“At least half the sense God gave a head of cabbage…”

Well, all the inhabitants of twc central who’re qualified to vote have voted*. If you have at least half the sense God gave a head of cabbage, then I encourage you to go vote, because anyone with more intelligence than a vegetable, more foresight than a rock, will vote for Palin and McWhatsisname, and very likely vote against the commie wannabes running for Congress and state and local offices as well.

I voted for three Democrats who’ve proven themselves in the past to be seriously OUT of step with the Dhimmicrappic Party–one for State office and two locals. The rest were either real or country club Republicans (and one genuine Repugnican’t who was the lesser devil among a field of really bad options). Voted for two State initiatives and against all the others (including one designed to lift a state-imposed limit on gambling debts to aid in financing public schools. Seems that thinking things through isn’t a strong suit for the folks who proposed that one).

Before you vote, READ THIS. Seriously, folks, if you know someone who’s too stupid to vote, take ’em to Dairy Queen and tell ’em to vote by choosing their favorite Dilly Bar.

*”qualified to vote”–frankly, our dogs and cats here at twc central are more mentally and morally qualified to vote than this piece of dreck and others of her ilk whose idea of good governance involves stealing from some to enable sloth in others.

Trackposted to , Right Truth, The World According to Carl, The Pink Flamingo, , Cao’s Blog, Big Dog’s Weblog, nn&v, CORSARI D’ITALIA, A Newt One, Conservative Cat, Right Voices, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

One Reply to ““At least half the sense God gave a head of cabbage…””

  1. I’m voting today.

    For Sarah Palin.

    There’s only one Democrat running in any races out here that I’m even thinking about voting for, and that’s the State Auditor. Brian Sontag has done well in that job and has had to fight against the entrenched bureaucracy (mostly Democrats) for years and has always been willing to do so.

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