped off his bike to chase the car. EasiER to have him simply continue riding and nearly catch the car–making him much more sympathetic rather than less–than to have him jump off the bike, making him look like someone on competition with his sister to see just who could perform the best autolobotomy.

      And the director didn’t catch it? No one was able to stop this fictional abortion?

      For better stuff, read the stuff linked in I Do Wonder How Many Folks Will “Get” This?

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