In the Heat of the Night

OK, so it’s not really night here, but at 6:10p.m., it’s hot. At the local high school, which supplies NOAA readings:

Current: 97°F
Hi: 101°F
Heat Index: 111°F
Humidity: 48%

Little wonder our AC has been struggling a tad this afternoon.

No, I did not do any yard work today. I’m not that stupid. Yet. 🙂

2 Replies to “In the Heat of the Night”

  1. So what’s your point; that’s what Houston is like most of the summer except we have a higher humidity level. If the Obama administration is able to push Cap and Trade legislation through I have to fear for the future when my home A/C bill equals my mortgage payment. The A/C stays on around the clock as it is and I have no intention of returning to the “good old days” of fans and open windows.

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