
Well, America’s Third World County is just about exactly as white as snow… wherever the sand trucks haven’t been (which is everywhere except the one main highway).

Went out and about to see the crazies drive. They were out. And crazy. Went about 10 miles to get groceries (well, and beer; there is NO decent beer for sale in town–seriously–and I’m behind on brewing up more *sigh* Need to start some more, and some cider, this weekend). Saw 4 trucks from the highway department–3 plowing and one sanding–headed north as we were headed south. 30 minutes later, as we were headed back north, there was no real evidence they’d been by… and here they came on their southward trek on the same span of highway.

Cleaned cars off once today–about 4″. The 30 mins we were in buying groceries, another inch piled on. Back for a few hours. Another 4-5 inches on the car we drove out for groceries.

Add this to the earlier snow this month, and this is more snow than we’ve had in one January since we moved here 15 years ago. Must be global warming.

Oh. Well. At least my wonder Woman had the day off, as the back roads were impassable or unsafe for the buses. Meant she had more time to sleep in a bit and still have extra time to work on papers for a grad class. Good on her. I spent some time under the house beefing up some insulation around pipes. Never had a problem, but I had the wraps (and bought some more insulating foam-in-a-can while we were out), so I figured why not? Found a couple of cracks/seams I could foam and pack w/fiberglass. Little snugger is nice.

4 Replies to “Snow”

  1. That was some storm, most of the mid section got slammed. We only had thunderstorms which shook the house, those loud rumblers with lots of rain. It cleared off before noon yesterday and got colder. I will check the pipes outside before the sun goes down and be glad we didn’t get snow. Stay warm and enjoy the time with your Wonderwoman.

  2. We just got a dusting this time. And, to be almost insulting, there was a truck out on our street spraying salt. When it dumped over the last month, we had not a single truck at all. Only the tracks we made ourselves in the foot plus of snow for a month. And the city is amazed they are out of money for snow removal. Apparently they are spending it when there isn’t any snow.

    Stay safe and warm. πŸ™‚

    1. Around here, in this lil burg in America’s Third World County, our “snow removal” is a guy with a plow attached to the front of his pickup. Well, and the ambulance guys who attach a plow to one of their vehicles and sort of plow their way out to the highway (badly). But that’s really about it.

      The hill leading out of our neighborhood onto a well-traveled (unplowed or sanded or salted) street? It’s snow and slush from folks who’ve made their way out. It’ll be ice by the morning. The street from there to the highway was sort of scraped (by the ambulance guys I think, badly), leaving a well-packed, slick road that’s in shade ~100% of the day. It’s become very nearly iced over now and will be packed ice by tomorrow morning. Not to worry, though. There’s a one-lane track that also goes out to the highway, through the nearby cemetery. Solid snow, so will be better driving in the a.m. *heh*

      Not concerned. I have nowhere to be until ~10:00 tomorrow a.m. Of course, that’s “down south” across the state line where the roads are ALWAYS worse after bad weather (and the drivers are even worse still).

      Enjoy your dusting. I’m counting on another day “off” w/my Wonder Woman on Monday. πŸ™‚

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