Felipe Calderon’s Argument FOR Strict Border Control

In Calderon’s world, sauce for the goose is not sauce for the gander…

Say again, Phil? What was that? Yep. Mexico’s strict enforcement of its southern border goes far, far beyond current U.S. federal law and the Arizona law Calderon claims goes against “human rights”, and Calderon unwittingly admits as much to Wolf Blitzer.


Of course he and his lapdog, Barry “Franchesca” Soetoro, expect that the vast herd of sheeple won’t twig to their scam.

4 Replies to “Felipe Calderon’s Argument FOR Strict Border Control”

    1. Well, Rush was wrong (of course), unless he was attempting to imply that Phil Calderon was putting words in Barry’s mouth, as Señor Wences was the ventriloquist known for his famous “talking hand” and the disembodied voice-in-a-box. Barry and Phil reading from TOTUS would imply that someone else was doing the ventriloquism and Barry and Phil were the dummies… (which, come to think of it, they are, if they think they can talk such nonsense and have me not notice. When I pay any attention to them at all, that is).

  1. That is, he was reading from TOTUS during the so-called “joint press conference.” You know the one, the one where they took one question from Univision and one from a Mexican reporter, and none from anyone else.

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