Just One More Sign of a Society That’s Almost Irredeemably Decadent



With all that’s facing this society, this is something to be selling? Decorated menstrual pads?

…and the lemmings* swarm as one over a cliff…

*Yeh, yeh, I know they don’t really, but shepple seem to.

6 Replies to “Just One More Sign of a Society That’s Almost Irredeemably Decadent”

    1. I keep getting this image of some subliterate, hypermoronic, self-lobotomized, hyper-sexualized but distinctly unattractive harpy fem dropping trou and panties and saying, “Oh, look how pretty my Kotex is!”


      Sidebar: that brought back an image I really didn’t want to recall. Shortly after my one experience with alcoholic inebriation (didn’t like it) I was confronted in a parking lot by a seriously drunk woman who squatted between me and my car after pulling down her underwear so she could urinate. That’s pretty much the quality of woman I see finding this sort of thing appealing. Dumber than a bag of hammers and brain damaged to boot. What? Are stupid girls all over going to buy these things, wear them and then go around singing, “I Feel Pretty,” all day? *feh* Useless oxygen sinks who need to find something real (significant, meaningful) to feel good about relying instead on a decorated menstrual pad. That’s the target demographic for these things.

      *arrgghhh!* Now I have the bad lip syncing of the film version of the song going through my head! (The poorly done accent affected by Natalie Woods for the whole film was bad enough. The obvious vocal dub in was just painful. Decent rendition otherwise, of course, with the composer looking over their shoulders, but still… )

  1. Remind me to NEVER buy Kotex. Again.

    Seriously, I take great pains to make sure the general population is unable to identify the type of underwear I’m wearing…

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