Just for Fun

For years (several decades at least) I’ve made ad hoc double reed “musical instruments” from soda straws.Sometimes I simply pinch one end and then “lip” in a simple tune (or, with particularly unhandy straws, simple one or two notes *heh*), while at other times, I’ll take a pocket knife out and cut a better “reed” to make “better” *heh* music. Here’s a guy who’s taken a similar idea and gone a bit further with it, taking an insulin syringe and engineering a reed for it, etc. Interesting.

3 Replies to “Just for Fun”

    1. Unlike some places, you get extra points for being punny here.

      Downside to my own DIY instrument manufacture: my wife (the real oboe player in the family) doesn’t much like my “soda straw oboes”. *heh* (She has let me play her “real” oboe from time to time though. Fun. Came in handy when I needed to switch some flutists to oboe for a few pieces, years ago. I barely managed to stay ahead of them as I coached their [temporary] switch.)

  1. Now that is what I call using your imagination. I am Diabetic, but when I looked at it I could not help but think that this guy has a great attitude too. Who would have thought to do such a thing except a person with a wonderful outlook on life! Of course I could be wrong – the guy could just be a jerk, but either way – really cool in an odd sorta way! 🙂

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