6 Replies to “Hallelujah”

    1. Beats the heck out of the time I let a couple of my guys talk me into using a recording of the instrumentals they’d made using Army Band resources as an accompaniment for a choral group. *sigh* Was fine in rehearsals, but… came at the end of a long program and the sopranos and tenors were too tuckered to sing it in the (higher) key the guys had recorded it in. My fault really. I just failed to consider the implications of a long performance at the end of an already busy day packed with tons and tons of events. This? Just training “monk(ey?)s” to flash cards with a recording. Easier. Nice effect, though, andf may actually have gotten at least one person to SEE and register the words.

    1. Oh, perhaps the lack is in a recording of a piece of recorded music played back over a PA system. Nothing beats a live performance–not even the best of recordings, and a vidcam recording of a recording? Notsomuch musical. But ya gotta love the robes. 😉

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