As Jerry Pournelle says (at the link),
“Now the government that approves an Energy Star Certificate for a gasoline powered alarm clock will now in essence take over administering the Health Care System in the United States. Good luck, America.”
Be sure to follow the link to the NYT article from the comments at Pournelle’s site.
Oh, good grief. I’d be more shocked, but it was in the hands of union members, after all.
Exactly. JF Kennedy’s executive order that allowed government employees essentially all the activities of union “bargaining”, etc., has brought about a system whereby, as Pournelle notes, WE will be paying the exorbitant retirements of the lazy, no-good civil “service” idiots who approved an Energy Star rating for this thing, probably until we die (especially given the much better health care they’ll be able to afford as against what we will be able to obtain.)
All I hope is that the employee who approved both of these, especially the feather dusted and fly paper empowered air filter, was doing it as a joke making fun of the useless system.
Nicole, I have no doubt the feather duster simply reminded the civil “service” employee(s?) responsible simply to feather his (their?) nest(s?).
Well at least the muffler bearings on my GM truck will get me a better rate on carbon credits according to the mechanic who replaced them.
TF, that is a joke, right? 😉