Nice to Know

Note to self: must by SquareTrade warranties on new compy and dishwasher this week

SquareTrade, the third-party warranty company, has published its experience with laptop reliability, and, no surprises to twc central users, ASUS and Toshiba came out on top in reliability.

Since 1/3 of those figures are from accidental damages and ASUS offers 1 and 2 year accidental damage protection just for buying some models (like mine :-)), that’s even better.

BTW, the only notebooks/laptops currently used at twc central are… ASUS or Toshiba. We’ve been very pleased with service on all of them.

Of course, I’m going to stress test ASUS service pretty soon now with a Windows 7 glitch. Well, since Windows 7 Home Premium came preinstalled on this lil toy, and it’s refusing to do ONE THING I REQUIRE OF IT (that is a built in feature), I’ll just have ASUS support give me the fix–just about any fix short of a repair install will do.

Of course, I’m on the cusp of a custom install of Win 7 Professional (or Ultimate), so I need to stress ASUS support before changing the preinstalled OS to what I really want on this lil compy. Still, the test cases I’ve placed before ’em so far have been dealt with handily, so this is really more just to over satisfy myself about ASUS support.

2 Replies to “Nice to Know”

    1. One thing I asked of Win7 on this lil toy compy was that it change file associations from Internet Exploder to Opera for htm and html, etc. Refused. Only options it would accept were Internet Exploder and Chrome, neither of which, for different reason, I consider to be acceptable browser choices.

      Well, I didn’t end up calling ASUS support. Instead, I drilled down to the proper registry key and fixed the issue. Nw, keep in mind: this is the very first Windows machine (in any iteration of Windows) that I’ve had any difficulty setting default applications or setting file associations. I suspect it may have something to do with ASUS’ pre-installation choices, but since I’ve not yet asked…

      Anywho, fixed now, and pretty easily at that, but I contend that, given the fact that not only all other installs of Win7 but also all other Windows installations I’ve worked on over the years have made setting file associations a snap, this was a bit off-putting.

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