Win7 SP1? *Yawn* No Hurries, No Worries

Of interest to Windows 7 users only; ‘nix users have a wide variety of other issues to deal with, and other Windows version users, well, they probably need to deal with updating their computers to something better for an OS. πŸ™‚

I can recall when folks were anxious to get their hands on the service packs for Windows XP and Vista–both OSes from M$ had some serious issues right out of the gate that needed to be addressed. And I can also recall many users who had some serious problems caused by service packs on those M$ OSes. (Note: I mostly skipped XP and Vista, except for a reference XP VM and XP on my Wonder Woman’s notebook. My experiences with XP and Vista were almost entirely fixing problems folks had encountered with those OSes.)

Well, I had my hands on the Win7 SP1 last week via my Technet subscription, but I’ve been in no hurry to install it on my own computers. Oh, not because previous M$ service packs have caused problems. No, I’m in no hurry to install it because there’s mostly nothing there. The one “biggie” in Win7’s SP1 might be the graphics improvements to Remote Desktop Management, but since I use other products for that, I saw no need to install SP1 for that very minor non-benefit.

OTOH, all reports so far are that SP1 isn’t breaking anything, so these minor updates, fixes and improvements (that almost no one will even notice) aren’t coming at the cost of a lot of problems introduced into users’ computers.

That’s nice, I suppose. πŸ™‚

So, Win7 users, when M$ offers the SP1 update via your regularly scheduled Windows Update*, feel no hurry to imbibe, but no worries if you do.

*For most users, “automagic” updates are probably OK, but for intermediate to advanced users, I suggest Windows Update settings that call for downloading the updates but allowing the user to choose when and which ones to install.

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