Der Führer Disses the iPad

As much as I hate to find myself in agreement with “Hitler” I simply cannot find room to disagree with this:

And the thing is, this video only scratches the surface of the stupid feature set. iPad: just the thing for thoughtless and dim-witted Apple junkies (there does exist a class of thoughful and intelligent Apple junkies *heh*) who like to waste money.

h.t. Planck’s Constant

Micro-mini-update, in an article at eWeek I found this lil gem,

Digital device expert Walt Mossberg called this “amazingly low-priced for an Apple product.”

*heh* And I’d bet dollars to donuts Apple addicts would think that’s praise, while the rest of the world would recognize the qualifier (“for an Apple product”) as acknowledgement that Apple products are generally over-priced.

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