New Brew

I decided to try something a tad different in my search for a decent, low-cost hard apple cider recipe. Less than $10 for 3 gallons.

–9 “cans” of frozen apple juice (cos where am I going to get cider apples this time of year?) with water to make up only 7 of the cans, for a more “apple-y” flavor.
–3 cups plain ole cane sugar
–4 sticks cinnamon, broken up
–2 cloves
–1 packet of Red Star Premier Cuvee wine yeast (started ahead of time in about 1C of warm cider)

Bring almost to boil and let it simmer a while. Cool to about 105F. Transfer to fermenting bucket (with airlock). Toss the yeast.

I’ll let it go for about a week before I sample a bit. Then, may let it go a week or two longer, depending on how that goes. Transfer to a secondary fermentation bucket and let that sit a week or so, then bottle with a little starter. If this turns out half as well as the last batch, which had a lower apple-to-water ratio, I’ll be pleased.

Fermenting it in a (well-cleaned :-)) kitty litter plastic bucket, modified with a spout near the bottom edge and an air lock. Keeping the brew at about 75-80F.

Thinking of some of this as part of a wedding present, but only some.

“[D]rink… provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance… “–The Scottish Play, somewhere in Act II, I think.


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