Congress Should Lead by Example

Speaking of irresponsible, greedy businessmen whose greed and incompetence have been instrumental in causing the recession, Senator Charles Grassley, R-IA, has infamously said,

“They need to do one of two things. The Japanese do it best. You either apologize, or you commit suicide.”

I agree wholeheartedly, Senator Grassley. Now, will you and your fellow congresscritters simply lead by example? Show ’em how it’s done! After all, it is YOU and your ilk–Dhimmicraps and wannabe Dhimmicrap Repugnican’ts–who were PRIMARILY responsible for causing this recession. I’d buy a ticket to watch you and your fellow congresscritters commit sepuku. Heck, I’d buy a few tickets and hand ’em out to local pols, pour encourager les autres, as it were.

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, Democrat=Socialist, The World According to Carl, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

4 Replies to “Congress Should Lead by Example”

    1. *heh* Absent a committment by our congresscritters to do what is right, perhaps we do need another Constitutional Convention, but this time the Bill of Rights should begin with “National Potomoc Day” authorizing the electorate to descend upon Congress (and the Executive and the Judicial branches–aw, go on and throw in all the bureaucrappies they spawn) and dunk ’em ALL in the Potomoc. With concrete overcoats. (Would that be enough “assistance” for you? :-))

      Beer n brats optional.

      Sure, it’s just a dream, but a guy can still dream can’t he? *heh*

      (Yeh, until some humorless HS goon reads this and thinks I’m some sort of security threat. *feh*)

  1. They could do it on April 15th as a token of good faith that future tax dollars would not be wasted as they have been. We could start all over, making sure the rotting bodies of those who spent without regard for those who paid served as a smelly reminder to future tax and spenders.

    1. “…making sure the rotting bodies of those who spent without regard for those who paid served as a smelly reminder to future tax and spenders”

      Nah, use the toxic waste to kill kudzu.

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