Upcoming: Celebrate “Freedom from British Royalty by Celebrating Freedom from American ‘Royalty'”

From the Fairtax.org site:

The FairTax TV Show

On the day we celebrate our Declaration of Independence from British royalty we can celebrate the very idea that can give American taxpayers independence from the corrupted tax system that so benefits American royalty. Make plans now to help advance the FairTax campaign using this special 30 minute national broadcast.

At 1:30 PM on July 4th your FairTax National Victory Campaign will sponsor the first ever FairTax nationwide television program!

The full length 30 minute show will air on the Fox Business Channel across the nation.

Those featured include Neal Boortz, Newt Gingrich, Michael Reagan, Mike Huckabee, yours truly and many average Americans who have come to know and appreciate the FairTax and what it can and will do for our nation.

It is rare, almost unheard of, for a citizen financed organization to sponsor a national television program! You have every right to be proud, very proud of your achievement!

As Neal Boortz says:

“The FairTax is the biggest, most massive transfer of power from the Government to the people in the history of this country since the Declaration of Independence freed us from the King of England.”

And what better way than Independence Day for the very first FairTax nationwide television program?

We need to promote the show across the United States, to let people know about it and urge them to celebrate July 4th by learning about the FairTax—the New Declaration of Independence for these United States!

Spread the Word

There are a few ways that you can help promote the first ever national FairTax TV show:

Have an Independence Day FairTax BBQ at your house. Invite your friends, families and neighbors over for ribs, corn on the cob, watermelon and the FairTax! What could be more “apple pie” American than a celebration of our Declaration of Independence from both the British crown and the IRS! Make this the “FairTax Fourth of July”.
Post the FairTax TV show ad on your favorite websites. Click here to get the ad.
Send the link to the FairTax TV show to your friends. Click here for a one-minute promotional video about our show.
Tell the media—call your favorite talk host with the news or write a letter to your local newspaper “Letters to the Editor” page.
Suggest the TV show to your favorite local organization. Tea Party? Coffee Party? Local union? Republican and Democratic Clubs? Senior citizen organizations? Local FairTax groups?

Here is an entertaining and educational advocacy piece for the FairTax.

I’m assuming, for now, that is 1:30 Eastern time, so adjust your viewing accordingly.

9 Replies to “Upcoming: Celebrate “Freedom from British Royalty by Celebrating Freedom from American ‘Royalty'””

  1. I thought we were trying to emulate European life now, socialized health care, bankruptcy and home grown terrorists. Why wouldn’t we want royalty too?

    1. The thing is, TF, the political class and Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind already thing of themselves as royals–or at the very least as “nobility” (though they certainly have no idea how to truly act in a responsibly noble manner).

  2. came here from Autumn People.

    I don’t blog but, I am telling all of my neighbors, family and friends about this.

    I think we will host a BBQ and invite tons of folks.

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