
…or not.

So, knowing full well that M$ had a BUNCH of “out of cycle” patches in the channel, I left the Win7 “side” of this computer on last night and… as expected, M$ rudely rebooted it after updating with a humongous number of patches, most designed to patch the on-cyle patches released earlier this month.

Oh. Well. I’m running the Win7 release candidate so I can be useful to early-adopters and new computer buyers this fall. It’s not bad, but since it is a test release, I’m allowing M$ to update it “at will” instead of taking a more conservative approach and choosing my own time to update, and which updates to allow.

So far, no updates have introduced unbearable problems, but M$’s record there isn’t all roses, as this out-of-cycle buncha updates demonstrate.

One Reply to “M$–Gottalove’em…”

  1. Oops. May need to retract, “So far, no updates have introduced unbearable problems” cos now Win7 seems to shut down w/o notice at unpredictable moments. Also had a weird freeze–first time evah w/Win7–today. This copy’s scheduled to begin shutdowns every two hours, sometime in April 2010, so that’s not it (and no, my clock’s not off).

    Maybe the RTM code, which M$ has said I can install in a couple of weeks, will fix these things. Meanwhile, I’ll continue to use this off and on just as though I were a normal (or mostly normal; I do “normal” in emulation mode 🙂 ) user.

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