
Once known as Armistice Day or Remembrance Day, we now call it Veteran’s Day. While I usually cite “In Flanders Field” on this day, today I’m eschewing that traditional notice to make note of the current scene and the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind “remembrance” of those who died recently at Ft. Hood as a contrast to the kinds of remembrances that have gone before. It seems none dare call it terrorism; none dare note the clear and unequivocal connection to clear and unequivocal teachings of Islam; and none dare call it treason.

In time of war, a man who redefined his identity (he called himself Palestinian, though he was born in Virginia), prayed with a jihadist cleric, complained and preached to acquaintances, and may have contacted terrorists, shoots several dozen people, most of them servicemen and -women, and our commentariat wonders what is going on.

No, the politically correct, multi-culti response from the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind is to call what happened a ‘tragedy” and to downplay or completely deny its connection to The Cult of Hate while fearing a (reasonable) backlash against Islam.

Once again:

Those who commit horrific acts of savagery and claim they do it to advance the cause of Christ are liars and not at all Christian, because their very acts contradict both the Nazarene’s life and His teachings.

OTOH, Those who commit horrific acts of savagery and claim they do it to advance the cause of Mohamed are clearly following the example and teachings of The Butcher of Medina, whose first “great victory” was won over the bodies of 900 men of the Ban Quraysa Jews of Yathrib (now known as Medina) who he gulled with a lying offer of truce into the massacre he had planned, followed by the pillage of the Ban Quraysa Jews’ goods and the rape and enslavement of their families.

Those who follow the example of this first “great victory” and all the other subsequent acts of savagery, betrayal, perversion and other evil committed by Mohamed (the Butcher of Medina), can lay claim to being genuine, true, honest and forthright moderate (mainstream) Muslims, just like Nidal Hasan, the Butcher of Ft Hood.

Federal law-enforcement sources have told the British press (which is where one has to go to get news about Islamist terrorism in America) that Hasan came to the FBI’s attention early this year when a blogger identifying himself as “Nidal Hasan” — a name bearing a striking resemblance to “Nidal Hasan” — posted odes to suicide bombers on the Internet.

But our “commentariat”–the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind–would have us not notice these simple things, and so they spit upon those killed at Ft Hood.

Great way to observe Veterans Day, eh?

6 Replies to “11/11/11”

  1. I’d much rather remember the noble sacrifice of our veterans – both living and dead – than give homage to a murdering terrorist. Nevertheless, it seems necessary to expose the “watchdogs” in the press for what they are – anti liberty.

    1. Perri, this was no homage. I guess you could call it (electronic) “ink” though–“mindspace” as it were.

      *sigh* The whole thing, especially the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind’s mindless echoing of The 0!’s “Let’s not rush to judgement” meme, just struck me as so utterly disrespectful, especially in contrast to the lives lost and lives paid to secure the liberties the Hivemind and our political masters seem so eager to destroy.

  2. David,

    I didn’t mean to imply that your post was a homage to that murderer. I was referring to the media’s way of treating these sub-human creatures.

    I’m sorry that I didn’t make that more clear. I am especially sorry if I came across as critical of your motives in posting this. That was definitely not my intent.

    1. Well, I suppose my sensitivity was largely due to my own ambivalence about the post. I do try to stay ahead of despair when viewing what has become of the republic, but on some days it’s more difficult than on others.

    1. And with “revisionist historians” there will be no history worth learning from.


      Of course, the lesson of history is that the “winners” in whatever period write the record to suit themselves. But whether it’s an attempt by later Egyptian dynasties to erase the record of the Hyksos (failed, attempt, BTW) or Union historians’ attempts to whitewash Mr. Lincoln’s War and its effective destruction of the republic it was supposedly fought to preserve (the old adage, “The Constitution died at Appomattox” is just a slight exaggeration–or a prophecy *sigh*), facts are stubborn things and eventually at least some of the truth will out.

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