The 0! Flunks His Second 100 Days

CNN Report Card (CNN!?!)


Yeh, I know the “average” says C-, but look at the F/D mark. And this is The Obamassiah, folks! The One. The “walks-on-water” libtard socialist/commie answer to all that ails us. His numbers–from a sold-out-to-The-0!-CNN report can garner him no better than a C- (with even worse scores in general than on the economy). That’s flunking out for Mr. Butter-wouldn’t-melt-in-his-mouth Barry Soetoro.


I have a sneaking feeling there are more reasons than simply his desire to cover up his citizenship status behind hiding his transcripts/records at Occidental and Columbia and Harvard. If he fades this quickly when faced with anything like work (WORK?!?!?–Maynard G. Krebs [Bob Denver]) today, I can just imagine his grades in those institutions. Probably make Jean Fraud Kerry (whose grades in college were even poorer than Bush II’s and whose performance in elective office is even a better track record than The 0!’s) look like a genius.

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