A Few Reasons Why I Don’t Like Chrome

…the browser, that is. In no particular order of importance. And just a few. Making an exhaustive list would simply ruin my day.

–Google’s invasive tracking, etc. But, I’ve tried Iron–Chrome absent Google’s privacy invasion crap–and it is no better in all other aspects of browser use

–The overly-dumbed-down interface. Really. Where are all the power features?

  • Zooming is awful
  • No “fit to page”
  • “extensions” required for essential features like mouse gestures. Stupid.
  • no easy way to “granularize” (organize in depth) bookmarks–have to use the stupid Tools>Bookmark Manager or know the CTRL+SHIFT+B keystroke combo and that’s after using CTRL+D to make the bookmark first! Dumb.

Lotsa other gripes, but all along usability and customizability lines. Sure, it’s pretty fast on page loads, but having to waste a bunch of time just getting things to load almost right for viewing almost the way I prefer is enough to garner it a big thumbs down for me. It’s fine, I suppose, for Great Aunt Sadie who’s just going to click links and has no idea things could be markedly better, but I really can’t stand the piece of crap.


4 Replies to “A Few Reasons Why I Don’t Like Chrome”

  1. I liked the expando-text editing boxes. Otherwise I didn’t much care for Chrome. Everything on your list is a part of why. I haven’t looked at it since I gave it a trial, but I see from your post that it hasn’t improved.

  2. And now, Perri, the Opera 10.5 beta has been released. For now, geolocation is disabled in the public beta, but http://www.opera.com/browser/next/ has a partial list of enhancements, mostly minor, IMO, but definitely on some folks’ radar. It is faster, which is nice, but then pageload speed’s not everything.

    There are a few strange lacks in this beta, though. No menu bar. That I don’t get.

    1. Yep, AG, and a “solution” that’s pretty poorly implemented from my browser usage standards. Opera 10.5 has a quirk I’m not real happy with, though: I have not yet found a way to implement the Menu bar in the newest iteration. Sure, I can find its functions in one panel or another, or by a right-click context menu, but I can’t seem to find a way to have it where I want it with exactly the items on it I want, as in previous versions of Opera. I hope this is just a regression in the beta, because it was there, IIRC, in earlier alphas. And… the beta wasn’t available in any version but Windows when I downloaded it the other day–another strike. *sigh*

      But Chrome? Customizing the thing to do things like I want is cumbersome, klunky or kludgy all the way to impossible. Useless for my browsing.

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