4 Replies to “A “Greenie Weenie’s” Dream World”

  1. Actually, I liked this. It doesn’t portray anything that isn’t already on the environmentalist whacko’s mind, and it shows them for how anti-liberty they really are. Strangely enough I also understand that “they” like it too, because it shows the sort of enviro-utopia they think they’re working toward.

    It’s long past the point when the “sheeple” need to wake up to this sort of issue. Too many of them have been gulled into thinking that this sort of world is reasonable.

    Still, I can see a different argument as well. While Audi’s ad shows the ridiculous extremes to which political and environmental “correctness” may be taken we’ve also seen the end result of such parody becoming tamer than the reality as the left marches ever onward toward their vision of “progress”, making the rest of us little more than slaves to their egos and guilt.

    1. “…making the rest of us little more than slaves to their egos and guilt.” That’s the goal. Never mind that their “guilt” is false and their “progress” is reactionary commie/socialist twaddle.

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