All Downhill from Here…

Now that The 0! is hitting roadblock after roadblock in enacting his agenda to remake America as a third world banana republic–heck, even Repugnican’t congresscritters are taking a hint from a million+ Tea Party protestors and looking at conservatism as a viable option for the first time!–his White Café-au-Lait (grande, decaf-with-a-twist!) House theme song is probably

4 Replies to “All Downhill from Here…”

    1. You know, I have this recurring dream… I’m on some yakety pundit’s show with a stack of papers 2′ high–all certified copies of The 0!’s Kenyan BC and his Indonesian passport. My offer to The 0! is to leave the country before I distribute them to every news outlet in the country…

      Joseph, Mary and Jesus fleeing to Egypt wouldn’t be a patch on The 0!’s flight to France…

      But that’s the dream. (Oh, in some, he’s ditched Crazy Uncle Joe and talked Sarah Palin into coming on board as his Veep as a “reconciliation” move… right before he’s hit between the eyes with a 2′ stack of certified copies of Kenyan BCs and Indonesian passports… And… SP serves out juuust a coupla days under 2 years of his 1st term, working like a turk to undo all his treasonous crap… But I’m sure the SP element that creeps in from time to time is just because I need something better to look at in my dream state than his jug ears, cos I’d sure not wish finishing his first term out on anyone who doesn’t deserve to eat his leftover toxic waste. Not that whoever succeeds him in 2013 will have it easy. *sigh* This guy makes me nostalgic for Dhimmi Kahtah.)

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