h.t. Larry Bernard
Now, no one with half the brains of a head of cabbage expected The 0! to keep his word given on the campaign trail (which left him plenty of folks–dead and alive and voting multiple times–to win the election), but still it’s important to keep pointing the finger and saying, “Nanny-nanny-boo-boo” at every revealed lie, isn’t it? An excerpt from, “I Was a High-Tech Sweatshop Worker for the Obama Campaign” to whet your appetite:
Obama sold the ideas of hope and change to America’s desperate working and lower-middle classes. But it was only a campaign tactic. The Democrats continue to enable and reward the same incompetence, corruption, and corporate welfare that characterized the Bush administration. A stimulus check of $2000 to every American without regard to age, income, or assets would have been less expensive (and probably more effective) than the Bush-Obama bailouts. Give money to the original owners—the taxpayers—and send those corporate losers to the back of the line.
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Democrats continue to enable and reward the same incompetence, corruption, and corporate welfare..heck wer’e just being too insensitive!.ha