Damning With Faint Praise

And that’s hyperbole. Praise, that is. Heard on a commercial between Burn Notice segments,

“…the best Twilight yet.”

Oh, *gag* That’s like saying, “Best saccharin-laden, brain-deadening vomit yet.”

4 Replies to “Damning With Faint Praise”

  1. Now, now, TWC! The brain-dead need their entertainments, too!

    (Hm. Sappy stories about the “living dead” for the “brain-dead.” There is a certain logic there. Not the sort we learned in school, though.)

    1. *sigh* Given the way Burn Notice has so quickly become formulaic pablum, I seem to have joined the ranks of the brain dead myself. *profound sigh* I had hopes–not high ones but hopes nonetheless–for the show when it first aired.

      Twilight, though, never had the sparkly promise its sparkly undead, urm, promised. *heh*

  2. I repeated your simile to my daughter. She nodded, then said “The people who are making billions from it don’t really care that it’s vomit.”

    1. Not only do they not care, but those who shell out $$ to view this toxic vomitus clearly are far, far too enstupiated to discern what it is they are scooping up and pouring into their brains.

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