My Own Lil “Round Tuit”

A couple of years ago when I bought a “bare” (no-OS) HP to use ,as a base for modding with peripherals–added memory and video/sound, more storage, etc.–I fully intended one of those mods to be a much more capable (and reliable) power supply. Well, I’ve finally done so, but only because the “commodity” power supply that came with the thing finally failed. Now, to be clear, I hadn’t really expected the thing to last this long, anyway, as it was very obviously the weakest link in the box as it was built, so I ought to have replaced it much, much sooner. But still…

OK, so the truth is that I’m too much of a tightwad to have replaced it before it actually failed. But now that it has, I’ve picked up a MOR Corsair 650TX to replace the 350W piece of commodity-grade junk. No, it’s not a PC Power and Cooling tank, but it’s certainly Good Enough:

For my purposes, I particularly like the single 52A 12+V rail.

Of course, since that machine’s back in my un-AC-ed office, it’ll see use only on cooler days (or when I really need that machine’s capabilities) through the end of August. Unless I actually get that office moved downstairs before then. 🙂

One Reply to “My Own Lil “Round Tuit””

  1. Oh. Joy. Maybe motherboard, too. Maybe. We’ll just see. (If so, an upgrade from the ASUS Mobo that came in the thing seems in order. Sure, my installation of Win7 Pro might squawk a bit, but it’ll re-register (or whatever M$ is calling it nowadays). Or, I could just plop Ultimate (or Enterprise!) on the thing as an “upgrade” for the fun of it. Why not?

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