Expiring Minds Just Wanna Know

What’s “A sushi cooking show”? I mean, after all, if you cook sushi, it’s not sushi, right? *heh*

4 Replies to “Expiring Minds Just Wanna Know”

  1. Actually, there are some sushi items which ARE cooked – tamago, the sweet omelet; unagi; inari; and several others…

    … And now I’m craving sushi, and we have no sushi bar near us! Grrrrrrrr….

    1. Sure, Kat, if you mean Western Sushi there are a number of simply cooked items… (Of course, I guess traditional Japanese “sushi” rice–using rice, rice vinegar, sugar, salt, and maybe kombu and sake–involves some cooking, but really… ;-))

      But, frankly, you can have the sashimi (raw fish ). In America’s third world county we call that “bait”. 🙂

  2. A “sushi cooking show” is the creation of an uneducated TV producer serving an uneducated audience. I wish them both all the best…

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